
  1. 基于这些非功能性的需求以及设想,我们设计了一种可以对整个企业不同种类EA模型进行集成的,基于MOF的EA语言内核。

    Based on these non-functional requirements and vision , we have designed the kernel of an MOF-based EA language allowing the integration of different kinds of EA models across the entire organization .

  2. 针对制造型企业加工种类复杂,工时数据量大的特点,开发了基于基元化理论的工时定额管理系统。

    For the characteristic of complex machining kinds and generous man-hour datum in manufacture enterprise , computer aided time quota predetermining system based on primitives was developed .

  3. 本文借助规范分析与实证分析相结合的方法,论述了企业并购种类、理论、动因、效应、财务决策。

    The article expounds the types , theory , motive , synergy and financial decision of M A through the combination method of standardized analysis and practice analysis .

  4. 随着市场需求的多样化,企业产品种类不断增加,如何合理的应用已有的产品数据,避免零组件的重复开发,从而缩短产品开发周期,提高企业核心竞争力,成为现代企业迫切需要解决的问题。

    Nowadays , the market demand is becoming more and more diverse and the product class is continually increasing . It has become an urgent problem for modernized enterprises to efficiently utilize existing product data in order to avoid iterative development , shorten development cycle and improve their competition ability .

  5. 一般企业物资的种类繁多,各部门物资来往频繁。

    Generally , the enterprise phyletic and various departments materials with frequent .

  6. 我国私营企业法律形态种类立法的缺陷与多元化取向

    On the Defects and Pluralistic Orientation of Legislation to Classify the Laws of Private Enterprises in China

  7. 57&每个企业的包种类

    57-Unique Packages Per Enterprise

  8. 现在市面上有的企业管理系统种类繁多,但大多数是通用的企业管理模式。

    Now , some market a wide range of business management systems , but most are general business management .

  9. 包装制卡和会员卡制作解决方案:包装企业的产品种类繁多,从折叠纸盒到带有表面整饰效果的纸箱不一而足。

    Packaging business card printing and membership card making solutions : packaging enterprise wide range from folding carton with the effect of cardboard surface finishing .

  10. 目前,按照《商标注册用商品和服务国际分类》,餐饮企业涉及的种类有。

    Hunan chefs network reporter-Currently , in accordance with the " trademark registered by the international classification of goods and services ", the type of catering enterprises involved are .

  11. 但该模式所带来的企业生产产品种类多、时间紧、生产过程作业轮换频繁等情况,极大地加重了车间作业调度的负担。

    However , more kinds of production , tight schedule and frequent switching of the production process operations brought about by the mode , greatly increases the burden of job shop scheduling .

  12. 我国金属矿山企业还具有种类繁、户数多、分布广、基础差、所有制成分复杂等显著特点,大大增加了事故发生的可能性。

    In China The metal mine enterprises have many features , such as the type of complex , quantity , widely distributed , poor foundation and complex composition of ownership , which greatly increase the risk of accidents .

  13. 钢铁企业原燃料种类繁多、数量巨大,库存分类及进行库存分类管理已成为钢铁企业降低物流成本,提高物流服务水平的重要途径。

    Because of a wide range and a huge amount of the original fuel for iron and steel enterprises , inventory classification and inventory category management have become an important way to reduce logistics cost and improve the level of logistics (?)

  14. 商业银行是高负债、高风险的金融企业,业务种类多元化、营业网点分散化,其经营特点决定其必须建立一整套完善的内部控制系统,以确保资金安全、规范运作、有效控制各类风险。

    Commercial banks are financial enterprises with high liabilities and high risks . With operation diversification , business network decentralization , their management characteristics make them built on perfect internal control system to insure capital safety , normal operation and perfect risk control .

  15. 现代企业避税筹划的种类与方法研究

    The Type and Method of Manipulations in Avoiding Tax by Modern Enterprise

  16. 拟设立合营商业企业经营的商品种类;

    The species of merchandises that the planned jointly-operated commercial enterprises will operate ;

  17. 发电厂是典型的资产密集型企业,其资源种类、数量多,投资大,资源的运行和维护是电厂运营的主要业务工作之一,资源运行、维护管理的效率直接影响发电厂的生产成本。

    The operation and maintenance efficiency of resource influence the cost of power plant directly .

