
  • 网络positive thinking
  1. 自信、积极的思考方式会帮助你重新步入正轨。

    Confidence and positive thinking can help you get back on track .

  2. 想像力是一种超越了创造性思维、积极的思考和判断的能力。

    It is the power beyond creative images , positive thinking and judgment .

  3. 要创造,要革新,用不同的方式进行积极的思考。

    Be creative . Be innovative . Think differently and positively .

  4. 但我会更为积极的思考这个问题。

    But I think of it much more positively ;

  5. 另一组受试者则进行一般积极的思考训练。

    Another group of subjects performed general positive thinking .

  6. 记住积极的思考是获得幸福和成功生活的关键。

    Remember that positive thinking is the key to happiness and success in life .

  7. 并对校园规划设计的趋同现象进行了积极的思考。

    In addition , it does a positive thinking about the convergence in campus planning .

  8. 我把这些想法发给各个地方的公司,只是为了让自己保持积极的思考。

    I sent in these ideas to companies really everywhere just to keep myself sane .

  9. 想象力超出了创造性思维、积极的思考和肯定的意志。

    It is the power beyond creative visualization , positive think - ing and affirmations .

  10. 积极的思考方式才能带来积极的结果。

    Positive thinking creates positive results .

  11. 我认为他优秀的口才主要得益于他敏捷的思维、深刻的思想、丰富的知识和积极的思考。

    I think his oral talent mainly thanks to his speed mind , deep in thinking , wide knowledge and proactive thinking .

  12. 积极的思考会对你周围的人有巨大的影响力。成功地增强了思考能力就是丰富了他们自己。

    Positive thinking has a tremendous influence over others with whom we come into contact . People who succeed in improving their thinking power enrich themselves .

  13. 现在,很多人的生活都充满了顾虑,这些顾虑不但对生活造成了负面的影响,而且还影响他们积极的思考。

    Nowadays , many people 's lives are full of worries that have a negative influence both on their lives , and on their positive thinking .

  14. 所以,如果你想成功的度过这段低迷的时期甚至想得到晋升或加薪那你就需要开始积极的思考问题。

    So if you want to come through this downturn with flying colors and maybe even a promotion or a raise you need to think positive .

  15. 正是在这一意义上,我们对墨子提出的非攻思想进行了积极的思考和探索,希望能对构建和谐世界提供必要的借鉴。

    It is in this sense , we carry out an exploration on non-attack , hoping that could to structure the harmonious world to provide essential model .

  16. 在回答这四个问题的过程中,听众了解到了关于“建构的知识”的基本内容,学习到了一种批判性的态度,并进行积极的思考。

    During the explanation of these questions , the audience learned the basic content of the concept " constructive knowledge " and the attitude of being critical .

  17. 谨记:一个人能否成功,就看他的心态了。成功人士与失败之间的差别是:成功人士始终用最积极的思考、最乐观的精神和最辉煌的经验支配和控制自己的人生。

    The difference between Success and failure are : the successful people always use the most positive thinking , optimistic and glorious experience to dominate and control their own life .

  18. 阐述了我国测绘仪器行业的发展趋势及发展概况,并就我国测绘仪器的生产、销售与发展进行了积极的思考。

    This paper expounds the developing trend and the developing situation of Chinese survey industry , and makes active considerations about the production , marketing and development of Chinese survey industry .

  19. 成功的人有四大习惯:永远保持学习的心;永远怀着感激的心;培养最佳的人际关系;培养正面积极的思考方式。

    Four great habits which lead to success are : Always be eager to learn , always be grateful , develop the best relationship , and think positively all the time .

  20. 生活上持续忙碌的状态不但会妨碍你完成私人生活中的任务而且也会干涉到你完成工作任务,忙碌状态会让你一直保持忧虑,而这些忧虑将会阻碍积极的思考。

    Life 's constant rush interferes with accomplishing tasks both in your private life and at work , which may keep you worrying all the time , thus preventing positive thinking .

  21. 本文希望能通过对相关案例的分析、研究,对我国驰名商标的反淡化保护问题进行一些积极的思考。

    The purpose of this essay is to bring some positive thinking with regard to protection on anti-dilution of well-known trademark of PRC through the analysis , research of relevant case studies .

  22. 这样就促使学生进行积极的思考,主动分析出自己动作错误的原因,并进行及时的改正,提高了学生学习的效率。

    This will help the students to prompt actively think of the reasons for their own initiative moves , and correct the actions in time and improve the efficiency of the class .

  23. 作为国际政治学的核心问题之一,战争与和平问题受到该学科各理论流派的关注,女性主义国际政治理论也对之进行了积极的思考和探索。

    As one of the core questions of international politics , the question of war and peace draws the attention of the various schools of thought in this area of study , while feminism also makes a thorough inquiry into the question .

  24. 通过借鉴其它国家和地区的先进制度并结合我国上市公司收购的特点,对完善我国上市公司收购法律制度作出积极的思考。

    By introducing the advanced legal systems of other countries and regions in this regard , and analyzing the specific situations in our country , this paper wants to shed light on how to perfect the legal systems concerning the purchase of listed companies .

  25. 本文从招投标实践出发,总结了目前公路工程招投标领域存在的一些问题,并提出了相应的改进措施和对策,对进一步规范公路工程招投标进行了积极的思考和探索。

    Proceeding from the practice of bidding work , the article summarizes some questions existing in the bidding work of highway engineering at present , puts forward the corresponding measures to improve it , and carries on positive thinking and exploration in further normalizing the highway engineering bidding work .

  26. 有些人每天都进行“感恩散步”,以积极的方式思考自己的生活。

    Some people take " gratitude walks " every day , where they think about their lives in a positive way .

  27. 关于运用激励法调动职工积极性的思考

    Pondering Over Applying Encouraging Method to Bring Staff 's Enthusiasm into Action

  28. 提高学生学习乐器积极性的思考

    Meditation on How to Motivate Students ' Initiative in Studying Music Instrument

  29. 关于高校如何调动女教职工积极性的思考

    Tactics on How to Motivate College Female Faculty Function

  30. 关于激发教师工作积极性的思考

    On Kindling Teachers ' Enthusiasm for Working