
línɡ zēnɡ zhǎnɡ
  • zero growth
  1. 宝洁(ProctorGamble)预计,由于强势美元的影响,2015年的利润将会出现零增长。

    Proctor Gamble forecasts zero growth in 2015 because of the strong dollar .

  2. 秦皇岛市工业企业需水量零增长预期分析

    Estimations of Industrial Water Demand and Its Zero Growth in Qinhuangdao

  3. 若不是库存增加,投资几乎为零增长。库存增加为GDP增长率贡献了0.6个百分点。

    Investment would also have been almost flat if not for an inventory build-up that added 0.6 percentage points to growth .

  4. 费夫称,如果全球国内生产总值(GDP)增长预期进一步下调,那么今年全球石油需求可能会出现零增长。

    Mr Fyfe said that the world could see zero oil demand growth this year if there were further downgrades to global gross domestic product growth estimates .

  5. 意大利第二季度GDP负增长,法国及西班牙虽然稍强,但是欧元区大部分国家第二季度经济都接近零增长。

    Italys GDP fell in the second quarter , and although growth has held up better in France and Spain , the growth in the euro area as a whole was close to zero in the quarter .

  6. IDC称,与之相对比,老技术将会面临零增长,接近衰退,到明年下半年将会完全转向衰退。

    By contrast , older technologies will face a no-growth near recession , according to IDC , and will shift fully into recession by the second half of next year .

  7. 日渐好转的市场情绪与各国际机构的持续悲观论调形成反差。譬如,国际货币基金组织(IMF)仍然预计,发达经济体今年只能实现微幅增长或零增长,2010年将出现微弱复苏。

    The improving mood contrasts with the persistent gloom among international organisations , such as the International Monetary Fund , which continues to expect little or no growth among advanced economies this year , followed by a weak recovery in 2010 .

  8. 5a间没有幼树的直径生长为零增长或负增长,但约有9%的个体的高度生长为零增长或负增长。

    No saplings showed zero or negative growth in diameter in the 5 year period , but about 9 % of the individuals measured showed zero or negative growth in height .

  9. 测树器测得立木5a的年平均直径生长量为0.074cm,5年期间测得有17.6%的个体直径为零增长或负增长。

    Dendrometer measurement showed a mean annual diameter growth of 0.074cm ( increment percentage 0.57 % ) in a 5 year period , with 17.6 % of the individuals measured with dendrometers presenting zero or negative growth during this period .

  10. 人口零增长城市系统人口动力学理论模型

    A Theoretical Population Dynamic Model of Urban System with Zero Population Growth

  11. 适用于大米生产的耕地零增长。

    Almost zero growth in land suitable for rice production .

  12. 我国水资源持续开发的零增长模式初探

    Zero increase mode for water resources sustainable development in China

  13. 而事实上,该年意大利出现零增长。

    In fact , Italy had zero growth that year .

  14. 在过去的20年中北京达到了经济以两位数字快速增长和用水零增长的双赢结果,这一结果产生的原因与北京市经济结构调整有着直接的联系。

    The results have direct relation with the adjustment of economic structure .

  15. 2013年第二季度曾经增长0.6%的法国经济出现了零增长。

    After expanding 0.6 % in Q2 2013 , France recorded zero growth .

  16. 今年的市场可能是零增长。

    We 're likely to see zero growth in the market this year .

  17. 经济在今年的第一季度中显示出零增长。

    The economy showed zero growth in the first quarter of this year .

  18. 零增长理论与图书馆阅览室藏书剔旧

    " Zero-growth " Theory and Elimination the Old Books of Reading Room in Libraries

  19. 零增长理论研究

    Study on the Zero - growth Theory

  20. 论高校数字图书馆存储空间的零增长

    Discussion on the " Zero " Increase of the Storage Space in University Digital Library

  21. 我根本不同意下列观点:我们可以满足于一个零增长的未来。

    I just do not buy the argument that we can enjoy a Zero-growth future .

  22. 空间视角下的洛伦茨曲线、可持续发展观与零增长理论

    Lorenz Curve , Sustainable Development Concept and Zero Growth Theory in the Perspective of Space

  23. 有预测说,许多小型开放式的经济体,会出现零增长和负增长。

    It is estimated that many small open economies will see zero or negative growth .

  24. 目标是实现人口的零增长。

    The goal is zero population growth .

  25. 工业用水零增长的条件分析&发达国家的经验

    The Linkage between Industrial Water Use Decrease and Industrial Structural Upgrade & Experience of Developed Countries

  26. 藏书零增长理论在过期期刊管理中的应用

    The Application of Zero-growth Theory of Library Collection in the Management of Back Number of Periodicals

  27. 俄罗斯央行预测明年经济零增长——除非制裁解除。

    Russia 's central bank is predicting zero economic growth next year unless sanctions are lifted .

  28. 推进城市化,实现生态环境退化速率的零增长

    Push on the urbanization and realize " zero increase " of deterioration velocity in ecosystem environment deterioration velocity

  29. 报告还指出,中国应该在2040年实现能源消耗速率的“零增长”,在2050年实现生态环境退化速率的“零增长”。

    The report also says China should achieve zero energy consumption growth in2040 and zero environmental degradation growth in2050 .

  30. 除了苹果,其它四个品牌的市场份额较上一季度要不就是零增长,要不是负增长。

    Except apple , market shares of the other four brands remained unchanged or dropped from the previous quarter .