
  1. 这些机构大多来自亚洲,不过,欧洲央行(ECB)也表示正考虑投资人民币资产。

    While most of these are in Asia , the European Central Bank has also said it is considering investing in such assets .

  2. 人民币资产与外币资产具有不完全替代性。

    RMB assets and foreign currency assets has not completely alternative .

  3. 同时,较高的美元利率也降低了人民币资产的吸引力。

    Higher US interest rates also make renminbi assets less attractive .

  4. 目前人民币资产需求巨大。

    The demand for RMB assets is enormous .

  5. 人民币资产迈入全球配置体系

    RMB assets come into global disposition system

  6. 据信,马来西亚央行成为首家在外汇储备中持有人民币资产的外国央行。

    Malaysia is believed to have become the first central bank to hold mainland renminbi assets in its reserves .

  7. 这种预期,加之温和的通胀压力再度出现,都推动了对人民币资产的风险偏好。

    Such expectations , combined with the return of modest inflationary pressures , are boosting the risk appetite for renminbi assets .

  8. 让情况复杂化的是,国际热钱不断流入,购买处于升值趋势的人民币资产,让中国形成了巨额国际收支盈余。

    Compounding the situation , inflows of international hot money to buy ever-higher renminbi assets led to enormous balance of payments surpluses .

  9. 投资者对亚行债券的需求超过发行量一倍,突显市场对人民币资产的偏好程度。

    Investor demand for the ADB bonds was double the amount on sale , highlighting the strength of appetite for exposure to the renminbi .

  10. 按照这样的水平,人民币资产的隐含收益率达到了2%,而5月份时仍为负1.4%。

    At these levels , the implied yield on renminbi assets has reached 2 per cent , up from minus 1.4 per cent in May .

  11. 此外,中国需要实现资本账户可兑换,并促进人民币资产市场的发展,使之具有深度和良好流动性,并且提供各种期限的产品。

    China also needs to accept capital account convertibility , and to facilitate the development of deep and liquid markets of RMB assets of various durations .

  12. 该集团称,它的客户有三分之二是企业家和金融城人士,其中许多人希望持有人民币资产。

    The group reports that about two-thirds of its clients are entrepreneurs and City types , many of whom are looking to gain exposure to the renminbi .

  13. 眼下美元、欧元和日元利率全都接近为零,人民币资产的较高收益率增加了人民币的吸引力。

    In a period when dollar , euro and yen interest rates were all near zero , higher yields available on renminbi assets added to the lure of the currency .

  14. 不过,中国股市最近的牛熊转换循环使外国投资者再次怀疑,将投资组合中的一大部分配置为人民币资产是否明智。

    Yet the recent boom-bust cycle in the Chinese stock market has renewed doubts among foreign investors about the wisdom of allocating large sections of their portfolios to renminbi assets .

  15. 一年前,香港只有寥寥几种人民币资产,当时中国企业在香港发债的成本比在内地低得多。

    A year ago , when there were few renminbi assets available in Hong Kong , Chinese companies were able to sell debt there far more cheaply than on the mainland .

  16. 然而,虽然拉美各国央行大体上都有意把本国部分储备投资于人民币资产,或者允许以人民币进行贸易结算,但它们在细节方面大多含糊其辞。

    But while Latin American central banks generally want to invest some of their reserves in renminbi or to allow trade in the currency , they are vague on the details .

  17. 今年早些时候,相关银行、保险公司与基金管理公司获得中国监管部门的批准,可以将客户的人民币资产换成外汇进行海外投资。

    Earlier this year , banks , insurers and fund managers received regulatory approval to invest overseas by converting clients ' renminbi assets into foreign exchange , a small step towards full convertibility .

  18. 因此,这些投资者认为,购买人民币资产越多越好,因为一些分析师预计,人民币的升值幅度可能会高达25%。

    So , the more assets you buy in renminbi the better , they argue , as the currency could rise by as much as 25 per cent , according to some analyst reports .

