
  • 网络firm heterogeneity
  1. 企业异质性、市场进入成本、技术溢出效应与出口参与决定

    Firm Heterogeneity , Sunk Costs , Spillovers and Export Participation

  2. 贸易自由化与行业生产率:企业异质性视野的机理分析与实证研究

    Trade Liberalization and Industrial Productivity : Theory and Evidence with the Viewpoint of Firm Heterogeneity

  3. 要解决这一问题,必须要引入企业异质性理论。

    To solve this problem , it is necessary to introduce the theory of heterogeneous enterprises .

  4. 然而现实世界并非如此,国际贸易中的企业异质性是个普遍现象。

    However , that is not the case . In reality , firm heterogeneity in international trade is a common phenomenon .

  5. 本文基于企业异质性贸易理论框架,将信贷约束整合到异质性企业模型中。

    Based on the theoretical frame of the Heterogeneous Firm Model , this paper incorporates credit constraints in a heterogeneous-firm model .

  6. 基于资源的观点能很好解释交易成本观点不能解释的企业异质性一系列问题,但忽略交易环节是其缺陷所在。

    The analysis indicates that RBV theory can explain why firms are different very well , but it ignores the transaction process .

  7. 这篇文章立意新颖、视角独特,从企业异质性的角度解释了经济生活中同类产品市场上的价格差异现象。

    This paper , whose idea and perspective are new and special , explains the price dispersion in the homogeneous product markets , considering firm heterogeneities .

  8. 针对两种机制不同的政策方向,需要深入从企业异质性视角探索可行的政策模式,更理性和真实的反应产业空间分布规律,从而经济活动整体效率提高提供支撑。

    According to the above two policy directions , it needs more policy research in heterogeneous firm condition , thus to reflect the rules of industrial distribution and to support the whole productivity activities .

  9. 第五,两岸贸易中企业异质性水平低,《两岸经济合作框架协议》的实施将进一步提高两岸贸易中扩展边际的作用。

    Fifthly , compared with other studies , enterprises in the cross-strait trade have low level heterogeneity . The implementation of the " Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement " will further enhance the role of extensive margin .

  10. 新兴的新新经济地理理论则弥补了上述不足,该理论重视企业异质性的微观因素,认为企业的空间选择不是随机的行为,异质企业的空间选择会影响集聚经济的空间分布和生产率水平的提高。

    The new-new economic geography theory which based on the assumption of firm heterogeneity makes up for the shortcoming and suggests that space selection of firms is not a random behavior , which will affect the spatial distribution of agglomeration economies and the TFP growth .

  11. 本文将企业的异质性引入模型,并且将RD活动作为企业的内生变量来分析RD活动对企业进入国外市场的影响。

    This thesis introduces firm heterogeneity and R D level into the simple model , where R D activities are endogenous variables .

  12. 其次,以制造业为例考察中国企业的异质性程度。

    The forth chapter takes the manufacturing industry as an example , to examine the heterogeneity of Chinese firms .

  13. 商业组织自身的性质和特征决定了商业组织创新与其他类型企业的异质性。

    The commercial organization , s own nature and characteristics will determine the differences between the innovation of commercial organization and other kinds of enterprises .

  14. 企业的异质性假设是构建一个完整的企业理论和解释企业内生成长的前提和基础。

    The hypothesis of enterprise heterogeneity is a prerequisite and a base for the construction of a complete enterprise theory , and for the interpretation of enterprise internal growth .

  15. 企业的异质性是企业战略差异化以及历史积淀的结果,也是企业在市场竞争中谋求发展的路径选择的结果。

    Heterogeneity of Enterprises is the result both of the differentiation of corporate strategy and the historical accumulation , and of the route-choosing for further development in market competition .

