
  • 网络Soot;Carbon deposit;coke;carbon
  1. 柴油机积碳的成因危害预防与清除方法

    Cause of Formation , Harm , Prevention and Elimination Methods of Carbon Deposit on Diesel Engine

  2. 汽车经长时间使用后,喷油器针阀表面会形成少量积碳,影响其喷油质量。

    After the motor vehicle is used for a long time , a little carbon deposit is formed in the needle valve surface of fuel injector and the fuel injection quality will be affected .

  3. AP型铝合金活塞积碳清洗剂的研究

    Study on Model AP Carbon DePosit Remover for Aluminium Alloy Piston

  4. Co助剂对甲烷脱氢芳构化反应中Mo/MCM-22催化剂积碳行为的影响

    Effect of Co Additive on the Formation of Carbon Deposit on Mo / MCM-22 Catalyst for Methane Dehydro-aromatization

  5. CeO2和Co3O4助剂对镍基催化剂上CH4积碳和CO2消碳性能的影响

    Influence of CeO_2 and Co_3O_4 Promoters on Carbon Deposition and Carbon Elimination over Ni-Based Catalysts

  6. Ni/α-Al2O3催化剂中镍晶粒粒度分布对抗积碳性能的影响

    Effect of nickel crystal size distribution on the anticoking behavior of ni / α - al_2o_3 catalysts

  7. 确定Ni含量的原则是既可以保证阳极具有足够的催化活性,也不会过量而导致明显的积碳发生。

    The appropriate content of Ni can guarantee the sufficient catalytic activity in anode and not result in too much carbon depositions .

  8. 催化剂的失活不是因为积碳而是因为Pt聚集引起的。

    The deactivation of the catalyst is not due to coke formation but Pt sintering in the presence of O2 .

  9. 用XRD,XPS和TG/DTA表征手段研究了反应前后催化剂的晶体结构、表面性质以及积碳行为,结果表明该催化剂具有较强的抗Ni流失和抗积碳能力。

    The crystal structure , surface properties and carbon deposition of the catalyst were investigated by XRD , XPS and TG / DTA .

  10. 与贵金属催化剂相比,Ni基催化剂具有低成本、高活性的优点,在该反应中具有工业应用前景,但是该催化剂存在容易积碳的缺点。

    Compared with noble metal catalysts , the Ni-based catalysts have excellent prospects of industrial application for its good catalytic activity in POM and lower cost .

  11. 水蒸汽对Ni/Ce-Zr-Al-Ox催化剂上CO2-CH4反应积碳的影响

    Effect on the Carbon Deposit in CO_2 Reforming of CH_4 over Ni / Ce-Zr-Al-O_x Catalyst by Adding Steam

  12. Ni/Al2O3催化剂上CH4部分氧化制合成气反应积碳的原因

    Studies on the Reasons for Carbon Deposition over Ni / Al_2O_3 Catalyst in Partial Oxidation of CH_4 to Syngas with TPO Technique

  13. 对阳极积碳&消碳的研究表明:积碳对阳极催化活性造成的损失是不可逆的,CO2对积碳有抑制作用,但是不能完全消除CH4裂解产生的积碳。

    The effects of deposition on catalysis activation are unreversible . Though CO_2 can restrain carbon deposition , it could not remove all the carbon .

  14. Ni/γ-Al2O3催化剂上CH4-CO2重整体系中积碳消碳的研究

    Carbon Deposition and Carbon Elimination over Ni / γ - Al_2O_3 Catalyst for CH_4-CO_2 Reforming

  15. 添加气H2对减少积碳和提高起辉压力均有显著作用,使反应可在常压下操作。

    The addition of H_2 could make the reaction go on at the normal pressure . The Qi ( vital energy )

  16. 探索抑制催化剂积碳失活的有效途径是CO2重整过程开发成功的关键。

    The key to successful development of reforming process of methane with CO 2 is to explore effect ways of inhibiting carbon deposition and deactivation of the catalyst .

  17. 另外在单模谐振腔中积碳少,CZ烃产物不仅有乙炔,还有部分乙烯。

    Moreover , in single-mode resonator , carbon deposition is little , the products include acetylene and ethylene .

