
línɡ kù cún
  • Zero inventory;zero stock
  1. 库存控制方法主要有ABC分类控制法、经济订货批量、定量定货、定期定货、准时制和零库存等。

    Inventory control method has ABC , economic order batch , quantitative order , time order and zero stock , etc.

  2. 零库存是企业管理追求的一种理想状态。

    Zero stock is an ideal state for enterprise management .

  3. 基于Hopfield算法的电子商务供应链中零库存的研究

    A Zero-stockpile Research in Supply Chains of Business Commerce Based on Hopfield Arithmetic

  4. VMI在零库存管理应用中的研究

    Application of VMI in " Zero Inventory " Management

  5. 二是它体现了零库存和JIT准时制的策略思想。

    The other is that it embodies the ideas of zero-inventory technology and Just-In-Time ( JIT ) .

  6. 通过JIT管理,按订单采购、按订单制造、按订单配送是现代企业物流管理的全新模式、是企业物流实现零库存、零空间及零运营资本方案的前提条件。

    It is the new mode for the logistics management through JIT management according to the order , production , allocation .

  7. 现代库存管理不仅仅是对仓储物资的管理,JIT生产方式认为生产过程中的一切浪费都属于库存的范畴,应当消除一切浪费,追求零库存。

    Modern inventory management should not only supervise stock in the storage , but also the waste in the process of production that JIT believes .

  8. B2C电子商务模式虽然具有营销环节少、零库存、基础设施建设费用少等优势,但是由于商品价格、物流成本等原因的制约,使得其盈利出现复杂的局面。

    There is a complicated situation foe the profit of B2C e-commerce model because of the limitation of the price of products , logistic cost and other elements , though this model has the following advantages , such as less marketing steps , zero storage , less infrastructure cost .

  9. tazreen火灾更应归咎为过分关注快速时尚、零库存管理和低价格的全球生产体系。

    The fire at tazreen is the fault more widely of a global production system dominated by the concerns of fast fashion , just-in-time inventory management and low prices .

  10. 我们可能很快就会迎来胡萝卜零库存的时代。

    The era of just-in-time carrots could soon be upon us .

  11. 从现代化管理角度探讨医院器材零库存

    Discussion of null-stock for materials in hospital from modern management view

  12. 零库存理论在施工设备材料管理中的应用

    Application of Zero-inventory Theory in Management of Construction Equipment and Materials

  13. 服装业原材料订货零库存方案研究

    Study on zero - inventory of raw material of apparel enterprises

  14. 基于区域性的医院药品零库存管理模式的研究

    Research on Model of Medicine JIT Management Based on Hospitals in District

  15. 我院中草药零库存实施的实践与体会

    Practice of " zero stock " of chinese medicinal herbs

  16. 企业零库存管理策略研究

    Study on the Management Strategy of Zero Stock in Enterprises

  17. 浅谈企业存货管理中的零库存管理

    Talking about " Zero Inventory " Management in Enterprises ' Inventory Control

  18. 运用零库存订货法降低我院中成药库库存成本

    Lowering Inventory Cost of Chinese Patent Drugs by Means of Zero-Inventory-Ordering System

  19. 医学院校实验耗材零库存管理方法探究

    Exploration on Zero Inventory Management Methods in Medical Academy Experiment Expendables Storehouse

  20. 零库存管理理论在制造企业中的应用

    Application of Zero inventory Control Theory in Manufacturing Enterprises

  21. 准时制采购的目的是零库存。一下下同恩!

    The goal of just-in-time purchasing is zero inventory .

  22. 网络市场销售下物流配送的零库存控制

    Zero Inventory Control of Logistics Distribution in Network Market

  23. 零库存思想在客车企业的思考

    Thinking about the Zero Stock Idea in Bus Enterprise

  24. 目的总结我院药库实施零库存的经验。

    AMI To summarize experience of null stock in our hospital drug storehouse .

  25. 方法对我院药库实施零库存的情况进行分析。

    METHODS The situation of null stock in our hospital drug storehouse were analysed .

  26. 电子商务供应链中零库存的研究

    Zero Inventory in E - Business Supply Chain

  27. 医院药库实施零库存的可能性探讨

    Discussion on Null Stock in Hospital Drug Storehouse

  28. 目的:探讨医院药库实施零库存的可能性。

    OBJECTIVE : To discuss the possibility of null stock in hospital drug storehouse .

  29. 零库存是库存状态为零的理想阶段。

    Zero inventory is the ideal state in which phase the inventory is zero .

  30. 浅谈物流配送下的零库存控制

    Discussing Zero Inventory Control Under Logistic Delivery