
  • 网络free forging;open die forging
  1. 介绍了自由锻造CAPP智能化系统的研究和开发技术。

    Introduced the research and development of an intellective free forging CAPP .

  2. CAPP在自由锻造中的应用研究

    Research of CAPP Application in Free Forging

  3. 2500t自由锻造水压机操纵系统改造

    Control System Reconstruction of 2500t Freedom Forging Hydraulic Press

  4. 对大型自由锻造液压机车间的工艺设计具有较高的参考价值。

    It provides reference for process design of heavy free forging workshop .

  5. 自由锻造液压机组数控系统的研究

    An Investigation on the Numerical Control System of the Open-die Forging Press

  6. 介绍粉末包套烧结&自由锻造法制备含氮钢的过程。

    A technique of producing nitrogenous stainless steel is introduced in this paper .

  7. 16-25/30MN下拉式自由锻造液压机的改造

    The Upgrading of 16-25 / 30MN Pull Down Type Free Forging Hydraulic Press

  8. 自由锻造工艺计算机辅助设计

    Computer-aided design in the technology of free forging

  9. 浅谈曲轴自由锻造的下料计算

    Material sizing calculation of crankshaft free forging

  10. 自由锻造操作机冗余驱动系统的驱动力分配与协调

    Distribution and coordination of driving force in the redundant driving system of free forging manipulator

  11. 对自由锻造工艺编制工作和生产自动化管理也具有重要意义。

    That is of great significance in the technological design and process automations for the large free forgings .

  12. 由捷克进口的120MN自由锻造水压机,是某国有大型企业的关键设备。

    The120MN free forging hydraulic press that imported from Czech is large-scale and key equipment of a enterprise .

  13. 它包括含氮粉末准备→装粉→烧结→包套焊封→自由锻造等技术措施。

    It includes the following procedures : canning with nitrided steel powder → sintering → sealing the can → forging .

  14. 本文研究了一种自由锻造耐热合金机匣毛坯的新方法。

    A new method to free forge the blank of case of an aircraft made of superalloy has been studied .

  15. 在大型自由锻造工艺中,钢锭内部的疏松缺陷是影响锻件质量的主要因素。

    In heavy free-forging process , the porous defects inside the ingot are the main factors which affect the quality of the forging .

  16. 采用高速钢粉末与45号钢套自由锻造工艺,制造双金属木工刨刀片。

    The bimetallic planing chips for carpenters were made by drop-forging high speed steel powder in carbon-steel ( 0 . 45 % C ) containers .

  17. 针对大型高合金钢环筒形件自由锻造时容易产生开裂缺陷和变形不均匀等问题,研究开发了坯料包套模内冲挤成形新技术。

    In accordance with defects of cracking and uneven deformation during open-die forging processes of high-alloy steel heavy cylindrical forge , a new punching-extrusion forming technology with an outer ring was developed .

  18. 全纤维弯曲镦锻工艺大大改善了曲轴疲劳强度,并且有效提高了金属利用率和机加工效率,明显优于自由锻造法。

    Obviously the crankshafts formed by upset bending are superior to that by free forging because the continuous grain flow upset bending processes improve significantly the fatigue , material usage and machining productivity .

  19. 自由锻造液压机组是机械行业中的重型设备,是衡量一个国家大型装备制造能力和技术水平以及经济与国防实力的重要标志,具有明确的战略意义。

    Free forging hydraulic machines is heavy equipment in the machinery industry . It is an important symbol of economy and national defensive capabilities , which is a measurement of the capability of manufacturing national large equipments .

  20. 自由锻造工艺设计是一项复杂而繁琐的工作,传统的工艺设计方法对工艺人员经验要求高,耗费大量的精力,而且难以实现工艺标准化。

    The work of open die forging process planning is very complicated . The traditional way of to do it need workers with experience , is difficult to achieve standardization of the process , and is energy consuming .

  21. 大型锻件通常在液压机上锻造,因此,是否拥有大型自由锻造液压机是一个国家大型装备制造能力和技术水平及经济与国防实力的重要标志,具有明确的战略意义。

    Because heavy forgings are usually forged on free forging hydraulic press , possessing the machine is also a significant symbol indicating the production capacity , technical level of heavy equipments , the economy and national defense strength of a country , having specific strategic significance .

  22. 在3t自由锻锤上锻造大直径圆环类锻件

    Forging Technology of Bigger Diameter Ring on the Three-tons Steam-air Forging Hammer

  23. 介绍了在3t自由锻锤上锻造大直径圆环类锻件的锻造工艺方法,及此类锻件工艺规程的确定。

    This paper introduces the forging technology of bigger-diameter ring on the three-tons steam-air forging hammer .

  24. 汽车前轴的整体模锻,我国主要采用以下几种工艺:热模锻压力机成型、模锻锤锻造成型,自由锻胎模锻造成型、锟锻成型和摩擦压力机棋锻成型。

    In the integral die forging processes of automobile front axles , forging stocks are mainly formed with the following equipment in this country : hot die forging press , die hammer , free forging machine , roll forging machine and friction press , etc.

  25. 对于生产高要求、高质量的大锻件,自由锻是唯一的成形方法,研究自由锻锻造工艺十分重要。

    To manufacture high quality heavy forgings , free forging is the only way to choose . It is very important to research the free forging process .