
líng pèi jiàn
  • Spare parts;installation kit
零配件[líng pèi jiàn]
  1. 该公司为全国汽车零配件市场提供各种零配件和休闲旅游车产品。

    The company serves the national automotive aftermarket with a broad range of accessory and recreational-vehicle products .

  2. 对X汽车零配件公司物流系统再造的研究

    Research on Logistics System Redesign for an Automotive Components Company

  3. 所有金属零件之加工制造及CNCM/C代客户加工各类零配件。

    Machining of metal parts and other parts by the CNC machine and M / C.

  4. 几家亚洲零配件供应商昨日对苹果(Apple)此前作出的一项指控做出了回应。苹果指控称,这些亚洲供应商向一位前苹果采购主管支付了回扣以换取业务。

    Asian component suppliers yesterday responded to allegations that they paid kickbacks to a former Apple procurement executive in return for business .

  5. PC键盘数据输入,方便快捷,顺应时代变迁,零配件更换容易;

    Data input by PC keyboard , quick and easy , meet the high demand of society , key parts are easy to replace ;

  6. 浅议汽车零配件电子目录EPC集成软件机架(及零件),铁道或有轨电车轨道机车或车辆用

    Discussion for auto parts EPC integration software frame ( and parts thereof ) for railway or tramway locomotives or rolling-stock

  7. 分析了我国汽车零配件产业的现状,从信息技术的角度提出了汽车零部件产业物流的基本模式,并提出了基于Internet技术的物流条码系统解决方案。

    The paper analyzes the present situation of China automobile parts industry , in the light of information technology , it puts forward the basic logistics mode of the industry and logistics barcode system solution based on Internet .

  8. 但这需要很多昂贵的来自欧美高级供应商的零配件,例如罗伯特.博世(RobertBosch)和德尔福(Delphi)。

    But this requires a lot of costly components from sophisticated European and US suppliers , such as Robert Bosch and Delphi .

  9. S企业是由一家美国著名汽车零配件制造企业TEN公司在中国投资的外商投资企业,主要生产汽车排气系统和减振器系统产品。

    S Enterprise is a foreign-invested enterprises invested by the TEN enterprises which is a famous American Auto Parts manufacturing enterprise . S Enterprise mainly makes products of automotive exhaust systems and shock absorber system products .

  10. Z公司是一家跨国集团在济南设立的独资分公司,主要从事循环球式转向机的开发、生产、销售、维修等业务,是中国重要的一家商用车零配件提供商。

    Z Company is a wholly foreign owned company , which develops , produces , sales and repairs recirculation-ball steering gears for commercial vehicles , acting as a leading company .

  11. 当苹果于2007年推出iPhone时,三星成为该手机关键零配件的主要供应商,包括闪存芯片、应用处理器和显示屏。

    When the iPhone was launched in 2007 , Samsung ended up as its main supplier of key parts , including flash memory chips , application processors and display panels .

  12. 本文围绕广西区科技厅攻关项目汽车关键零配件CAD/CAM模具设计和制造技术的开发进行了系统、深入的研究。

    This thesis is concerned mainly on the project of " Development on CAD / CAM mould design and manufacture technology of the key accessories for automobile ", which is an important project of the Guangxi science office .

  13. 以VB为开发工具,对SolidWorks进行了二次开发,建立了适合于用户查询零配件模型及配置需要的专用功能模块。

    The second development are done to SolidWorks by VB , and found the special function module , which is suitable for the user inquire about the information of the model configuration .

  14. 野村(Nomura)估计,去年,在用于中兴电信设备和智能手机的零配件中,有10%至15%是由总部位于美国的供应商供应的。

    Nomura has estimated that 10-15 per cent of the components used in ZTE 's telecoms equipment and smartphones were supplied by US-based vendors as of last year .

  15. 克莱夫.哈里斯:我认为,我们可以和Southford零配件公司重新谈判获取一个更好的协议。

    CLIVE HARRIS : I think we can re-negotiate a far better deal with Southford Components .

  16. JCC品牌共聚酰胺和共聚酯热熔胶已是世界主要的服装衬布、热转印,汽车内饰及零配件等制造企业首选之一。

    The JCC products have already become the best choice of some leading manufactures in the industries of interling , heat transfer printing and interior decoration as well as spare parts of autotomotive .

  17. 如今,NEMKO提供世界范围内产品、机械、零配件和体系的认证、测试和审核服务。

    The NEMKO Group today offers testing , inspection and certification services concerning products , machinery , installations and systems worldwide .

  18. 目前全球有规模的汽车零部件企业有上万家,作为国内汽车零配件企业,如何才能获得OES件/OEM件采购客户甚至整车厂的青睐,采用产品创新理论和现代项目管理方法成为必由之路。

    At present there are many auto part makers , how to become the supplier of OES or OEM buyers , even auto makers , it is the only way to using product innovation theories and modern project management methods .

  19. 表面技术在进口设备零配件修复中的应用

    Application of surface technology in spare parts repair of imported machines

  20. 基于服务水平的工程机械零配件库存控制

    Spare Parts Inventory Control of Engineering Machinery Base on Service Level

  21. 浅谈怎样预测减速顶零配件采购费用

    Simple Discussion on How to Calculate Purchasing Expense of Retarder Fittings

  22. 机电产品零配件需求预测与供应策略

    Requirement Prediction and Supply Strategy of Spare Parts for Electromechanical Products

  23. 2006年国内汽车零配件企业发展回眸

    2006 Review of the Domestic Automobile Spare Parts and Components Industry

  24. 因此我来找寻零配件和成品。

    So I look for components as well as finished products .

  25. 本文所提出的方法在汽车零配件的产品设计中得到了成功验证。

    The new method was validated in the automobile fittings product design .

  26. 担保包括零配件,但不包括人工费用。

    The warranty covers spare parts but not labour cost .

  27. 特色:配合客户开发各式家电用品的冲压零配件。

    Feature : Customize Pressing parts used in electronic appliances .

  28. 随后,他开办了自己的销售汽车零配件的公司。

    Then he formed his own company selling auto accessories .

  29. 美空军的一站式零配件供应链

    One - Stop Spare-Parts Supply Chain of USAF The Chain of Love

  30. 内燃机零配件仓储管理系统的开发

    Development of Storage Information Management System for Engine Spare Parts