
  1. 甘肃省道路旅客运输市场发展对策研究

    Research on Measures to Develop Road Passenger Transportation Market in GanSu

  2. 我国道路旅客运输服务质量评价体系研究

    Research on Quality Evalution System of Road Passenger Transportation Service of China

  3. 营业性道路旅客运输安全管理体系研究

    Study on Safety Management System of Commercial Passenger Traffic

  4. 四川省道路旅客运输安全管理机制的研究

    The Research of Passenger Road Traffic Safety Management Mechanism in the Sichuan Province

  5. 道路旅客运输突发事件应急保障机制研究

    Study on the Emergency Support Strategy in Unexpected Events of Road Passenger Transportation

  6. 吉林省道路旅客运输行业结构调整对策研究

    Study on Countermeasures for Structure Adjustment of Highway Passenger Transportation Trades in Jilin Province

  7. 保障营业性道路旅客运输安全是预防重、特大道路交通事故的关键。

    Ensuring the safety of commercial passenger traffic was the key to prevent fateful traffic accident .

  8. 道路旅客运输行业的政府管制

    Government regulation of road passenger transportation

  9. 介绍了我省农村道路旅客运输的现状和存在的问题,为实现村村通客车的近期目标,提出了发展农村客运班车的具体措施。

    The paper introduced the current situation and existed problem of county transportation vehicles in our province , and proposed specific measures .

  10. 高速铁路的快速发展在给铁路客运带来良好机遇的同时,也对道路旅客运输业带来较大的影响,道路旅客运输业如何迎接挑战促进行业可持续发展是一个亟需研究的课题。

    Rapid development of high-speed railway has brought great opportunities to railway passenger transportation and meanwhile great impact on road passenger transportation .

  11. 本文试图以道路旅客运输经营权的授予方式为纽带,将政府、社会和企业三者联系起来。

    The paper attempts to think of the conference mode of RPTMR as the link , connects with government , society and enterprise .

  12. 随着城市化和城乡一体化进程的加快,迫切要求对道路旅客运输实行一体化的管理。

    With the rapid development of urbanization and urban-rural integration , the road passenger transport has a serious need for the integration management .

  13. 道路旅客运输作为旅客运输的重要形式,由于其灵活便捷性在旅客运输中发挥着重要作用。

    As an important form of passenger transport , road transport plays an important role in the transportation of passengers due to its flexibility and convenience .

  14. 论文首先对道路旅客运输经营权的相关概念和经济法律属性进行解释和分析;

    Firstly , the paper starts from explaining and analyzing the relevant concept , economy and legal attribute of the operation right of road passenger transportation ;

  15. 在此基础上,运用线性回归法、弹性系数法、时间序列法、客运系数法等方法对我省的道路旅客运输需求发展进行了预测。

    On this basic , set forth forecast for the highway passenger transportation demand , adopting linear regression method , elasticity coefficient method and time sequence method .

  16. 道路旅客运输经营权授予方式的选择在我国客运市场的管理中占非常重要的地位。

    It is very important to select the conference mode of RPTMR ( Road Passenger Transport Management Right ) in management of the passenger transport market of our country .

  17. 站场基础设施的科学规划、合理建置、超前发展很大程度上将直接影响着道路旅客运输的服务水平和整体功能。

    The scientific planning , reasonable building and the advanced development of the infrastructure of the station directly impact on the level of road passenger transport services and overall capabilities .

  18. 第二章对道路旅客运输行业结构调整的宏观政策进行了研究,论述了道路旅客运输结构调整的政策依据、调整目标、基本原则和具体任务。

    Chapter Two : Investigation is made on the micro policy of transportation industry structure adjustment , expounding the policy basis , adjustment objective , essential principles and detailed tasks for the adjustments .

  19. 为西安市国有公路客运站的现代化管理提供了一些建议和意见,也为西部地区的道路旅客运输事业做出了一点贡献。

    Xi ' an for modern management of state-owned bus station offers some suggestions and opinions , but also for road passenger transport undertakings in the western region to make a little contribution .

  20. 论文对道路旅客运输市场集中度进行实证分析,不仅是对目前道路客运低市场集中度的有力说服,还为道路运输市场集中度的理论研究提供了一个可靠的实证依据。

    The demonstrational analysis on the concentration ratio of passenger transport market is not only a demonstration for the present low concentration ratio of passenger transport market , but also an evidence for the theoretical analysis .

  21. 公路客运站是道路旅客运输服务网络的节点,是组织旅客运输生产必不可少的基础设施,在旅客运输服务系统中起着重要的衔接作用。

    The highway passenger station , which is the beta node of passenger transportation service network and the essential infrastructure of organizing passenger transportation production , plays an important linking role in the passenger transportation service system .

  22. 本文详细阐述了服务质量的含义及其特点,界定了道路旅客运输服务质量的概念,分析了道路旅客运输服务质量的特点,并分析了我国道路旅客运输服务质量的现状。

    This paper elaborated on the meaning of quality of service and its character , defined the concept of the road passenger transport service quality , analyzed the service quality characteristic and the status quo of the road passenger transport .

  23. 通过市场规律形成和管理运价,既是保证公众基本出行的需要,对促进道路旅客运输业健康发展又具有重要的实际意义。其意义在于:一是提高政府执政形象。

    Forms through the market rule with the management transportation charges , not only is guaranteed the public basically goes on a journey the need , to promotes the path passenger shipping industry healthy development also to have the important practical significance .

  24. 但是随着四川省经济的不断发展,人们生活水平逐渐提高,四川省道路旅客运输业迅速发展,市场规模不断扩大,旅客构成、旅客运输经营结构的深刻变化。

    Yet , with the development of the economy in Sichuan and the improvement of people 's living conditions , the rapid development of passenger traffic trade , the continuous expansion of market scales , the profound change in passenger constitute and passenger management structure .

  25. 在此基础上预测道路旅客交通需求,建立道路班线设置优化模型及发车时刻表优化模型,为道路旅客运输企业合理规划组织运输提供参考。

    Then , on the basis of the prediction of road passenger transport demand , the paper established a road class line optimization model and departure schedule optimization model to provide a reference for the rational planning and organizing of transportation of the road passenger transport enterprises .

  26. 其次,对我国道路客运经营行政许可方式进行分析与总结,找出适合社会主义市场机制的道路客运经营许可方式&道路旅客运输服务质量招投标制;

    Secondly , the paper analyzes and summarizes the way of road passenger transportation operation administration entry of our country , finding out the way of road passenger transportation operation administration entry which is suitable for socialist market mechanism-road passenger transportation service quality bidding ;