  19. 在香港发行的“点心债券”越来越多,加上资金流回内地的渠道增多,可能会推高人民币资产的收益率,使离岸利率接近内地水平。

    The growing pipeline of dim sum bond issuance in Hong Kong , plus more opening for the money to flow back into China , is likely to cause Renminbi yields to rise , pushing offshore interest rates towards Mainland levels .

  20. 外国投资者以其拥有处置权的股票或其合法拥有的人民币资产作为支付手段的,须经外汇管理部门核准。

    If the foreign investor uses the shares over which it has the right to disposition or the renminbi assets it lawfully owns as the means of payment , it shall obtain the approval of the Department of foreign exchange control .

  21. 中国外汇储备在今年前11个月中的9个月下降,目前约为3.43万亿美元。投资者抛售人民币资产以保护自己免受贬值影响,而央行出售外汇储备中的美元以遏止人民币弱势。

    China 's reserves have fallen for nine of 11 months this year and stand at $ 3.43tn , as investors sell renminbi assets to protect themselves against depreciation and the central bank sells dollars from its reserves to curb renminbi weakness .

  22. 陷入高调大股东争夺战的地产商万科(Vanke)表示,打算收购深圳地铁集团(ShenzhenMetroGroup)价值约400亿至600亿元人民币的资产,此举是为了推行其长期以来承诺的资产重组。

    China Vanke , the property developer enmeshed in a high-profile takeover battle , said it planned to acquire a stake worth an estimated Rmb40bn-Rmb60bn ( $ 6.2bn - $ 9.3bn ) in Shenzhen Metro as part of a long-promised restructuring .

  23. 该集团现在声称拥有超过7000亿元人民币的资产,包括纽约的华尔道夫酒店。

    It now claims assets of more than Rmb700bn , including the Waldorf Astoria .

  24. 这鼓励了来自一些机构投资者的更多资金流,它们要么无法持有人民币计价资产,要么是不放心这么做。

    This has encouraged additional flows from some institutional investors who are either unable to hold assets denominated in Renminbi or uncomfortable doing so .

  25. 近年来投资者大举投资“点心债券”等人民币计价资产的主要原因之一,就是预期人民币会升值。

    One of the main reasons investors piled into renminbi-denominated assets such as " dim sum bonds " in recent years was the expectation of currency appreciation .

  26. 过去一年里,外国投资者通过各种可能的手段,大举买进了人民币计价资产。他们预期人民币对美元走高将给他们带来近乎无风险的收益。

    Foreign investors have been piling into renminbi-denominated assets in the past year through whatever means possible , in the expectation of virtually risk-free gains as the currency moves higher against the dollar .

  27. 虽然港元仍牢牢盯住美元,但香港投资者预期,未来几年,人民币计价资产和人民币本身将在他们的资产配置中扮演更重要的角色。

    Although the Hong Kong dollar remains firmly pegged to the US dollar , local investors expect renminbi-denominated assets and the currency itself to play a bigger role in their asset allocation over the coming years .

  28. 根据榜单上的信息,他两年前从深圳当地的一所职业高校毕业,而他成立的企业,丁叮文化产业发展有限公司已经使他拥有1200万元人民币的资产。

    He graduated two years ago from a local vocational college in Shenzhen , and his event organizing business , Dingding Culture Industry Development Co. , LTD , has given him wealth of 12 million yuan ( $ 1.8 million ) , according to the list .

  29. 即使如此,它们也不得不先将本币兑换为人民币以购买资产,在售出资产后再兑换为本币这是一个耗钱耗时的操作。

    Even then , they were forced to convert their own currency into Renminbi to buy an asset , and convert back again on sale a costly and time-consuming exercise .

  30. 该基金只有大约三分之一的初始资本(约700亿美元)计划用于离岸投资。根据中投的权限,该公司可以投资于任何非人民币计价的资产。

    Only about one-third of the fund 's initial capital of about $ 70bn is earmarked for offshore investment . CIC 's mandate says it can be spent on anything but renminbi-denominated assets .