
  • 网络China Financial;China Finance;Finance in China
  1. 2007,中国金融业高调步入后WTO过渡期

    2007 , China Finance Industry Walks into the Post Transition Period of WTO

  2. IDG有意安排「中国金融界」在纳市挂牌,预料月底前可以落实。

    It is said that IDG is planning to make the IPO of China Finance Online on NASDAQ by the end of the month .

  3. 加入WTO,中国金融业面临的机遇、挑战及对策

    China 's Access to WTO : Opportunity , Challenge and Strategies

  4. 加入WTO之后,中国金融业也不可能长期游离于世界潮流之外。

    After WTO entry , it is impossible for China to stay away from the world financial trend .

  5. 中国金融中介发展与地区经济增长:多变量VAR系统分析

    Financial Intermediation and Regional Economic Growth : the Multi-variable VAR System Research

  6. 面对加入WTO之后中国金融新开放带来的变化和出现的问题,需要重新修正和开发货币政策工具;

    Under the pressure of opening financial market after China 's entry to WTO , it 's necessary to modify and develop new monetary policy ;

  7. 中国金融发展与城乡收入差距关系的再检验&基于面板单位根和VAR模型的估计

    Reevaluation of the Relationships between Financial Development and Urban-Rural Income Disparity in China-an Empirical Study Based on Panel Unit Root and VAR Models

  8. 中国金融法律体系与WTO规则存在着诸多脱节,中国金融立法任务更加艰巨、繁重。

    There are many dislocations between China 's Financial Law System and the WTO regulation . Thus , the Financial Legislation is a more difficult and arduous task for Chinese government .

  9. 进入新世纪以来,中国金融业不仅面临加入WTO后经济全球化的更激烈竞争,而且面临西方国家金融管制放松、金融混业经营新趋势的影响。

    Since the new century , Chinese financial industry faces not only more impetuous competition of economy globalization after entry WTO , but also the impact of new trends of western countries deregulation and mixed business operation .

  10. 中国金融市场大体上仍把外国投资者关在门外,QFII是他们进入中国金融市场的少数正式途径之一。

    The QFII scheme is one of the few official gateways into China 's financial markets , which remain largely closed off to foreign investors .

  11. 中国金融资产管理公司(以下统称为AMC)是在特定的历史条件下成立的暂时性金融机构,现在其面临着转型和发展两大挑战。

    China Asset Management Company is the provisional financial organization in the special history condition which is facing two challenges of the shift and development .

  12. 他的言论突显出中国金融服务业内激烈的人才大战。这是该行业的内外资企业迅速扩张的结果。自中国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)以来,已逐渐放开了金融服务业的竞争。

    His comments highlight the battle for talent in the financial services industry in China , a result of rapid expansion of domestic and international companies in a sector that has been gradually opened up to competition under Beijing 's accession to the World Trade Organisation .

  13. 随着加入WTO后中国金融业的逐步开放,犯罪分子利用中国经济发展迅速而法律尚不够健全的特点,将中国作为他们洗钱的新据点,中国反洗钱工作将面临巨大的挑战。

    With the gradual opening of China 's financial industry after its accession to WTO , criminals , taking advantage of its rapid economic development and imperfect legislation , regard China as their new base for money laundering , bringing about severe challenges to China 's anti-money-laundering operations .

  14. 在中国金融期货经纪业务将由期货公司专营的政策安排下,创新类券商在金融期货市场发展初期,将通过收购期货公司,以期货介绍经纪商(IB)身份参与金融期货经纪业务。

    Under the policy that futures broker business will be monopolized by futures companies in China , in the initial stage of the development of futures market , innovative security companies will participate in the financial futures business as introduce brokers ( IB ) through takeover futures companies .

  15. 银行业全面开放后的中国金融的安全隐患及防范对策

    On Financial Security after Full-open of Chinese Banking Sector and Countermeasures

  16. 中国金融适应效率实证研究(1991~2004)

    The Discussion on Chinese Financial Resource Adaptive Efficiency ( 1990-2004 )

  17. 综合经营:中国金融业的现实选择

    Integration Operation : A Realistic Choice for China 's Financial Industry

  18. 缺乏和包含不对称信息假设的信贷市场模型&兼论对中国金融改革的运用

    Credit Market Model with the Assumption of the Asymmetric Information Model

  19. 现阶段的中国金融模式刍议

    A tentative comment on the Chinese financial mode in present stage

  20. 中国金融抑制与经济发展的实证分析

    A Positive Study of Financial Restraint and Economic Development in China

  21. 中国金融业分业经营安全性分析

    An analysis of the security of financial segregated management in China

  22. 中国金融体系的变革:争论与启示

    The Evolution of China 's Financial System : Controversies and Enlightenment

  23. 中国金融衍生品交易风险管理的法律规制研究

    China finance derivatives trade risk management 's law regulation research

  24. 金融全球化与中国金融监管的战略选择

    Financial Globalization and the Strategic Selection About China Financial Regulation

  25. 加入世贸组织后的中国金融业

    Financial Trade of China after China 's Acceding to WTO

  26. 论1882-1883年中国金融风潮

    On the financial agitation of 1882 & 1883 in China

  27. 世纪之交:中国金融调控的现状分析

    The Review and Prospect of China 's Financial Control in the Trans-century

  28. 论中国金融业的网络化及其发展策略

    On Networking and Development Strategy of China 's Financial Industry

  29. 新世纪中国金融业既充满了发展的机遇,又面临生存的压力。

    The new century brings both opportunity and pressure to Chinese banking .

  30. 中国金融安全的战略分析&兼论金融资产管理公司

    Strategic analysis of financial security of China - referring assets management company