
  1. 分公司不具有企业法人资格。

    No branch of a company has the status of an enterprise legal person .

  2. 依照《公司法》的规定,分公司不具有企业法人资格,其民事责任由公司承担。

    In accordance with the company law , company 's subsidiaries do not possess the status of legal person and its civil liabilities shall be borne by the company .

  3. 为了确认公司的企业法人资格,规范公司登记行为,依据《中华人民共和国公司法》,制定本条例。

    These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Company Law of the People 's Republic of China in order to affirm the qualifications of enterprise legal persons of companies and standardize the registration activities of companies .

  4. 试论企业法人主体资格证明标志

    On the Sign Proving the Staus of Enterprise 's Legal Person Subject

  5. 论挂靠集体企业的法人资格及其债务承担

    On the Corporate Capacity of the Titular Collective Enterprise and Its Assumption of Obligation

  6. 这种由工商行政管理机关对企业的法人资格和经营资格进行一体登记认定的制度,作者将其称为企业法人登记的一体制。

    These two qualifications are registered by the administrative departments for industry and commerce in a single procedure .

  7. 在我国现有法律框架内,合伙企业可以取得法人资格。

    Under our present legal system , partnership corporation can obtain the qualification of judicial person .

  8. 企业注册登记是确认企业法人资格或经营资格的必要程序,是国家经济管制的重要组成部分。

    Registration management is the essential procedure to confirm enterprise legal personality or management qualification , which is also the important part of national economy control .

  9. 《企业法人营业执照》是企业取得法人资格和合法经营的凭证。

    Corporate Business License is the warrant for an enterprise to be entitled with corporation qualification and to start with lawful business .

  10. 为建立企业法人登记管理制度,确认企业法人资格,保障企业合法权益,取缔非法经营

    To establish a system for controlling the registration of enterprises as legal persons , confirming their status as such , safeguarding their legitimate rights and interests , stamping out illegal business operations

  11. 在我国现阶段,《企业法人营业执照》的颁发除了授予企业经营资格之外同时也是企业取得法人资格的凭证。

    Nowadays in china , Business License of Enterprise Legal Person means qualifications of an enterprise legal person and the official permission to run a business as well .

  12. 挪用公款给不具备法人资格的企业使用成罪时主观上应明知该企业不具有法人资格。

    The determination of misappropriating public funds to the enterprise without corporate qualification should be subjectively clarified that this enterprise has no corporate qualification .

  13. 通过对国内外合伙企业立法及法人条件的分析,阐述了赋予合伙企业法人资格的根据和意义。

    It expounds the reasons and significance of granting them the qualification through the analysis of the legislation and the legal person conditions of partnership enterprises at home and abroad .

  14. 企业出现财务危机时,其中一种选择是申请破产,最终丧失企业法人资格。

    Applying for bankruptcy and finally losing corporate personality is one of the choices when enterprises suffer financial distress .