
  • 网络Retail Management;Retail Marketing Management
  1. XX连锁零售业物流管理信息化研究

    The Research on the Informationization of Logistics Management in XX Retail Chain Trade

  2. 基于VMI的零售业库存管理系统设计

    Design of Retail Stock Management System Based on VMI

  3. 包括YZ集团曲阜店库存管理问题的分析以及零售业库存管理问题分析等。

    And retail inventory management problem analysis .

  4. 我国药品零售业的管理对策探讨

    Discussion on the Management of Chinese Pharmaceutical Retail Commerce

  5. 武汉零售业供应商管理研究

    A Research on the SRM of Wuhan Retail Industry

  6. 就商品流通企业而言,财务管理的线索又根据经营业务的性质分为批发交易业财务管理和零售业财务管理。

    As far as the commodity circulation enterprise concerned the finance management clew are divided to wholesale trade finance management and retail trade finance management .

  7. 文章的研究成果是零售业服务管理绩效评价指标体系,得出了进行服务管理绩效评价可以有效地提升我国零售业产业绩效。

    The result is the index system of performance assessment of service management for retailing . The conclusion is service management performance assessment can improve the industry performance .

  8. 研究零售业客户管理管理的主要内容,包括客户需求与购买行为研究,客户终身价值研究,如何发展和获取新客户,如何实现交叉销售,零售业客户满意度、客户忠诚度及客户忠诚方案研究等。

    Customer needs and shopping behavior ; the life time value of the customer ; how to acquire new customers , how to carry out crossing sale in retailing , the customer satisfaction and loyalty , etc.

  9. 第五章零售业客户关系管理的模型实施。包括聚类技术及其在CRM中的应用、客户价值矩阵模型实施和RFM客户分类的指标和方法。

    The fifth chapter introduces the implementation of model for customer relationship management in retail , including clustering technology and its application in CRM , the implementation of matrix model of customer value and RFM indicators and methods for customer classification .

  10. 我国零售业供应链管理体系的构建策略研究

    Research on Constructive Strategies of Supply Chain Management System in China Retailing

  11. 基于决策支持的零售业客户关系管理研究

    Research of the Retail Trade CRM Based on DSS

  12. 研究并提出零售业客户关系管理的系统架构;

    The construction of CRM system in retailing ;

  13. 论我国药品零售业连锁经营管理的法规建设

    Discussion on the Laws and Regulations Construction in the Management of Retail Pharmacy Chain

  14. 继而针对特殊问题特殊研究,结合目前税收工作实际,提出对零售业税收风险管理的对策。

    Then , for the special study of special problems , the combined tax the actual retail tax risk management countermeasures .

  15. 近年来大型商场突发、危急、灾难等危机事件频频发生,给零售业的经营管理带来极大挑战。

    Great Challenges was brought to the management of retail industry , with critical incidents like emergency , calamity has happened more frequently in recent years .

  16. 第四章研究了我国零售业客户关系管理的数据挖掘算法和模型分析。包括数据挖掘概述和客户细分模型。

    The fourth chapter introduces data mining algorithms and model analysis for customer relationship management in retail , including overview of data mining and customer segmentation model .

  17. 本文同时还对零售业客户关系管理的使能技术进行了整理和研究,明确了数据仓库、数据挖掘、互联网技术对实施KYSC客户关系管理的重要性。

    Also , I collect and research the enable technique of retail trade CRM , definitude the importance of data warehouse , data mining and internet technology for CRM .

  18. 在市场经济条件下,行业内企业间的竞争逐渐演化为供应链与供应链间的竞争,零售业供应链管理的研究越来越受重视。

    In the market economy , competition among enterprises in the industry gradually evolved into the supply chain and supply chain competition , the retail supply chain management are paid more attention to research .

  19. 另一方面,应该制定科学合理的流通产业政策,进一步深化商业企业的产权制度改革,大力培育商业集团,并以国际上通行的规则和惯例加强对零售业的宏观管理。

    On the other hand , scientific and reasonable policies of circulation industry should be formulated to further deepen the reform of property right of commercial enterprises , foster commercial groups and strengthen the macroscopic management according to international usual rules and practices .

  20. 我们应完善现行的法规,增加有关跨地域连锁经营、药品电子商务等方面的法规,形成药品零售业连锁经营管理的法规体系。

    It is important to perfect the current law and rules , add rules of chain trans-management , chain affiliation , merger , association , cooperation , drug electronic commerce , etc , and to form the system of chain management rules for Chinese pharmaceutical retail commerce .

  21. 我国零售业的顾客体验管理研究

    The Research on Consumer Experience Management of Our Country 's Retail Trade

  22. 零售业供应链物流管理初探

    The search of retail trade supplies chain & physical distribution of management

  23. 有远见的零售商通过领导供应链,达成供应链目标。第四章是对我国零售业的供应链管理给出对策。

    And these levels can be achieved by retail business by supply chain management .

  24. 研究了钟表零售业维修配件库存管理与控制优化方法。

    Studied the clock glasses retail trade to maintain the accessories stock management and control excellent turn a method .

  25. 由此,对零售业中有关收益管理和供应链管理问题的研究日益受到人们的重视。

    Thus , the research on revenue management and supply chain management in retail practice is more and more concerned by people .

  26. 第四部分分析了基于价值体系的零售业的价值链管理的方法,包括零售业价值链分析、价值体系分析和价值链的管理方法。

    The fourth part analyzed value system and value chain management of retailing industry including value system analysis and value chain analysis .

  27. 本文通过对零售业供应链物流管理内涵的分析,探讨了我国家电零售企业构建物流运作模式的思路。

    This article through supplies the chain physical distribution management connotation to the retail trade the analysis , has discussed Our country Electrical appliances Retail sales Enterprise construction physical distribution operation pattern mentality .

  28. 文章从总体上提出了大型连锁零售业建设供应链管理信息系统的初步构想,并对该系统的功能和结构方面进行了尝试性的探索与研究。

    And it on the whole brings forward the idea that large-scale chain retailing construct supply chain management information system and does some tentative exploration and research of the structure and function of system .

  29. 目前,中国零售业的供应链管理存在观念落后、物流效率低下、支撑技术应用不足等问题。

    At present , there exist some problems including that concept drops behind , logistics efficiency is low and supporting technology is not enough applied in the practice , in the supply chain management of Chinese retailing industry .

  30. 第二章是对零售业的客户关系管理进行理论分析,包括零售业和客户价值理论分析、客户关系管理的溯源和概念、企业核心竞争力的分析。

    The second chapter is theoretical analysis for customer relationship management for retail , including theoretical analysis of retail and customer value , the traceability and concepts of customer relationship management , the analysis of core competitiveness of enterprises and business environment for retail .