
  • 网络The China Factor
  1. 中国因素:国际航运界的新命题

    China Factor offers a new proposition for the international shipping industry

  2. 国际集装箱运输市场的中国因素研究

    Research on China Factor of the International Container Transportation Market

  3. 分析中将理论与实证结合,一方面对弹性论、IS-LM-BP模型(其中结合了中国因素)等进行了详细的介绍。

    On the one hand , the paper clearly described the Elasticity Theory , IS-LM-BP model ( introducing Chinese factors ), and so on .

  4. 几大矿业公司的总裁评估中国因素

    Appraisal of China factor by President of several mining corporations

  5. 日本经济发展过程中的中国因素分析

    Analysis of Chinese Elements in the Course of Japan 's Economic Development

  6. 中亚地区安全中的中国因素

    The Chinese Factors in Central Asia 's Regional Security

  7. 东亚区域经济合作中的中国因素:多视野的分析与判断

    The " China Factor " in East Asian Economic Cooperation : A Multi-angled Analysis

  8. 一战后日本亚太战略的中国因素分析&以日本《帝国国防方针》的修改为线索

    The Factor of China in Japan 's Asia-Pacific Strategy after the First World War

  9. 中国因素将长期作用于铜市场

    Chinese Factors Will Long-Term Act on Copper Market

  10. 其次,这里有中国因素。

    Second , there is the China factor .

  11. 东亚地区合作中的中国因素

    Chinese Factor within East Asian Regional Cooperation

  12. 期铜价格走势中国因素的实证研究

    The Empirical Analysis of " Chinese Factors " about the Price Trend of Future Copper

  13. 最流行的理由是中国因素。

    The most popular argument is China .

  14. 中国因素是戴比尔斯决定永久减产的原因之一。

    The China factor is one reason why De Beers has decided to moderate production permanently .

  15. 中国因素:航运市场发动机

    China Factor : Engine of Shipping

  16. 国际商品价格波动与中国因素&我国开放经济成长面临新问题

    World Commodity Price Fluctuation and China Factor : New Challenge on China 's Economic Growth in Globalization

  17. 这是这笔交易中的一个奇怪之处,这笔交易再次突显出全球经济中的中国因素。

    It is a strange twist in a deal that underscores yet again the China factor in the global economy .

  18. 中国因素已吸引到大型投资银行和基金公司到香港发展。

    The China factor has attracted large investment banks , and fund houses , to establish a presence in Hong Kong .

  19. 在收复缅甸的问题上,英国排除中国因素,企图不劳而获。

    On the question of the recovered Burma , British neglects China factors , and tries to get something for nothing .

  20. 由于中国因素,2004年和2005年,煤炭需求增速高于天然气需求。

    Thanks to the China effect , growth in demand for coal grew faster than demand for gas in 2004 and 2005 .

  21. 一方面是因为我国长期以来是全球最大棉花的生产和消费国,中国因素影响世界棉花价格的走势;

    On one hand , China is the largest cotton production and consumption country . The China factors affect world cotton prices trend .

  22. 本文试图从美国发动越南战争的原因谈起,然后探讨美国在整个战争期间是如何考虑中国因素的。

    This thesis tries to discuss the reasons for the war , and emphasis on how the US treat China during the war .

  23. 此项新研究印证了在一些交易员及自然资源公司之间流传的说法,即中国因素正在推高大宗商品需求及价格。

    The new research corroborates anecdotal evidence from traders and natural resources companies , which said that China was driving commodities demand and prices .

  24. 新闻集团的一些高管担心,围绕中国因素所做的文章,可能正对班克罗夫特家族成员产生作用,并可能危及新闻集团的收购。

    Some News Corp executives are concerned the China campaign could be gaining ground among members of the Bancroft family and may imperil their bid .

  25. 所以,虽然中国因素推动国际收入不平等下降的主要源泉是经济增长,但人口增长的作用也非常重要。

    Therefore , economic growth of China is the main reason , but population growth also plays an important role for decreasing of international income inequality .

  26. 随着“东学西渐”研究在我国的逐渐展开,人们对西方哲学文化中的中国因素有了一定的了解。

    With the research in China on " Eastern Studies Introduced to the West ", the Chinese factors on western philosophy are recognized to a certain extent .

  27. 完善的城市整体功能与高度发达的金融业以及令人瞩目的中国因素将支撑香港国际金融中心地位的巩固与提高;

    The perfect urban functions , highly developed financial industry and well knowd " China Factors " will sustain the consolidation and improvement of the international financial centre position of Hongkong ;

  28. 4个月前,我们的数据显示,由于中国因素,市场在2011和2012年将非常紧张,埃尔南德斯表示。

    Three or four months ago our figures showed that the market , because of China , would be very tight in 2011 and 2012 , Mr Hern á ndez said .

  29. 作为美国权力链条中重要一环的美韩同盟,也正经历着来自中国因素、东亚一体化进程和地区秩序结构转型的冲击。

    As a part of the United States ' power chain , the US-ROK alliance is also experiencing Challenges from China , East Asian regional integration process and the restructuring of the regional order .

  30. 除此之外,美国房地产市场的微观因素对美国房价的影响在整体上要强于美国宏观因素、基本国情及中国因素等因素的影响。

    In addition , the effects of micro-factors of the American real estate market on American housing prices as a whole is stronger than that of the American macroeconomic factors , trade imbalances factors .