
  • 网络RETAIL STORE;Retail;store;Retail outlet
  1. 年开设首间苹果零售商店并于同年推出iPod与iTunes两大产品,音乐产业的生态从此大幅改变。

    In2001 , the company unveiled the first Apple retail store and debuted the iPod and iTunes that same year , drastically altering the state of the music industry .

  2. 她既没去Saks、Barneys,也没去大型零售商店,更没花2500美元,只有499美元就买到了。

    Instead of going to Saks or Barneys or a big retail store and paying $ 2,500 , she got it for $ 499 .

  3. UnionHand烘焙咖啡:在桑斯博里及其它许多零售商店及饭店销售,也有网上直销。

    Union Hand Roasted coffee : sold in Sainsbury 's and many other retailers and restaurants , and sells direct online .

  4. 通过调光,还可以创造不同的氛围&这对零售商店来说,无疑是一个福音。沃特金斯认为,即使一只LED灯泡售价高达20美元,它的成本也能在两到三年内收回。

    Watkins argues that even at $ 20 a bulb , LEDs can pay for themselves in two to three years .

  5. •苹果还设计了一系列焕然一新的零售商店,例如被蒂姆•库克带入公众视野的加州Stanford2商店

    • and apple retail palaces like the new Stanford 2 store cook drew attention to

  6. Inception阶段:要确定一个古典音乐爱好者如何能够在家里购买到零售商店中他想要的音乐

    Inception phase : To identify how a classical music enthusiast may wish to purchase music from retail outlets whilst remaining at home

  7. 毫无疑问,苹果的零售商店都有各自的iPhone5库存,但我们并不清楚这些库存能够维持多长时间。

    Apple 's retail stores undoubtedly will have their own supply of the new devices , but what is unclear is how long they will be available .

  8. 另一家日本企业光荣公司(GloryLtd.)于2010年11月开始使用NextAge机器人,用于安装其为零售商店生产的货币处理设备上的一个小部件。

    Another Japanese company , Glory Ltd. ( 6457 . OK ) , started using NextAge in November 2010 to install a tiny part in its money-sorting equipment for retail stores .

  9. 这条大街曾因广告公司云集而出名,像极了美剧《广告狂人》(MadMen)里的场景。但如今,这里坐落着一批纽约市最奢华的零售商店。

    The street was once known for it 's advertising firms , much like the one depicted in the television drama " Mad Men " but today it 's home to some of the city 's most lux retailers .

  10. 美国零售商店JCPenney销售的一款沃森版贝尔玩偶因为种种阴差阳错而让网友乐开了花。

    One doll of Watson / Belle available from American store JC Penney has delighted the internet , for all the wrong reasons .

  11. 美国加州ElSegundo的美泰,使直流漫画人物为基础的许多大型零售商店的玩具。

    El Segundo , Calif. - based Mattel makes toys based on DC Comics characters for many major retail outlets .

  12. 由于iPhone5c可以作为一款新智能手机进行营销推广,相较于上市销售已有12个月的iPhone5,它对零售商店和消费者来说更有吸引力。

    Because the iPhone 5c can be marketed as a new smartphone , it 's a far more attractive handset to retail stores and consumers than a twelve month old iPhone 5 .

  13. 在河北省省会石家庄市,由于苹果公司商标侵权案,使得多处零售商店和电子产品商店中的iPad平板电脑遭遇下架的命运。

    The tablets have been confiscated from shelves in many retail shops and electronic stores due to a Chinese company 's lawsuit against the Apple Inc over the trademark infringement , in Shijiazhuang city , capital of North China 's Hebei province .

  14. 他的资历似乎正符合JCPenney的需要:“他们真正想要的是有人能帮他们对苹果零售商店的做法进行全面的梳理,”桑德斯称,比如启动创新的零售方法。

    His track record seems to align with what JCPenney needs : " what they really wanted was somebody who could help them think through a lot of the things they were doing at Apple stores , " Sanders says , like jump-starting an innovative approach to retail .

  15. 零售商店的店主们连续罢工十天。

    The store keepers went on strike for ten days straight .

  16. 零售商店品牌形象构成要素的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Components of Retail Store Brand Image

  17. 我的姑妈在一家零售商店负责处理客户投诉。

    My aunt deals with customer complaints at a retail store .

  18. 这家服装公司在澳大利亚东南部有6家零售商店。

    The clothing company has six retail outlets in south-eastern australia .

  19. 在微软的第一家零售商店发狂愉快的工作人员。

    The deliriously delightful staff at Microsoft 's first retail store .

  20. 零售商店形象属性维度的实证研究

    Empirical Research on Dimensions for Attributes of Retail Store Image

  21. 以一个试图留住现有客户的零售商店为例。

    Consider a retail store trying to retain existing customers .

  22. 把器材和供应品卖给军队里的人的零售商店。

    A retail store that sells equipment and provisions to military personnel .

  23. 在我们销售额中只有一小部分来自零售商店的销售。

    Only a small proportion of our sale come from retail shop .

  24. 这种内衣在许多零售商店里都能买到。

    Those tend to be readily available at many retailers .

  25. 广州市大型零售商店布局分析

    The locational analysis of guangzhou 's large retail emporia

  26. 这一点在零售商店不断变化的外观上显露无遗。

    This is nowhere more apparent than in the changing face of retail .

  27. 他们又开始生产100台供给零售商店。

    they were building another hundred for retail outlets .

  28. 苹果公司在世界各地拥有390个零售商店。

    Apple has 390 retail stores around the world .

  29. 那这些苹果零售商店呢

    And how about all the Apple retail stores ?

  30. 想象一个城市有四家零售商店。

    Imagine four retail stores in a town .