
línɡ jù lí
  • zero distance
  1. 其二,超越了空间的零距离情感;

    Second , the zero distance emotion surpasses the space .

  2. 零距离感受第五届珠海航展

    Zero Distance With the 5th International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition

  3. 零距离接触零X

    Get in Touch with ' ling X ' in Zero-distance

  4. 零距离和X距离

    Distance Zero and Distance X

  5. 一种适用于多频CW雷达的零距离标校新算法

    A New Algorithm for Calibration of Zero Range in Multiple Frequency CW Radar

  6. 从学科个性谈视觉传达设计人才的培养&与大师零距离对话的感悟基于零点指向技术抑制星载SAR距离模糊算法

    On the Development of Visual Art Designers from Scientific Personality ; Suppression of Range Ambiguity Algorithm in Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar System Based on Null Steering Techniques

  7. 同时,加入WTO后中国传媒开始与国际传媒零距离接触,在境外巨大的资本冲击和市场洪流面前,中国传媒产业的出路何在?

    At the same time , with China 's entry into WTO , Chinese media entities have to get in close touch with international media groups . Facing the fierce capital and market competition , where is media industry 's way out in the future ?

  8. 用FORTRAN语言编写了改进的T矩阵计算程序,并计算了零距离时卷云中非球形冰晶粒子系的散射特性,将计算结果与文献数据进行比对,证明对T矩阵方法的改进是成功的。

    Program of the improved T-matrix method was compiled using FORTRAN language . Scattering parameters of ice crystals in cirrus was calculated . The computation results were compared with that of reference and proved that the improvement for T-matrix method is successful .

  9. 想零距离接触机器人吗?

    Robot makes life so cool , I love it so much !

  10. 对门诊药房零距离药学服务模式满意度的调查分析

    Analysis of patient ′ s satisfaction on pharmaceutical service of outpatient dispensary

  11. 与法国签证官零距离交流

    Zero-Distance Contact in Air What the French Visa Officials Have to Say

  12. 触摸罗丹&与大师雕塑零距离对话

    Feeling Luo Dan - A close up dialogue with the Sculptures of Master

  13. 我们的承诺就是为了给您创造更多价值,使我们之间保持零距离。

    Create much more value and shorten distance between customer and our company .

  14. 雕塑·景观&公众零距离

    Sculpture & Landscape : No Distance From the Public

  15. 立足实践与市场零距离

    Base Our Education On Practice And Make A Zero-distance Contact With The Market

  16. 南京零距离,就在你身边!

    NanJing zero distance , just near you !

  17. 与明星零距离接触,机会难得,名额有限,先到先得!

    With the stars up close , a rare opportunity , first served basis !

  18. 零距离追踪长源距变密度测井

    Track to Zero distance The Long Spacing VDL

  19. 上海零距离的核心业务即为高档豪华车型的包车业务。

    Shanghai Zero 's core business is high-end luxury models of the car business .

  20. 敞开式的设计,让你在水疗的过程中还能与阳光和美景来个零距离的接触。

    Embrace the sunshine and beauty of nature in the open space of the spa .

  21. 零距离沟通,全方位服务。

    Zero-Distance Communication , All-round Services .

  22. 使人与人之间的沟通变得越来越简便,越来越零距离。

    It make interpersonal communication becoming more and more convenient , or " zero distance " .

  23. 小型压实机及其动态特性零距离、无噪声的自行式静压桩机在基坑围护工程中的运用

    Zero-Distance and Non-Noise Self Moving Static Pressure Pile Driver Applied to Foundation Pit Excavation Support Engineering

  24. 高等职业教育突出技能的培养,强调学校与企业的零距离对接。

    Higher vocational education focuses on skill development and emphasizes close docking of schools and businesses .

  25. 感受零距离

    Feeling " Zero Space "

  26. 零距离接触谷歌。

    Access to Google proper .

  27. 与比尔·盖茨零距离接触

    Close Contact with Bill Gates

  28. 作为职业教育人,我们希望培养出的学生能够“零距离”就业。

    As vocational education , we want to train the students to " zero distance " employment .

  29. 零距离追踪

    Track to Zero distance

  30. 零距离不来梅

    Zero in on Bremen