
gāo jiù
  • better employment;be promoted to a higher post
高就 [gāo jiù]
  • [better employment] 放弃原来的工作,去担任地位较高的工作

  • 另谋高就

高就[gāo jiù]
  1. 刚一开会小高就抢先发言。

    Xiao Gao began to speak before everybody else , just as the meeting started .

  2. 听说你要高就了。

    I 've heard you 're moving up .

  3. 可以换个角度看这个问题:想象一下在感恩节晚餐上有两位刚毕业的MBA遇上了,其中一位在谷歌工作,刚把自动驾驶汽车推向市场,另一位则在高盛高就。

    Another way to look at this : Picture two recent MBAs at Thanksgiving dinner . One works for Google , bringing self-driving cars to the market ; the other works at Goldman .

  4. iowait值高就意味着磁盘缓慢或负载过大。

    A high iowait value can be an indication of a slow or overloaded disk .

  5. 将覆盖率提高到95%或者更高就需要动一下脑筋。

    Increasing coverage to95 percent or more can require some sneakiness .

  6. 永远不要因为薪水高就接受一份工作;

    Never accept a job just because the pay is higher .

  7. 大卫:请问飞鸿您在哪儿高就?

    David : What business are you in , Feihong ?

  8. 佣金越高就意味着价格越高,不是吗?

    A higher commission means a higher price , doesn 't it ?

  9. 银行成本效率高就意味着相同的投入有着高的回报。

    The high bank cost efficiency means the same input with high returns .

  10. 你必须告诉我要么你就另某高就吧。

    You find me or you find another job .

  11. 我能问一下你要去哪里高就吗

    May I ask where you 've landed ?

  12. 采样率越高就越能真实反映外部世界,并行时间交替采样是提高采样率的主要技术路线。

    Parallel alternating time sampling is the main technical line to improve the sampling frequency .

  13. 我爬得越高就越被眼前的美景所震撼

    And the higher I got , the more amazed I was by the view .

  14. 我本想买这件连衣裙,但一看价钱太高就犹豫了。

    I wanted to buy the dress , but I balked at the high price .

  15. 我们爬得越高就跌得越重

    the farther we have to fall .

  16. 若不能遵守本要求,请另寻高就。

    If you feel unable to comply with this requirement , you may find another job .

  17. 早在1995年,德尔奋.高就作为世行专家在利文斯顿市开展了一项实地调查。

    Delfin Go was the expert conducting a World Bank field survey back in1995 in Livingston .

  18. 汤姆∶我收到您的电子邮件。您目前在天才英文学苑高就,是吗?

    Tom ︰ I received your email , of course . You 're with Genius English School , right ?

  19. 如果翻转这幅图的话,底和高就意味着更多了。

    And maybe I want to actually flip my picture so that the base and the height make more sense to me .

  20. 沙漠地区地震采集避高就低方法探讨

    Discussion on the method of " dodging thick LVL and moving from high places to the lower " in desert seismic acquisition

  21. 把卡城建得越高就越体验游戏的耐性与精确性。

    Stack up and build your House of Cards ! The more patience and accuracy you show , the higher you build .

  22. 就铰链而言,一个双关的铰链的可觉察度越高就越有利于双关的理解。

    On the one hand , the more detectable the hinges of a pun are , the easier the pun processing will be .

  23. 对于学生证、学位证等普通证件来说,成本太高就显得不太合适。

    As an ordinary certificate like student ID card or degree certificate , it is not so fit to have a high cost .

  24. 那些自愿前往米兰与巴黎奢侈品大牌设计室高就的新锐设计师前景又将怎样呢?

    What about the young graduates who move freely to Milan or Paris to take jobs in the design studios at major luxury houses ?

  25. 但他也希望当“工薪阶层”——衣冠楚楚地去日本大公司高就。

    But he also wanted to become a " salaryman , " an employee of a big Japanese company dressed in suit and tie .

  26. 我们关注曼城和切尔西,因为他们是主要的挑战者。如果我们比他们排位高就很可能拿到冠军。

    We look at City and Chelsea as the main challengers and , if we finish above those two , we 'll hopefully win the league .

  27. 想到将要管理一个他如此嫉妒的人,克拉布里特心情很低落,最终促使他另寻高就。

    Crabtree grew depressed at the prospect of having to manage someone whom he was so envious of and this ultimately forced him to seek job satisfaction elsewhere .

  28. 海拔高度与咖啡密度也有直接的关系,海拔越高就意味着密度越高。

    There is a direct correlation between coffee density and the altitude that the coffee plant is growing at , with a higher altitude equaling a higher density .

  29. 空间分辨率是衡量图像质量的一个重要标准,图像的分辨率越高就越能提供更多原始场景的细节。

    Spatial resolution is typically an important measure for image quality , the higher the resolution is , the more details of the original scene the image can provide .

  30. 对于某一种勘探方法,分辨率越高就意味着它能分辨的地下最小地质体的能力就越高,勘探的效果就越好。

    For a certain kind of exploration method , the higher its resolution , the easier it can distinguish between underground minimum geological body , and the higher effection of the exploration .