
  • 网络enterprise technological innovation
  1. 企业技术创新成果C-D生产函数评价模型研究

    The Research of Input-Output Evaluation Model of Enterprise Technological Innovation

  2. 第三章为企业技术创新能力评价,在分析了企业技术创新能力的构成要素基础上建立了企业技术创新能力评价指标体系,并用区间数TOPSIS方法评价研究。

    Chapter III is the enterprise technological innovation capability assessment . Based on the analysis of technological innovation capability constituent elements it establishes evaluation index system , and take the interval number of TOPSIS method to study .

  3. 第二阶段是通过面板数据(PANELDATA)模型检验影响企业技术创新效率的因素。

    And in the second phase , a Panel Data Model is employed to test factors which influence TIE in corporations .

  4. 企业技术创新绩效评价的DEA分析

    The DEA Analysis of the Enterprise 's Performance Evaluation in Technological Innovation

  5. 如同经济全球化一样,跨国公司的RD本地化同样是一把双刃剑。技术能力成长对企业技术创新的双刃影响

    Comparing the economic globalization , the localization of RD is a double-edged sword as well . Technological capability : The double-edged sword for technological innovation in firms

  6. 技术创新的成功取决于众多因素,其中RD部门与市场营销部门的接口有效性是造成企业技术创新成败的关键因素之一。

    The success of technology innovation depends on a great number of elements . The effect of interface between RD department and marketing department is a key element .

  7. 文章从激励型政策、引导型政策、保护型政策及协调政策等政策环境对企业技术创新的影响进行了分析,并对我国加入WTO后技术创新政策的变化做出了分析。

    In the policy environment , it discussed the affection from the incentive policy , guiding policy to the protection policy , and also analyzed the changes of the innovation policy would be come out after China joined the WTO .

  8. 企业技术创新战略与技术创新风险的整合分析

    Integration analysis between firm 's technological innovation strategy and its risk

  9. 北京市乡镇企业技术创新服务体系建设研究

    Research on the service system for technological innovation of rural enterprises

  10. 企业技术创新风险的聚类分析:一项实证研究

    The Cluster Analysis of Technological Innovation Risks : An Empirical Study

  11. 上海汽车工业企业技术创新实施情况调查和对比分析

    Investigation and Analysis of the Technology Innovation in Shanghai Auto Industry

  12. 对培育建筑企业技术创新能力的思考

    Pondering over Developing the Ability of Building Enterprise to Innovate Technology

  13. 建立的企业技术创新能力评价指标体系,总共有16项指标。

    The established appraisal system of technical innovation includes 16 indexes .

  14. 基于资源整合的物流企业技术创新研究

    Study on Technology Innovation of Logistics Enterprises Based on Resources Integration

  15. 我国欠发达地区企业技术创新机制研究

    Research on Enterprise Technology Innovation Mechanism in Undeveloped Areas of Our Country

  16. 企业技术创新与制度创新的互动机制研究

    On the Interacting Mechanism between Ferm 's Technological Innovation and Institutional Innovation

  17. 我国中小企业技术创新问题比较分析与研究

    The Comparative Study on Chinese Small-and-medium-sized Enterprises ' Technological Innovation

  18. 第五部分分析中国企业技术创新的资金投人现状.该部分首先详细考察了美。日、的欧等发达国家对技术创新的资金投入政策。

    Part 5 analyses the current state of technical innovation in Chine .

  19. 企业技术创新模式的路径选择与实证分析

    A Method and A Demonstration of Selecting Technological Innovation Pattern in Enterprises

  20. 知识经济时期企业技术创新特点和对策

    Characters and Strategies of Enterprise Technological Innovation in the Economy of Knowledge

  21. 企业技术创新项目的经济风险研究

    On the economic risk of technology innovation project of enterprise

  22. 广东工业企业技术创新政策研究

    Study on the Technological Innovation Policies for Industrial Enterprises in Guangdong Province

  23. 煤炭企业技术创新的两种组织方式

    On the organizational structure of technical innovation in coal mines

  24. 企业技术创新机制及其整合

    Mechanism of technological innovation and its integration in an enterprise

  25. 林业企业技术创新若干问题研究

    Research on Several Question of Innovation of Chinese Forestry Enterprise

  26. 专利制度与公有性规范在民营企业技术创新中的矛盾

    Conflict between Patent and Public Ownership in Technological Innovation of Private Enterprise

  27. 在工艺创新能力的构筑上,给出了三阶段的工艺创新能力构筑的方法。此外,本文还提出了基于购并和学习的企业技术创新能力的外部构筑模式。

    A three-stage model on the capability of process innovation is given .

  28. 江苏企业技术创新存在问题分析

    An Analysis of the Problems of Technological Innovation of Enterprises in Jiangsu

  29. 桥梁结构现有技术状况的模糊综合评判多层模糊综合评判在企业技术创新能力评价中的应用

    Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation on Existing Technical Condition of Bridge Structure

  30. 文化类型、组织结构与企业技术创新

    Cultural Type , Organizational Structure and Enterprise Technological Innovation