- zero probability

In financial mathematics , a series of stock prices is regarded as a sample path of stochastic process . Thus the realization of these stock prices is only an event with zero probability .
But a real key in looking at these plots is where we , in fact , did go through zero and have this zero probability density .
Zero-Probabilities of Language Model in Translations of Chinese Spellings to Characters
It also tells us something else : by seeking insurance against a collapse of the euro , the Bundesbank tells us it no longer regards the demise of the euro as a Zero-Probability event .
Finally , conclusions are drawn as follows : the combination of necessary penalty to supervisors and operators with the fair distribution of safety benefits can realize the zero-defect of operational violation , so that the violation behavior can be completely avoided .
The watermark can be detected with zero error probability even if the quality of watermarked image is as poor as 26 dB in PSNR after corrupted by additive Gaussian noise .
Criteria Analysis of Warhead Fragment of Zero Casualty Probability
For simplicity , assume the assets could be worth $ 20m or zero with equal probability .
Channel capacity in information theory is used to analysis how many characters can be embedded in a certain size image on the base of zero error probability .
The analysis to the safe distance and the safe height for explosion of warhead both desire to know the criteria of warhead fragment of zero casualty probability .
The research results show that if the probability of every tenderer being irrational is positive , no matter how small the probability is , the cooperative will be equilibrium in finite repeat games between two tenderers if the number of repeat games is large enough . 5 .
The Expression among Three Hitting Zero Level Probabilities
The structure of the differential correspondence between round functions whose differential probability is nonzero is given .
The high-gain parameter is appropriately chosen to make the zero solution of the closed-loop system globally asymptotically stable in probability , and regulate the output to the origin almost surely .
The distribution of the number of items detected as defective one in a sample from a population in which the rate of defective items is known is a bivariate binomial-binomial distribution , when the detection is errorneous with nonzero probability .