  16. 企业的异质性主要体现在企业生产率和企业的技术创新上,并且我国近年来一直要建立创新型国家,把科技创新提到了非常重要的议事日程。

    Firm heterogeneity is mainly reflected in corporate productivity and technological innovation , and in recent years , our country has been to establish an innovation-oriented country , take technological innovation into a very important agenda .

  17. 在动态竞争理论看来,竞争在本质上是一个创新、演化或发现的动态过程,企业的异质性、企业家及其创新活动等被新古典经济学抽掉的因素可以纳入这一理论框架中。

    According to the dynamic competition theory , competition is in nature an innovative , evolutionary or discovery process , so the firm heterogeneity , entrepreneur and innovation and others assumed by New-classical economics could be channeled into this framework .

  18. 作为经济学意义上的一种资源集合体,并购前后企业的异质性要求企业必须在并购后实施资源整合,它是决定企业并购成败的关键性因素。

    As a kind of resource aggregation , because of the heterogeneity before and after the M A , the enterprise should operate the resource integration , which is the key point of M A.M A is the synergetic procession of inner and outer resource .

  19. 在网络结构特征方面,网络规模、网络中心度、网络密度、网络中客户的异质性以及网络中互补企业的异质性与企业成为快速成长企业的可能性显著正相关。

    In the area of network structure , network size , network-centric , network density , and the heterogeneity of the customers in the network , as well as the heterogeneity of complementary enterprises in the network have a significant positive correlation with the the possibility of enterprises fast-growing .

  20. 并且企业网络的异质性越高,企业成功的概率越大。

    And the higher the heterogeneity of these networks , the higher the success rate of these firms will be .

  21. 资源基础理论认为企业拥有“异质性”的核心资源是获得竞争优势的关键。

    Resource-based view points out the possession of " heterogeneity " core resource is potential critical to the corporation to obtain competition advantage .

  22. 在建模中,重点考察了集群的网络结构、企业主体的异质性、网络效应等对标准扩散的影响。

    We taking into account the affects of network structure of the cluster , heterogeneity of enterprise , network effects on the standard diffusion in the model .

  23. 企业文化具有异质性和历史延续性,不同的企业进行重组后,伴随着不同企业文化的相遇和交汇,必然会存在文化冲突和文化融合这样两种不同文化现象。

    Due to the differences and succession existed in the enterprises culture , the conflict and conformity of two kinds of culture are inevitable in their mixture and exchange after restructure .

  24. 根据本文的研究结论,当前政府并没有认识到企业间创新异质性的存在及其表现,使得包括政府、学界在内均高估了政府的科技鼓励政策所产生的实际效应。

    According to the conclusion of this paper , the current government does not realize the existence and characteristics of innovation heterogeneity among firms , which leads the government and academia to overestimate the actual effect of governmental policies encouraging the development of science and technology .

  25. 企业同质性假设、异质性假设与企业性质

    Homogeneity and Heterogeneity Assumption of Firm and the Nature of Firm

  26. 知识型员工作为企业的一种异质性人力资本,是企业最大的财富。

    Knowledge workers , as heterogeneous human capital in enterprise , are the largest corporate wealth .

  27. 实证结果表明,民营、外资企业捐赠资源的异质性要高于国有企业;

    Comparing with state owned business , the other two businesses get high scores in Resource Heterogeneity .

  28. 成长期企业捐赠资源的异质性要高于初创期、成熟期企业。

    And the companies in growing stage have more heterogeneity than the companies in baby stage or mature stage .

  29. 企业核心能力的异质性和不能仿制性等特征,构成了企业之间彼此相互学习、互补的客观需要。

    Heterogeneity and non-generic sex features of enterprise core competence constitute form mutual learning and complementary objective need of a company .

  30. 企业只有具备某种异质性的核心知识和能力,这样才能拥有要素市场上的垄断地位,获得超过平均利润的超额利润。

    Only when the firm possesses certain heterogeneous core knowledge and competence can it obtain monopoly position in the factor markets and gain super profit that exceeds the average profit .