
  • 网络Human Resource Assistant;HR Assistant
  1. 在上面的例子中,缩写的“人力资源助理”也很重要。

    In the above example , the abbreviated " HR assistant " could be important .

  2. 去年4月,他在网上看到了武汉鑫定成商贸有限公司发布的职位&人力资源助理的招聘广告。

    Last April , he saw an online employment ad posted by Wuhan Dingcheng for a human resources assistant for its " inside " staff .

  3. 该项研究论文的主要作者、组织与人力资源助理教授艾米丽•格里哈尔瓦表示:自恋与各种人际关系失调有关,包括无法维持良性发展的长期关系,行为不检点和强势好斗。

    Narcissism is associated with various interpersonal dysfunctions , including an inability to maintain healthy long-term relationships , unethical behaviour and aggression , said Emily Grijalva , assistant professor of organisation and human resources , and the paper 's lead author .

  4. ——西班牙IE商学院(IEBusinessSchool)组织行为学与人力资源学助理教授克里蒂?哈因(KritiJain)

    Kriti Jain , assistant professor in organisational behaviour and human resources , IE Business School

  5. 人力资源副总裁助理

    Assistant Vice-President of Human Resources

  6. 今年29岁的威瑟斯小姐在伦敦西区一家人力资源公司担任私人助理,朋友和家人都表示了对她的支持。

    Friends and family also rallied around Miss Withers , 29 , a PA from a West End recruitment firm .