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  • 网络high weight
  1. 满二叉树的Laplacian矩阵有着高重数的特征值,其中1重复最为频繁。

    Repeated eigenvalues occur with high multiplicities in the Laplacian matrices of full binary trees .

  2. 针对高重频频率步进雷达,提出了抑制强杂波的有效处理流程。

    The paper proposes a novel method of clutter cancellation for stepped-frequency radar .

  3. 植物抗冻蛋白的抗冻特性是低热滞活性和高重结晶抑制活性。

    The characteristics of antifreeze activities of plant AFPs are the low TH activity and high RI activity .

  4. 台风波高重现值的泊松最大熵分布估计台风使海面波涛汹涌。

    Return Typhoon Wave Height Estimation with Poisson-maximum Entropy Distribution The typhoon heaved the sea into huge waves .

  5. 理论和实验都证实:套管内具有一定厚度的隔热层可以减少动态法热电偶测温误差,文中给出了高重显性动态热电偶结构示意图。

    The theory and experiment verified that insulation materials in a protective pipe can reduce the error of the temperature measurement by dynamic method .

  6. 高重频频率步进雷达的杂波抑制和高分辨处理波幅较高、频率较慢、脑波杂乱可能是移居高原者脑电活动的特点。

    Clutter Cancellation and High Resolution Processing in HPRF Stepped-frequency Radar It is the character of EEG at high altitude that slowly frequency and higher amplitude and disorderly wave .

  7. 数值仿真与实验都证明,通过倾斜接触路径和优化设计得到的高重合度弧齿锥齿轮齿面载荷分布合理,在强度方面具有明显的优越性。

    The results prove that the higher contact ratio spiral-bevel gears to design by the methods of inclining the contact path are obviously more advantages than the conventional ones on distribution and strength .

  8. 高密度重晶石大体积混凝土施工技术低堆密度大孔体积γ-Al2O3的制备与表征

    Construction Technology for Mass Concrete with Dense Barite Preparation and Characterization of γ - Al_2O_3 with Low Bulk Density and Large Pore Volume

  9. 每天日照在6h以上易形成早期高粒重;

    Sunshine over 6 hours per day was favorable to form a high early grain weight .

  10. 海南JX地区高精度重磁资料综合地球物理解释

    Comprehensive Geophysical Interpretation from Higer Accuracy in JX Area of Hainan

  11. 结果表明,K型杂交小麦的粒重遗传符合加性&显性模型,加性效应更为重要,高粒重属增效基因,对低粒重为部分显性。

    The results indicated that the inheritance of weight of k hybrid wheat was fit to addition dominant genetic model , but additive effect was more important . Weighty grain gene was partially dominant to light grain gene .

  12. 低剂量的重离子束辐照对于舌鳞癌细胞Tca8113的侵袭能力没有影响;高剂量重离子束可明显抑制舌鳞癌的体外侵袭能力。

    Low-dose heavy ion beam irradiation has no effect on the invasion ability of tongue squamous cell carcinoma Tca8113 ; while high-dose heavy ion beam irradiation can obviously restrain the invasion ability of tongue squamous cell carcinoma .

  13. 全高钛重矿渣混凝土应用基础研究

    Fundamental Research on Application of Complex High Titanium Heavy Slag Concrete

  14. 高钛重矿渣碎石做混凝土集料的研究

    Study of the high titaniferous heavy-slag breakstone as concrete aggregate

  15. 东海南部海域高精度重磁场调查

    High accurate survey of gravity and geomagnetics in the southern East China Sea

  16. 高熔点重丰中子区新核素的合成和研究

    Synthesis and Study of New Refractory Heavy Neutron-rich Nuclides

  17. 烧结温度对高钨重合金性能的影响

    Effect of Sintering Temperature on the Mechanical Properties of High-W Tungsten Heavy Alloys

  18. 每次测温必须严格按同一方式进行,才可能深证高的重显性。

    In order to kcep reproducibility each operation of measurement must be same .

  19. 掺加微粉对高钛重矿渣砂浆性能的影响

    Influence of filling micro mist to the high titanium and dry slag mortar performance

  20. 桐柏盆地高精度重磁勘探的地质效果

    The geological effect on the high precision magnetic and gravitational prospecting in Tongbai Basin

  21. 高阶重采样滤波器的多项式近似实现

    Polynomial approximate implementation of high order resampling filter

  22. 高精度重磁测量在油气勘探中的应用效果

    The effects of applying high precision gravity and magnetic survey to oil and gas exploration

  23. 目的探讨含缓释淀粉的肠内营养剂(瑞代)对高血糖重危患者的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of enteral nutrition with slow-release starch in critically ill patients with hyperglycemia .

  24. 大型高效全重介选煤简化流程新工艺及设备的研究

    Research on new technology and equipment of large high efficient full heavy medium coal preparation with simplified processing

  25. 应用高精度重磁勘探方法解决在推覆体下找煤问题。

    The high resolution gravity and magnetic survey was used to solve the problems in coal exploration under nappe .

  26. 它的箱型机身大约有17英寸宽,18英寸高,重约33磅。

    The box-shaped contraption is approximately 17 inches wide , 18 inches high and clocks in at 33 pounds .

  27. 由于稠油段油层原油的粘度高,重烃组分所占比例大,因此造成采出井采出困难。

    The viscosity of crude oil from viscous oil reservoir is high and heavy hydrocarbon components constitute the majority .

  28. 结论:陈旧性心肌梗死患者非心脏手术术前心肾功能不全者多,有心绞痛症状者多,围手术期心脏事件发生率高且重。

    Conclusion : Patients with prior MI who have undergone noncardiac surgery have a higher rate of major postoperative cardiac complications .

  29. 高度耐腐蚀、耐温、耐磨、高韧性重防腐蚀涂料ChemLINE784

    A High Degree of Corrosion Resistance , Temperature Resistance , Wear Resistance , High Toughness Heavy Duty Coatings : ChemLINE 784

  30. 当然爱因斯坦意味的并不仅仅是这些,他已经超越了科学天才的范畴,成为人类文明中德高望重的偶像。

    Yet there is more , and it is why Einstein transcends mere genius and has become our culture 's grandfatherly icon .