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  • 网络LIU
  1. 承办机构中国对外贸易中心(chinaforeigntradecentre)副主任刘建军表示,中国供应商对展位的需求,超出了组织方所能提供的数目,同时,外国买家的兴趣骤增。

    Liu Jianjun , deputy director of the China Foreign Trade Centre , which oversees the event , reported more demand for stands from Chinese suppliers than could be accommodated and a sharp increase in interest from foreign buyers .

  2. 它始于发生在广东省的一起非正常肺部疾病,在刘建军医生到达香港后,它开始在世界范围内传播。

    It began with an abnormal lung disease in Guangdong Province and spread worldwide after Dr Liu Jianjun came to Hong Kong .

  3. 这种事很花钱,但效果显著。刘建军表示,如今要是没有品牌,想卖打火机或者烟嘴是很困难的。

    This kind of thing costs money , but the results are evident , Liu said . If people just try to sell a lighter or a cigarette holder without a brand , it is very difficult these days .

  4. 刘建军教授认为,国内的外国文学史理论形态没有根本性改变有多方面的原因,最关键的是让读者无法确定其所解释的文学现象是现代的而不是传统的。

    Liu believes that there is no radical change in theories about foreign literary history yet , and the most important reason lies in that the existing theories do not provide a modern interpretation of all the literary phenomena in the history .