  18. 基于此,本文提出企业规模和产品种类是企业软件专利申请行为的独立影响因素,不受法律环境等其它因素的影响。

    Based on this , this paper considered firm size and product type as independent factors .

  19. 邮政企业应当为不同种类的邮件制订出不同的期限制度。

    The postal service enterprise must draw up different deadline system for the different type of mails .

  20. 中国经济的快速增长,企业数量和产品种类增长迅速。

    With the jumping of Chinese economy , the number of enterprise and the kinds of product is increase quickly .

  21. 对企业避税筹划的种类与方法进行有关分析,得出了一些初步的结论。

    The author gets some conclusions from simple analysis of the type and method to avoid tax by modern enterprise for ( reference ) .

  22. 讨论信息产业的竞争态势,分析信息企业面临的风险种类、特点和表现形式,并据此提出信息企业竞争的战略与策略。

    Discusses the competitive conditions of the information industry , analyzes the kinds , characteristics and types of risk faced by information enterprises and presents some competitive strategies and tactics .

  23. 然而,当企业面临市场上种类繁多、良莠不齐、价格不菲的商务智能系统时,为了提高自己的竞争地位,仍然不惜大量资金去购置它。

    However , when enterprises are facing the various and expansive business intelligence system , in order to improve their competitive position , they still spend a lot of money purchasing it .

  24. 本文在充分调查了企业废水来源的种类,水量及排水特性的基础上,提出采用不同的方式进行预处理及回用后再进行综合处理的构想。

    Based on the sufficient investigation of the wastewater source , water quantity and drainage characteristic foundation , using different ways to pre treatment and reuse after comprehensive treatment concept was put forward .

  25. 小杂粮加工企业基本上是种类齐全、加工产品多样的中、小型企业,以销定产,营销手段灵活,带有粮油综合加工性质;

    Sundry grain processing enterprises are basically small and medium-sized with variety and diversity of processed products and integrated processing nature , which determine the production to volume of sales by flexible marketing means .

  26. 因此导致企业退换货品的种类和数量激增,其产品退回逆向物流操作及网络设计和管理的好坏便在很大程度上影响着企业的经济效益和可持续发展。

    Therefore types and quantities of returned and exchanged products surge , and if the reverse logistics operation and network design and management is greatly influence the economic benefits and sustainable development of these manufacturing enterprises to a large extent .

  27. 随着社会信息化程度提高,企业内部数据格式种类日益繁多,而企业内及企业间数据交换更加频繁,对异构数据的访问日益成为系统的瓶颈。

    With the improvement of informatization in the society , the types of data in enterprise become more and more , and the data exchanges more frequently in or between enterprise systems . So accessing data in heterogeneous data sources is becoming the bottleneck of enterprise information system .

  28. 合身西服(ASuitThatFits)这个充满乐观态度的名字属于一家网上企业,该企业提供种类繁多的西服款式、面料和色彩搭配方案,客户可以在自己的电脑前轻松挑选。

    A Suit That Fits is the optimistic title of an online enterprise that allows customers to choose from a huge range of suit styles , fabrics and colour combinations from the comfort of their own computers .

  29. 结果表明,地区经济发展水平、企业规模、企业成立年数、企业种类、企业子公司数目等环境因素对我国第三方物流企业效率有显著影响。

    The result shows that level of regional economic development , enterprise scale , established number of years , enterprise type and number of subsidiaries have significant influence on efficiency .

  30. 在分析普通企业法律形态和特殊企业法律形态的种类、特征及地位的基础上,对我国企业法律形态发展、法律适用和企业制度改革提出了有益的建议。

    Kind , characteristic and station are different between common enterprise law appearance with special enterprise law appearance . This essay gives some suggestion for development of enterprise law appearance , law application and reformation of enterprise system .