
  1. 积极沟通,组织协调,按时提交各种报告。

    Communicate actively and coordinate team ; provide required reports on time .

  2. 善待他人,积极沟通,让关爱无处不在。

    Be good to everyone , communicate positively and show empathy and kindness to others .

  3. 聚焦于一个特定的广告形式,它能和你的消费者积极沟通。

    Focus on a particular form of advertising that can reach out to many of your consumers .

  4. 积极沟通,消除部门之间的偏见,不要把责任推给其他部门或同事。

    Communicating with people in different departments to get rid of disagreement , be responsible and do not pass the buck to others .

  5. 这将开启你与雇主积极沟通的模式并提高满足他们期望的机率。

    This will initiate a positive communication pattern with your ( hopefully ) new employer and improve the odds of fulfilling their expectations .

  6. 市场参与者应在过渡期内积极沟通协商,尽快签署《主协议》。

    Market participants shall actively communicate and negotiate with each other within the transition period and sign the Master Agreement as soon as possible .

  7. 而一旦遭遇危机,企业须及时做出反应,积极沟通,寻求真实信息并加以有效利用,以最迅速、最有效的方法使企业转危为安。

    But once they are suffered from crises , they should response swiftly , communicate actively , seek truth information and make effective use of them , eventually change crises into opportunities by the most expeditious and valid means .

  8. 它需要事业单位领导和财务人员双方积极沟通、群策群力,在共同目标的引导下,共同努力,才能圆满化解事业单位财务人员绩效考核过程中的种种困境。

    It requires business unit leader and financial personnel both active communication , work and pull together , in the common goal under the guidance , work together , to successfully resolve the financial institutions personnel performance appraisal process all sorts of trouble .

  9. 他补充道:“尽管随着经济复苏,薪酬和招聘将不再冻结,但希望那种灵活变通的精神、以及许多员工就这类问题与雇主积极沟通的意愿,能为英国经济带来更长久的收获。”

    He added : " while pay and recruitment freezes should disappear as the economy recovers , the spirit of flexibility and the willingness of many staff to engage positively with employers on these issues will hopefully be a more permanent benefit of the UK economy . "

  10. 按照预防控制、及时主动、实事求是、患者至上、积极沟通的原则建立预案,实施管理计划,强化护理人员危机意识,加强护患沟通,化危机为契机。

    Based on the principles of preventive control , timely and initiatively , practical and realistic , patient first and active communication , it is necessary to develop emergency system and management plans , strengthen nurses ' crisis consciousness , improve nurse-patient communication to turn the crisis into opportunity .

  11. 长久以来,Adobe一直都在很认真地对待问题并与客户进行积极的沟通,我们始终致力于高质量产品的开发。

    Adobe has a long history of being responsive to issues and communicating with our customers , and we are strongly committed to producing products with the highest levels of quality .

  12. 在这方面,积极地沟通和交流是非常重要的。

    In this regard , actively communicate and exchange is very important .

  13. 同员工互动并紧密联系,积极协调沟通和相关的项目。

    Work with groups of employees , interacting , and taking proactive action for coordination of communication and projects .

  14. 提出了大学生思想政治教育中的有效沟通方法,具体阐述了谈心沟通法、现身说法沟通法、角色互换沟通法、感染沟通法、心理咨询沟通法、积极倾听沟通法。

    It explained the specific communication procedure which is the heart-to-heart talk communication method , the talking-oneself-as-an-example communication method , the roles reversal communication method , the infection communication method , the counseling communication method and the active listening communication method .

  15. 坚持思想政治教育理论与实际相结合。既要晓之以理,又要动之以情,才能使受众与思想政治教育传播者实现平等积极地沟通。

    Adhere to the combining of ideological and political education theory and practice , It is necessary to enlighten them with reason , but also move them with affection , To make the audience with the ideological and political education communicators to achieve equal and active communication .

  16. 尊重当地文化积极与妇女沟通协会

    Vivid Communication with Women in Their Cultures

  17. 为促进积极的家庭沟通的最好方法之一是举行家庭会议。

    One of the best methods for promoting positive family communication is to hold family meetings .

  18. 用积极的语言沟通。

    Communicate with positive language .

  19. 父母应该花更多的时间和他们的孩子积极友好的沟通以此来融洽他们之间的关系。

    Parents should sacrifice their spare time to communicate with their children actively and friendly to improve their relation .

  20. 他们借助鼓舞性的语言和乐观进取的态度,与员工进行积极有效的沟通。

    They use encouraging language and optimistic attitude , and the staff to conduct a positive and effective communication .

  21. 这些人际互联的技巧是:积极倾听、沟通、团队关系、解决问题和咨询、参与管理和接口管理。

    The People Linking Skills are : Active Listening , Communication , Team Relationships , Problem-solving & Counseling , Participative Management and Interface Management .

  22. 对客户做积极及时的沟通和响应,尽全力解决客户问题,不断创造客户价值。

    Communicate with customer actively and respond on time ; try your best to solve the customers'problem , create the additional value for the customers .

  23. 近几年,在东盟这个大舞台上,中日两个东亚大国展开了竞技,双方如果能够积极交流和沟通,就有可能促进中日关系的良性互动,最终有利于东亚经济一体化的实现。

    If China and Japan can effectively communicate and coordinate in the platform of ASEAN , it will help to improve Sino-Japan relations and ultimately the regionalization of East Asia .

  24. 积极与顾客沟通,解答顾客提出的问题,做好记录,将对公司发展壮大相关的,有代表性的信息整理、分类,及时将信息传递到各有关部门。

    Communicate with the client aggressively , answer client questions , make a record , tidy and classify the typical information related to the development of company and timely transmit the information to relevant departments .

  25. 大型美容机构之所以能够不断发展壮大,就是因为他们与时俱进,善于应变,经常总结,充分了解市场动态,积极与客户沟通。

    Large beauty institutions can continue to grow and develop , is because they keep pace with the times , resourceful , often summed up , fully understand the market dynamic , actively communicate with customers .

  26. 高校共青团应该保持坚定立场,积极与学生沟通,活跃校园文化,创新活动形式,严明组织纪律,服务第一课堂。

    What the youth leagues in college should do now is to insist their viewpoints , to actively communicate with the students , to energize campus culture , to innovate activity forms , to make clear organizational disciplines , and to serve the paramount lectures .

  27. 企业快速响应能力和个人积极性是影响沟通工具选择的重要因素,任务复杂性是决定部分网络工具使用的重要因素;

    Quickly response and individual motivation are two stable factors that affect the use of media ;

  28. 勤奋,积极主动,良好沟通,有独立处理问题能力。

    Diligence , initiative , good communication , ability and independently to deal with the problem .

  29. 一个与我们个人品质和技能相符的清晰的外在标识可以帮助我们更积极地与他人沟通。

    A clear outer identity that is aligned with our personal qualities and skills will positively effect our interactions with others .

  30. 然而这种理想化的学习表现并不只是学习者自身的责任所在,而是需要教师和学习者的积极配合,良性沟通以及情感上和谐共处才有可能实现。

    Nevertheless , this idealized learning psychology does not only depend on learners themselves but also the positive cooperation , benign communication and sentimental harmony .