
gāo děng
  • advanced;high;of a higher level;upper
高等 [gāo děng]
  • (1) [higher;high;advanced]

  • (2) 比较高深

  • 高等数学

  • (3) 有复杂组织;系统发育上大大分化或发展--指高级的动植物类型

  • 高等海藻

  • (4) [upper]∶高级的

  • 高等学校

高等[gāo děng]
  1. 他们举行示威游行,要求实行免费高等教育。

    They are demonstrating in favour of free higher education .

  2. 高等教育的发展对变革应该是一个强大的推动力。

    The expansion of higher education should be a powerful force for change .

  3. 大学扩招了,这样就使更多人能有机会接受高等教育。

    The universities have expanded , thus allowing many more people the chance of higher education .

  4. 从事高等教育的人员新老更替极其缓慢。

    There has been very little renewal of personnel in higher education

  5. 目前高等教育的经费体制并不令人满意。

    The present system of funding for higher education is unsatisfactory .

  6. 她也定期为《泰晤士报高等教育增刊》写专栏文章。

    She also writes a regular column for the Times Educational Supplement .

  7. 高等教育被迫向市场需求妥协。

    Higher education is being forced to prostitute itself to market forces .

  8. 他可以将此事交由高等法院裁决。

    He could refer the matter to the high court .

  9. 她参加完高等程度考试后去印度旅行了。

    She travelled to India after taking her A levels .

  10. 这个项目旨在为高等教育和小企业之间建立联系。

    The programme aims to forge links between higher education and small businesses

  11. 全国的学生都相信高等教育是有用的。

    Belief in the utility of higher education is shared by students nationwide

  12. 高等法院将保释金定为8,000美元。

    The high court set bail at $ 8,000 .

  13. 预计他会被移交利物浦高等刑事法庭。

    He is expected to be committed for trial at Liverpool Crown Court .

  14. 高等法院批准拆除工作继续进行。

    The High Court has granted permission for the demolition work to continue .

  15. 该案件于12月23日被提交给高等法院法官亨利先生审理,后被延期。

    The case went before Mr Justice Henry on December 23 and was adjourned .

  16. 伦敦两所高校的举动给高等教育界带来了深远的影响。

    The move by the two London colleges is sending reverberations through higher education .

  17. 社会各个阶层享受高等教育的权利是不平等的。

    Higher education is unequally distributed across social classes

  18. 我的员工中有一名教授充当我们和高等教育机构的联络人。

    I have a professor on my staff here as liaison with our higher education institutions

  19. 大多数继续教育学院都提供高等程度考试课程。

    Most further-education colleges offer A-level courses .

  20. 20世纪90年代,高等教育的一个重要议题是要使课程更加多样化。

    A key issue for higher education in the 1990 's is the need for greater diversity of courses

  21. 查尔斯·施瓦茨法官将给路易斯安那州60天时间来解散然后合并该州的4个高等教育委员会。

    Judge Charles Schwartz is giving the state 60 days to disband and consolidate Louisiana 's four higher education boards

  22. 高等法院家事庭里资历最高的法官已接管这个案子,这就证明了此案的紧迫性和重要性。

    The fact that the most senior judge of the High Court 's Family Division had taken control of the case was proof of its urgency and status .

  23. 这所大学的全体人员招待了来自另一所高等学校的参观者。

    The University played hosts to their visitors from another institute .

  24. 这个区高等院校很多。

    There are many institutions of higher learning in this district .

  25. 猿、猴子、猩猩虽然是高等动物,但它们都不会制造工具。

    Apes , monkeys and orangutans are higher animals , but they can 't make tools .

  26. 在合用的小样本中高等真菌的一种惊奇性状是同形种或姊妹种的数量。

    A surprising feature of the higher fungi , in the small sample available , is the number of cryptic or sibling species .

  27. 学习高等数学的学生家长和MathCounts的教练们说孩子们经常在线学习研讨。

    Parents of advanced - math students and Math Counts coaches say the children are on the website constantly .

  28. 该州的政务客户至上办公室正在审查外包的可行性,在该办公室的一份电子邮件声明中,发言人米歇尔·R·马丁表示,政府官员仍在努力分析来自高等教育监管会的数据。

    In an email statement from the state 's Office of Customer Focused Government , which is examining the possibility of outsourcing , spokeswoman Michelle R. Martin said officials were still working to analyze the data from the Board of Regents .

  29. 在高等数学界,多元化是个问题,这已不是什么秘密。

    It 's no secret in the advanced-math community that diversity is a problem .

  30. 无论哪一种情况,纳税人都与支付学生的高等教育费用无关。

    Either way , taxpayers have no business paying for students ' college education .