  18. 由于HDS普遍含有大量的积碳和油污,国内大多采用焙烧-浸取法进行回收利用。

    Because HDS generally contain large quantities of coke and oil , mostly by domestic roasting-extraction method for recycling .

  19. CH4-CO2重整反应镍催化剂的积碳性能研究

    Studies on carbon deposition of Ni catalyst in Ch 4-CO 2 reforming reaction

  20. 甲醇制烯烃反应过程中SAPO-34分子筛催化剂的积碳行为研究

    Study on Carbon Deposition on SAPO-34 Molecular Sieve Catalyst in Transformation of Methanol to Olefins

  21. 实验结果表明,以γAl2O3为载体的催化剂选择性较差且易积碳失活;

    The results showed that the catalysts with γ _Al 2O 3 as support had worse selectivity than with SiO 2 and were easy to cause coke formation .

  22. 尽管反应机理的研究和催化剂的改良等方面取得了长足的发展,但是MDA转化中积碳导致的催化剂失活依然是MDA工业化面临的挑战之一。

    Although the reaction mechanism of research and improvement of the catalyst has achieved great development , but the carbon deposition which causes catalyst deactivation in the MDA transformations is still one of the challenges .

  23. 在动态热重装置上,利用正庚烷的蒸汽转化反应考察载体中不同的TiO2含量对积碳速率的影响。

    The effects of the TiO2 content in supports on the rates of carbon formation were investigated at the condition of steam reforming of n-heptane in a dynamic thermogravimetric system .

  24. 催化剂的TG、XRD和TEM表征表明,Ag/SiO2催化剂失活的主要原因是反应过程中催化剂表面的积碳和银粒子的烧结。

    The characterization of the catalyst by TG . XRD and TEM indicates that the main reasons for the deactivation are the carbon-deposition on the catalyst surface and the sintering of silver particle during the reaction .

  25. 结果表明,即使LPG中的单烯含量达到60%,也不会在汽车燃气蒸发器内聚合生成残液,不会加剧发动机积碳;

    It is shown that even if monoene content is up to 60 % . there will be no raffinate polymerized in the fuel gas evaporator . so it will not intensify engine carbon accumulation ;

  26. 介绍了开发新型、高效、抗积碳的阳极材料来改善SOFC阳极积碳状况的方法,如:在阳极材料中添加不同的活化成分、助剂及选择不同载体等。

    Methods of developing new materials that prevent carbon deposition were introduced , such as , effect of promoter , effect of catalyst and choices of different supports , etc.

  27. 利用TG、XPS、AAS、TPR、BET和XRD等一系列表征方法考察了催化剂积碳、表面组成、Ni含量、表面积、孔体积和晶相的变化情况。

    The carbon deposition , surface composition , total nickel content , specific surface area , pore volume and crystal phase of catalysts were investigated with TG , XPS , AAS , TPR , BET , and XRD .

  28. 旋转放电反应器主要产物是乙炔和少量乙烯,积碳较多;而DBD反应器主要产物为乙烷和丙烷,几乎没有积碳产生。

    The main products were acetylene and few ethylene in multi-tip rotary electrode reactors and carbon more , while in DBD reactors main products of ethane and propane , almost no carbon deposition .

  29. 结果说明,FCC催化剂中加入一定量磷改性β沸石可以提高原料油的转化率、降低催化剂的比积碳及催化裂化汽油的烯烃含量。

    The results showed that FCC model catalysts with beta-zeolite modified by phosphorous as additive could increase conversion ( MAT index ) of raw oil , reduce specific coking and olefin content , and enhance research octane number ( RON ) in cracking gasoline .

  30. 氢气能够抑制甲烷转化过程中积碳的生成,促进甲烷的转化,C2烃的单程产率可达54.2%,而在SiO2催化剂存在下能够获得70.6%的C2烃产率。

    Hydrogen could suppress the coke formation during methane conversion and enhance methane conversion . The C2 hydrocarbons yield of 54.2 % could be obtained , while with the presence of SiOa catalyst the C2 yield could reach 70.6 % .