
  • 网络structural capital;structure capital
  1. 论文最后总结了通过对RD研究所人力资本和结构资本的管理变革实施,会显著提升企业的知识创造、转移和共享的水平,即具备无可替代的核心的竞争能力,使得企业能够完成其战略目标。

    The conclusion part tells that the implementation of human capital and structural capital improvement plan will promote the enterprise capability in knowledge creation , transfer and sharing , which is irreplaceable core competence .

  2. 智力资本的构成是以人力资本为中心,人力资本对结构资本和关系资本有显著的作用。

    Human capital which prominently influences structural capital and relational capital is the centre of intellectual capital .

  3. 人力资本对结构资本、关系资本有影响,结构资本对关系资本有影响。

    The human capital affects obviously to the structure capital and the relation capital .

  4. 当前、企业知识资本管理主要集中在人力资本、关系资本和结构资本的管理上;

    At present , this management in enterprises concentrates on the personnel , relationship and structure .

  5. 智力资本包括人力资本、组织结构资本、客户资本和关系资本。

    It includes human capital , structure organizing capital , customer 's capital and relationship capital .

  6. 结构资本和关系资本也在企业价值的提升中发挥着重大的作用。

    Structual capital and relational capital are also playing a major role in enhance enterprise value .

  7. 第三部分是把文章的重点切入我国上市公司治理结构资本的内在运作机制上,相应地提出了一些资本的内在运作措施。

    The third is the emphasis of the whole article . Some internal operational measures are taken .

  8. 第三,人力资本指标和结构资本指标在并购后的智力资本价值评估中占据重要位置;

    Third , human capital and structure capital play an important role in the intellectual capital value after M & A.

  9. 结构资本只对综合绩效较好的公司的业绩有显著正向的促进作用;

    And there is only a significant positive relation between structural capital and the performance of those with better performance .

  10. 第二部分,从人力资本、结构资本、关系资本三方面分析我国非营利组织知识资本管理现状及存在问题。

    Part two elaborates the status and problems of nonprofit organization from human capital , organize capital and customers capital .

  11. 结构资本的评价指标包括组织结构、企业文化、组织学习、创新与研发及业务流程。

    The structure capital involves five dimensions : organizational structure , enterprises culture , organization studies , innovation and research and business process .

  12. 智力资本的三个构成&即人力资本、结构资本和关系资本,对组织绩效有显著的影响。

    The three components of intellectual capital , namely human capital , structural capital and relational capital , have a marked influence on performance .

  13. 从人力资本、结构资本和关系资本的角度出发,分析如何建立企业的核心竞争力。

    It analyzes how to build up an enterprise 's core competence from the angle of human capital , structure capital and relationship capital .

  14. 发现了可以从人力资本、结构资本、关系资本三个角度来提高企业的知识转移绩效。

    Can be found from the human capital , capital structure , and relationship capital three aspects to enhance the enterprise the knowledge transfer performance .

  15. 因此,本文对不变资本和可变资本的范围重新进行了界定:不变资本包括固定资本、流动资本和结构资本,可变资本则包括一般劳动补偿和人力资本收益。

    After redefining , constant capital includes fixed capital , floating capital and structural capital , while variable capital includes general labor compensation and human capital gains .

  16. 本文根据实证研究结果,提出了相应的政策建议,即商业银行要加大对结构资本要素的投入程度。

    Based on the research findings , this article put forward some policy recommendations , pointed that the commercial banks should increase the input of the structure capital .

  17. 依据指标体系建立原则,构建了区域人力资本、区域结构资本、区域关系资本和区域创新资本的指标体系。

    We establish a set of index system with the principle , including regional human capital , regional structure capital , regional relation capital , and regional innovation capital .

  18. 本文依据调研所取得的数据,对人力资本、结构资本、关系资本中的明细指标赋予了权重。

    This paper gives weight to the detailed indicators of the human capital , the structure capital and the relationship capital which based on the data obtained by the investigation .

  19. 统计结果表明人力资本、结构资本和客户资本以及创新资本四个不同构成对组织绩效影响的重要度有一定的先后次序。

    The results of analysis indicate the influence of different component aspects of human capital , structural capital , customer capital and innovation capital on performance is in specified order .

  20. 从智力资本的三要素人力资本、结构资本、关系资本三个层面构建新的高校社会服务管理理论体系。

    From the three elements of intellectual capital , human capital , structure capital , relationship capital this three levels , it constructs a new theoretical system of college social services .

  21. 首先从人力资本、结构资本、技术资本和市场资本四方面构建知识资本,并较详细地分析了每部分的主要构成。

    In this paper , a value tree that integrates human capital , structure capital , technology capital and market capital is described in detail to identify and exploit intellectual capital ( IC ) .

  22. 第二,验证结果得出结构资本没有对物流能力以及成长起到显著作用,与前人的研究结论相左。

    Second , the validation results show structural capital did not play a significant role in improving logistics capabilities and the growth performance , that is not consistent to the conclusions of previous studies .

  23. 结构资本是将人力资本变为财富的平台,结构资本运营的好可以更大程度上释放人力资本;

    The structure capital plays a significant role in turning the human capital and customer capital into wealth . The better the capital operate , the more power of human capital will be released .

  24. 本文认为知识资本由结构资本和人力资本两部分组成,结构资本具有不变资本性质,而人力资本具有可变资本性质。

    This paper argues that intellectual capital is composed by structural capital and human capital , and structural capital has the nature of constant capital , and human capital has the nature of variable capital .

  25. 而结构资本作为组织所内生的一种组织力,可以促进组织系统效率的提升,是提升组织绩效的重要因素,对于企业具有重要意义。

    And the structure of the organization capital as a force of endogenous organization , can promote the organization to promote the efficiency of system , is to enhance the performance of organization important factors .

  26. 这也说明,目前我国上市公司在利用资源方面主要还是依靠物质资本,不重视对结构资本和人力资本的利用。

    This also indicates that the current use of the resources for the listed companies the mainly rely on physical capital . And our listed companies do not attach importance to the structure capital and human capital .

  27. 在智力资本投资方面,分别针对人力资本投资、结构资本投资和关系资本投资提出了各自解决方案以及进行智力资本投资组合的内容与方法。

    In the intellectual capital investment , be aimed at investment in human capital , structural capital and relational capital . The paper puts forward their own solutions as well as intellectual capital portfolio contents and methods .

  28. 团队学习行为部分中介结构资本与团队创新绩效;团队学习行为完全中介认知资本、关系资本与团队创新绩效;

    Team learning behaviors partially mediates the relationship between structural capital and team innovation performance , while fully mediating the relationship between cognitive capital and team innovation performance , the relationship between relational capital and team innovation performance .

  29. 实证研究结果证明:实证研究结果证明:(1)智力资本对产品组合创新有显著性的正向影响,起关键作用的是它的结构资本和客户资本,其次是人力资本。

    The empirical results demonstrate : ( 1 ) Intellectual capital has a significantly positive effect on the product portfolio innovation , the key roles are the structural capital and customer capital , followed by the human capital .

  30. 通过综合评价分别计算出山东省1999-2008年的人力资本、结构资本、关系资本的综合得分。

    Through the evaluation , we figured out the scores of regional human capital , regional relationship capital and regional structure capital . Adding up the three the evaluation score of regional knowledge capital in Shandong province are got .