
  • 网络SeM;structural equation modeling;LISREL;structure equation model
  1. 研究方法主要采用的是基于偏最小二乘的结构方程模型方法。

    The main method is SEM based on PLS .

  2. 结构方程模型具有多个优点,如同时处理多个因变量、允许自变量与因变量均含有测量误差、衡量整个模型的拟合优度等。

    SEM has many advantages , such as simultaneously dealing with multiple dependent variables , allowing both independent and dependent variables having measurement errors , and measuring the fitness of the whole model .

  3. 教育研究的有力工具:结构方程模型(SEM)

    A powerful tool in education research : structrural equation modeling ( SEM )

  4. 运用结构方程模型(SEM)对概念模型和研究假设进行了验证。

    Using the structural equation modeling ( SEM ), verifies the conceptual model and the research hypotheses .

  5. 为此,本文针对基于非线性结构方程模型(SEM:StructuralEquationModeling)的武器装备作战能力评估方法开展了系统研究。

    To solve these problems , a combat capability evaluation method of weapon equipment based on nonlinear structural equation modeling ( SEM ) is studied in .

  6. 再次,本文采用结构方程模型(SEM)的方法,对理论模型进行了分析和验证,得出了一系列实证结论。

    Thirdly , through SEM , this paper analyzed and tested the theoretical model and got a series of empirical findings .

  7. CSI的结构方程模型与实证

    The Linear Structure Relationship of CSI Model and its Demonstration

  8. 目的通过建立结构方程模型,阐明男同性恋者参与HIV检测的影响因素。

    Objective To investigate influencing factors of HIV test among men who have sex with men ( MSM ) under structural equation model .

  9. 本文通过结构方程模型(SEM)原理构建了消费者网上信任度指数评估模型,在单位结构变量的约束下,考虑误差方差。

    This paper constructs the evaluation of con - sumer online trust index model based on Structural Equation Model - ing ( SEM ) .

  10. 通过横截面数据调查,采用结构方程模型(SEM)的分析方法,对假设和理论模型进行验证和修正。

    After surveying the cross section date in the society , the supposition and theory model was confirmed and revised by structural equation model ( SEM ) .

  11. 基于PLS结构方程模型的服务行业顾客满意度测评方法及应用研究

    The Study on Customer Satisfaction Assessment in Service Industry Based on the Partial Least Square for Structural Equation Modeling

  12. 结构方程模型(SEM)是应用线性方程系统表示观测变量与潜在变量之间及潜在变量之间关系的一种统计方法。

    Structural Equation Modeling ( SEM ) is a statistical method that states the relation between observation variables and latent variables or among the latent variables by linear equation system .

  13. 再次,本文以高新技术企业的NPD团队为对象,运用结构方程模型的研究方法,进行了实证研究。

    Then , we do empirical study on NPD teams of high-tech enterprises by using structural equation modeling method .

  14. 以结构方程模型理论为理论基础,利用lisrel软件对问卷建模并作验证性因子分析。

    Do confirmatory factor analysis using lisrel software by Structural equation model theory .

  15. 通过构建结构方程模型(SEM)来考查员工的组织承诺、组织公民行为与离职倾向多个潜变量之间的交互效应和因果关系。

    Purpose of the research is to study mutual influences and relations between cause and effect among organization commitment , organization citizenship behavior , demission tendency by Structural equation model ( SEM ) .

  16. 结构方程模型参数估计的GME方法

    Generalized Maximum Entropy Method for Estimating Parameters of Structural Equation Model

  17. 最后以一个实例分析了CRM的主要功能和作用,用结构方程模型求出了企业的客户满意度,并且建立了客户潜在价值的预测模型。

    Finally with an instance analysis the main function of CRM , and ask out the customer satisfaction of the enterprise with SEM and set up customer potential prediction model of value .

  18. 本研究在对178份有效资料进行信度效度检验的同时,还运用结构方程模型(SEM)对警察认知能力的结构效度进行验证性因素分析。

    When the study is testing reliability and validity of 178 applications , it also uses structural equation model ( SEM ) to analyze the certification factors of the validity of " police cognitive structure " .

  19. 方法对260名士兵进行SCL-90、EPQ、简易应对方式量表、生活事件量表评定,进行结构方程模型分析。

    Methods 260 soldiers were investigated by SCL-90 , EPQ , simple coping style scale and self-made life event questionnaire , analyzed with structure equation model .

  20. 被试来自于江苏的三所中学,共560名,调查数据主要使用spss和结构方程模型进行分析。

    Participants were from three secondary school in Jiangsu , a total of 560 members . The survey data was used SPSS and Structural Equation Modeling ( SEM ) to the main analysis .

  21. 通过多元回归方法和AMOS建立结构方程模型,进行比较分析,得出假设检验结果。

    Then the paper establishes a structural equation model by multiple regression and AMOS , and adopts comparative analysis to derived hypothesis testing .

  22. 本文主要使用的是结构方程模型(SEM)方法和调节多元回归(MMR)方法,采样的范围是进行跨国经营的中国工业企业。

    We use structural equation modeling ( SEM ) and moderated multiple regression ( MMR ) mainly in this paper as methods of analysis . The sample is Chinese industrial enterprises .

  23. 在此基础上,采用基于Lisrel统计分析软件的结构方程模型,综合分析了包括顾客信任、顾客感知价值等多个前置变量对服务忠诚度的影响,并建立了最终模型。

    Basing on lisrel software , we analyze the relationships between prepositive variables and loyalty and finally establish SEM model .

  24. 本文采取实证研究,以湖南、广东两省通过ISO9000认证的制造企业为研究对象,所采集的数据使用结构方程模型来分析。

    This thesis adopts an empirical research on some manufacturing enterprises in Hunan and Guangdong Provinces authenticated by ISO9000 , and the data collected will be analyzed by Structure Equation Model .

  25. 根据建立的概念模型,设计了调查问卷,利用调查问卷收集数据,在AMOS中建立结构方程模型对这些数据进行分析,验证了本文提出的假设以及变量之间的关系。

    Based on the conceptual model , the questionnaires were designed and surveyed . The questionnaire data were collected , and analyzed in the AMOS .

  26. 接着,运用AMOS软件进行结构方程模型分析,对因素质量、网络结构和网络绩效之间的影响关系进行了验证。

    Then , testing the relationships between the quality of element , network structure and network performance on the software AMOS and structural equation model .

  27. 然后构建结构方程模型,运用Amos软件对人力资本各要素对企业绩效几个方面的影响进行了研究。

    Then I construct structural equation model and use the Amos software study the impact from elements of human resources on aspects of business performance .

  28. 目前国际通行的顾客满意度指数测评方法是美国CSI的创始人fornell教授提出的基于偏最小二乘(PLS)的结构方程模型(SEM)方法。

    At present , Professor fornell , the founder of American CSI proposed a measure method that uses PLS and SEM to measure CSI , which is very popular in the world .

  29. 最大信息熵原理在波高分布中的应用结构方程模型参数估计的GME方法

    Application of Maximum Entropy Principle Method in Wave Height Distribution Generalized Maximum Entropy Method for Estimating Parameters of Structural Equation Model

  30. 结果还显示,服务资源对服务绩效的间接作用大于直接作用,说明要重视通过提高服务能力来改善服务绩效这一间接作用路径。结构方程模型(SEM)分析也得到了类似的结果。

    The results also showed that the indirect effects is greater than the direct effect of the impact of service resources on service performance , indicating that attention should be paid the indirect impact path by increasing the service capabilities to improve service performance .