
  • 网络Alpha Fund
  1. 几只多重阿尔法基金中的第一只是中国基金,这只基金将最多拥有3或4位经理人。

    The multialpha funds , the first of which was China , will have a maximum of three or four managers .

  2. 例如,汇丰的多重阿尔法中国基金由香港建立和管理,并且只面向亚洲投资者发售。

    For example , the HSBC multialpha China fund was constructed and managed in Hong Kong and only sold to investors in Asia .

  3. 那些寻找阿尔法的投资基金,一直忙着在新兴市场中选股,而私人股本基金的收购狂潮,在维系全球股价方面发挥了重要作用。

    Those who search for alpha have been busily picking stocks in the emerging markets , and private equity funds whose acquisition spree has played a vital role in sustaining world equity valuations .