
  1. 同时分析了铁路企业促销的三项功能;

    Meanwhile , the three functions of promotion were analyzed for railway enterprises ;

  2. 基于税收筹划的商业企业促销形式选择

    Selection of sales promotion forms of the commercial enterprises based on taxation planning

  3. VE观念在企业促销决策中的应用

    Application of VE concept to promotional decision

  4. 管理会计原理在企业促销中的应用我国企业对企业促销管理的实证研究

    Application of Management Accounting Principle to Enterprise Sale Promotion An Empirical Study on B to B Promotion Management in China

  5. 而零售企业促销力度和品牌社群关系都对消费者购买意向产生调节作用。

    However , the sales promotion of the retail enterprise and the brand social community relationship may regulate consumers ' purchasing intention .

  6. 其中,赊销作为企业促销产品的手段之一,已越来越被广大企业经营者所采用,而企业只要发生赊销业务就不可避的存在一定风险。

    As one of the important methods of products promotion , the selling on credit has been adopted by more and more business managers .

  7. 摘要包装视觉语言作为企业促销的媒介,它的构建是一项复杂的工程,涉及多门学科,要达到各方面的高度平衡才能创造出高效的传递语言。

    As a medium of sales promotion , packaging visual language construction is a complex project , which involves the multi-discipline , and the high balance of various aspects must achieve to create the highly effective transmission language .

  8. 零售商业企业节日促销策略

    How to Push the Sale of Their Commodities at Festivals for the Retail Enterprises PROMOTION STRATEGIES

  9. 在传统的市场环境下,企业的促销活动已经形成了一套有效的、完整的模式。

    In traditional marketing environment , enterprise promotion activities have developed a set of vaild and complete models .

  10. 在人才招聘会上递出的简历上,他突出强调的是自己实习期间在山东两家企业担任促销员的经历,而不是生物技术专业的背景。

    On the resume he hands out at the job fairs he highlights two internships as sales promoter at two Shandong companies rather than his biotechnology major .

  11. 并与各大广告公司联手合作,为本田,中国联通各大企业制作促销服。

    We also had deals With major advertising companies which worked for big corporations such as ; Honda , China Unicom , Alibaba for their promotional clothes .

  12. 并通过仿真,分析了商品定价对利润损失的影响,为大中型企业的促销决策提供了重要依据。

    The effect of pricing on loss of profit is analyzed through a simulation so as to provide an important reference for promotional decision-making in large / middle-scale companies .

  13. 本文结合社会主义市场经济,从现代市场营销观念出发,论证企业形象促销的战略意义和实施方法。

    Abstract In this article , in the light of socialist market economy , the author demonstrates the strategic significance and implementing methods of the enterprise image-promoting asles from the modern marketing view .

  14. 产品的物理特性、消费者的主观判断、企业的促销活动以及地理位置是影响产品差异化的主要原因。

    The physical property of the products , the consumer 's subjective judgment , the promotion activities of the enterprises and the location of an enterprise are main factors affecting the diversity of the products .

  15. 企业降价促销不等于价格战,价格竞争才引起价格战,价格战在市场经济初级阶段具有积极意义。

    For enterprises , to lower the price for sales promotion is not price war . Only the price competition can lead to price war which has an active influence at the early stage of the market economy .

  16. 广告是宣传药品信息的一种迅速、有效的方式,药品广告是消费者了解药品信息最直接的重要途径,也是药品生产经营者宣传企业、促销产品的常用的手段。

    Advertising is a rapid and effective way to publicize drug information . As for drug advertising , it is an effective way for consumers to know about drugs ' therapeutic effectiveness and is also a common and an important means for drug producers and operators to promote drugs .

  17. 企业用广告促销其产品。

    Enterprises use advertising to push the sales of their products .

  18. 企业战略内部促销&战略沟通模式初探

    The Internal Communication of Corporate Strategy : A Discussion on Strategy Communication Model

  19. 客户凭此数据参加商业企业举办的促销活动。

    Based on the data , the client participates the sales promotion activity of the commerical enterprise .

  20. 为获得更多的市场份额,各电信运营企业采取各种促销手段扩大自身的市场占有率,以求在激烈的市场竞争中处于不败之地。

    For getting much market share , all telecom company do all themselves to enlarge the rate of market occupancy .

  21. 本次研究丰富和发展了相关理论成果,对企业开展价格促销有一定的指导意义。

    This study enriched and developed the related theory result . There was also some instructional significance for enterprises to develop the price promotion .

  22. 调查研究发现,我国企业对企业促销管理实践还存在着许多问题。

    According to the business survey , we found that there are alot of problems in the practice of the B to B promotion managementof China enterprises .

  23. 乳品企业频繁使用促销工具,主要是为了刺激市场需求,捍卫市场份额、吸引消费者关注和突围同质化的困境。

    The main reasons why dairy enterprises used promotion tools frequently were to stimulate market demand , defend market share , attract attention and break through the homogenization difficult position .

  24. 昨日是中国的“光棍节”,各大电商企业拿出各种促销和折扣,使其成为全球最大的在线购物节日。

    Yesterday in China was Singles " day , a day that ecommerce companies have turned into the world 's biggest for online shopping by offering a stream of promotions and discounts .

  25. 为许多知名企业生产配套促销产品。(如百事可乐、可口可乐、康师傅、统一等品牌)在业界有着一致的赞誉和较高的知名度。

    We are specialized in producing promotional material for many large companies such as Pepsi , Coca Cola , Master kong , and Tongyi , ect , and have good reputation in the industry .

  26. 有学者研究发现,企业利用价格促销的做法虽然能够解决库存问题和提升销售额但是从长远发展来看对品牌有着不利影响。

    Some researchers found out , although taking advantages of price promotion is able to solve the inventory problem and increase sales for enterprises . It has a negative impact on the brand from a long-term view of development .

  27. 广告管理的一个重要内容就是确定最佳的广告预算和最佳的执行计划,并按照此计划实施和控制企业的广告促销活动。

    It is the main purpose on advertising management for an enterprise to determine suitable advertising budget plan , to put it in practice , and then to control the activities about sales promotion in markets according to the plan .

  28. 然而,这些促销工具能对消费者产生什么样的刺激效果?企业如何采用促销工具及其组合才能获得更有效的促销效果?一直是企业营销管理者必须思考的问题。

    However , what kinds of effect the promotion-tools stimulate consumers ? How to use promotional tools and combinations to get a more effective marketing results by companies ? All above these questions has been considering by the marketing manager .

  29. 其最主要的目的是为企业经营和商品促销服务。

    Its main purpose is serving for the deal in enterprises and the goods promoting .

  30. 同时,本文提出并验证了快速消费品行业促销方式对品牌权益影响机制的模型,对于指导企业设计有效的促销活动、在拉动短期销售的基础上提升长期品牌权益有一定借鉴指导意义。

    In the meanwhile , this paper advances and validates the influence model of sales promotion modes and brand equity in FMCG industry .