
  • 网络pricing by enterprises;Business Pricing;pricing
  1. 所以,寻找合理的目标企业定价方法对MBO在中国的复活会起到至关重要的作用。

    So seeking a reasonable target enterprise pricing method is vital to the revival of MBO in China .

  2. 西方汽车企业定价目标分析

    The Study on the Pricing Objective in the West Automobile Enterprise

  3. 需求波动及预测信息量对企业定价的影响研究

    Study on Influence of Demand Uncertainty and Forecast-information on Duopoly Firms Pricing

  4. 不确定性条件下的企业定价模型及其应用研究

    A Study on Pricing Model and Its Application to Enterprise under Uncertainty

  5. 对于消费者的需求方面,分析了影响消费者商品住宅需求的主要因素对企业定价的影响。

    In Chapter ⅱ, we analyzed the factors influencing commercial apartments pricing .

  6. 乳品加工企业定价策略的博弈分析

    Game Theoretic Analysis of Dairy Processing Enterprises ' Pricing Strategy

  7. 电子商务对企业定价决策的影响分析及对策

    Reflections on the Pricing Decision about E - business

  8. 后凯恩斯主义的企业定价模型&成本加成定价原理

    Post - Keynesian Enterprise Pricing Model & on the Principle of Cost-Oriented Pricing

  9. 高新技术企业定价研究

    A Study on the Pricing of the High-tech Enterprise

  10. 外资并购、状态依存所有权与国有企业定价模式

    Foreign M & A , State-contingent Ownership and Pricing Mode of State-owned Enterprises

  11. 基于需求价格弹性的企业定价策略分析

    Analysis on the Enterprises ' Pricing Strategy based on the Demand Price Elasticity

  12. 消费者效用函数模型的改进与企业定价策略

    Improved Consumer Utility Function Model and Enterprise Pricing Strategy

  13. 汽车制造业企业定价系统研究

    COMPANY The Research of Pricing for Automobile Manufacture

  14. 不过,企业定价能力已升至有记录以来的最高水平。

    Yet companies ' pricing power has increased to the highest level on record .

  15. 我国企业定价行为的规范化

    Elementary Analysis on the Measures to Standardize the Pricing Conducts of Our Domestic Enterprises

  16. 基于收益管理的供电企业定价策略研究

    Study on Revenue Management of the Power-Supply Enterprise

  17. 高新技术企业定价是对高新技术企业整体价值进行判断、估计的过程。

    The pricing of the high-tech enterprise is to estimate the total corporate value .

  18. 市场结构与企业定价研究

    Market Structure and the Study of Enterprise Pricing

  19. 基于机器学习的企业定价算法研究

    The Enterprise Pricing Algorithm Based on Machine Learning

  20. 这两项数据凸显出企业定价能力减弱以及维持利润率的困难。

    They highlight weaker pricing power of businesses and the difficulty of maintaining profit margins .

  21. 基于实物期权理论的并购企业定价研究

    Research on the Pricing of Corporation in M & A Based on the Real Option Theory

  22. 企业定价模式由目录定价向弹性和动态定价转变;

    The pricing mode is being changed it ′ s catalogue list pricing to the flexibility and dynamic pricing ;

  23. 同时通过比对企业定价方法,分析了冰王公司原有定价方法中存在的不足。

    Than corporate pricing method , the analysis of the deficiencies in the original pricing method in the ice king .

  24. 而班轮运输企业定价能力的高低主要是由班轮运输企业的生产能力和市场份额决定的。

    And the pricing capacity is decided by the productivity of the shipping liner company and their market share at present .

  25. 在原始的服装企业定价中,一般采取的定价为成本与固定比例之和的定价模式。

    Generally taken pricing the original garment enterprises pricing , as the cost and with a fixed proportion of the pricing model .

  26. 六十年代后博弈论和不对称信息的观点引入企业定价研究,使得这一研究领域有了巨大的发展。

    Game Theory and asymmetry information were introduced into enterprises pricing in 1960 's , which lead the great improvement in this field .

  27. 本文认为企业定价存在的问题主要是价格战和企业定价方法单一,并为企业提出了理论指导建议。

    We argue that the pricing problem is mainly price competition and enterprise pricing single and made a theoretical guidance for the business proposal .

  28. 造成定价方法缺乏科学性,致使企业定价处于垄断地位,企业生产缺乏效率。

    The lack of scientific method in price making leads to the monopoly position of the enterprises in the price making and the production inefficiencies .

  29. 价格战乃企业定价策略中的一种取向,它是我国走出短缺经济后出现的一个新的经济现象。

    Price competition is an orientation of enterprise pricing strategy . It is new economic phenomenon which appears after our country coming out from shortage economy .

  30. 通过对彩电行业企业定价的实证研究,说明了企业定价与信息以及市场环境的关系。

    At last , According to the real case of the enterprises in color TV industry , explain the relation between enterprises pricing and market environment .