
  1. 面向美国联合航空(UnitedAirlines)头等舱以及商务舱乘客的文学杂志《Rhapsody》,提供了一个机制,帮助将高净值人群财富转化为给严肃作家的报酬。

    Rhapsody , the literary magazine for United Airlines " first-class and business passengers , is a mechanism for converting HNWI wealth into fees for serious writers .

  2. 中国缺乏机构投资者,因此所有人都把目光对准高净值人群。

    China lacks institutional investors so everyone focuses on high net worth individuals .

  3. 那将有助于下一代人回答一个紧迫的问题:该拿人数日益增多的高净值人群的继承人怎么办?

    That will help the next generation answer a pressing question : what to do with the growing tribe of HNWI heirs ?

  4. 崔表示,公司还没有获得任何风险投资,但他有几名个人投资者,都是高净值人群,对公司的未来有信心。

    Choi said that the company had not raised any money from venture capital firms but that he had a bunch of private investors who are high-net-worth individuals who believe in the company .

  5. 2014年末,大陆共有7个省(市、区)的高净值人群数量超过5万人,分别为广东、上海、北京、江苏、浙江、山东和四川。

    The number of high net worth individuals exceeded 50,000 in 7 provinces , municipalities and autonomous regions last year , including Guangdong , Shanghai , Beijing , Jiangsu , Zhejiang , Shandong and Sichuan .

  6. 为了摆脱困境,券商纷纷将目标转向中高端客户,高净值人群已经成为推动券商业务发展的重要动力。

    To bail out , the brokerage firms have turned to target on the high-end customers , and high net worth individuals have become an important driving force to promote the development of the brokerage business .

  7. 招商银行和管理咨询公司贝恩公司26日联合发布《2015中国私人财富报告》,报告显示,2014年末,中国大陆高净值人群规模突破100万人,相较2010年年底已经翻番;大陆个人总体可投资资产达到112万亿人民币。

    There were more than 1m high net worth individuals in China 's mainland last year - double the figure for 2010 , according to the China Private Wealth Report 2015 released Tuesday by China Merchants Bank and management consultants Bain & Co. The mainland 's private wealth market reached RMB112 trillion last year , the report said .

  8. 全世界超高净值(UNHW)人群的财富激增,使得这一切成为可能。

    The explosion of wealth among ultra high net worth ( UNHW ) individuals around the world has made all of this possible .