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  • 网络Lew-lan
  1. 张晓刚现在还是生活在北京郊外一个传统村庄里一个有着高耸屋顶的工作室中,收藏他作品的人主要有前瑞士大使乌里•希克(UliSigg)、北京企业家刘兰、以及印尼华人农业大亨余德耀(BudiTek)。

    Mr. Zhang still spends his days at his soaring studio in a traditional village on the city 's outskirts . His major collectors include former Swiss ambassador Uli Sigg , Beijing entrepreneur Liu Lan and Chinese-Indonesian farming tycoon Budi Tek .

  2. 真猜不透像他那样一个英俊的男子为何能爱上刘兰那样一个不起眼的女孩子呢?

    I cannot make it out why a handsome-looking man like him would fall in love with a plain Jane like Liu Lan .

  3. 在乔山公墓安葬了儿子之后,伤心欲绝的刘兰放下了生意,遍访姜浩生前的师友。

    After burying her son in Qiaoshan Cemetery , Liu Lan put down her business and visited her son 's friends and teachers .

  4. 刘兰甚至跟家教老师一个个打招呼:“你们不要太为难我儿子,如果把他逼出病来,别怪我们不客气!”

    She even said to every tutor ," You should not push my son too hard ! Otherwise , if he is ill , I will attribute the responsibility to you . "

  5. 姜春阳头脑灵活、为人豪爽,主要负责外联,刘兰性格泼辣、吃苦耐劳,主要负责人员管理与财务。

    Jiang Chunyang had a flexible and outgoing mind , which helped him a lot in communicating outside , while Liu Lan was iron-willed and industrious , which made her responsible for management and finance .