
  • 网络Jingu Bang;will-following golden-banded staff
  1. 如意金箍棒是中国小说《西游记》中美猴王孙悟空的兵器。

    Ruyi Jingu Bang was the weapon of choice for Sun Wukong , the Monkey King hero of the Chinese novel Journey to the West .

  2. 相传大禹在治水时用如意金箍棒来测量洪水的深浅(最终水患得以平定)。

    Ruyi Jingu Bang was said to have been the pillar used by Yu the Great to measure the depths of the Great Flood of China ( and to eventually end the Flood ) .

  3. 儿子经常说他就是孙悟空,不时拿着他的如意金箍棒(事实上只是一根丑陋的小木棍)在客厅那块大地毯上挥舞。

    My boy always tells other people he is the Monkey King and shakes his " golden cudgel "( in fact , it 's simply an ugly crabstick ) on our living room 's carpet .