
  1. 她故乡的韩国食品,饱含丰富的味道,需要清新酸爽富有变化的葡萄酒,如长相思(SauvignonBlanc)或一支果味黑比诺。

    Her native Korean food , packed with a range of flavours , demands versatile wines with refreshing acidity such as Sauvignon Blanc or a fruity Pinot Noir .

  2. 结果表明,接种PWN使抗性马尾松种源中某些萜类组分如长叶烯等增多,而某些组分如反式石竹烯等减少;

    The results showed that the inoculation led to increase of some components such as longifolene with the inoculated days in the H and M provenances , but led to decrease of some compounds such as trans caryophyllene in all three provenances .

  3. 夏日如长湖上的月光悄悄流逝。

    The summer days flowed by like moonlight on long waters .

  4. 秧鸡一种秧鸡科的短嘴鸟,如长脚秧鸡。

    Any of several short-billed birds of the family rallidae , such as the corncrake .

  5. [谚]光说不做的人有如长满野草的花园。

    A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds .

  6. 拖到绘图页后,可以添加阔叶长绿树,如长绿木兰或蓖麻树。

    Drag onto the page to add a broadleaf evergreen tree , such as evergreen magnolia or castor tree .

  7. 最后根据定标标准板对各类划痕、缺陷等不同疵病特征(如长、宽、面积)进行分析和评估。

    The different defects size feature ( e.g. length , width , area ) are analyzed and evaluated by criterion .

  8. 这些在大脑的变化和神经元重组的相关进程如长时程增强效应被认为是制造记忆的细胞学基础。

    These changes in the brain-and the related process of neural reorganization known as long-term potentiation-are believed to be the cellular basis for memory making .

  9. 除此之外,计算机和网络词汇的翻译还具有几个区别于其它翻译领域的特点,如长译不如短译,译不如不译,等等

    In addition , there are some unique features in the area of translation of computer and network words , differing from traditional areas of translation

  10. 该疾病包括各种长在头部和颈部组织和器官各种类型的肿瘤,如长在唾液腺和粘液上。

    The disease includes a range of tumour types occurring in the tissues and organs in the head and neck , for example salivary glands and mucus membranes .

  11. 但在强干扰地区(通常具有很强的低频电磁干扰,如长、短脉冲和方波等低频干扰),低频数据的质量仍然很差。

    However , it is difficult to enhance data quality in the area affected by strong low - frequency electromagnetic disturbances like long or short impulses and rectangle waves .

  12. 同样,管理员可以检查无响应的应用程序,或者那些报告说正处于运行程序临界段,如长时间报表更新。

    Also , the administrator can check for dead applications or those that are reporting they are in a critical section of the program , like long updates to reporting .

  13. 液力偶合器在多机驱动系统(如长运距、大容量、高速度的带式输送机的驱动系统)中起到了极其重要的作用,被得到了越来越广泛的应用。

    Fluid couplings play an important role in multimotor drive ( e.g. drive systems of belt conveyer with longer distance , heavier loading and higher speed ) and get wider and wider use .

  14. 目前,制备有机膨润土所用的原料主要为钠基膨润土,所用的插层剂主要是阳离子表面活性剂,如长碳链季铵盐、烷基胺等。

    At present , sodium bentonite was used as main raw material , and cationic surfactants such as long carbon chain quaternary ammonium salt and alkylamine were used as modifying agents when synthesize organobentonites .

  15. 第二章主要分析戏曲电影中运用电影镜头(如长镜头、蒙太奇镜头和特写镜头),来表现提升戏曲艺术的表现空间。

    The second chapter basically analysis in the movie drama , using the shot ( such as long lenses , montage technique and close-up performance ) to improve the representation space of drama art .

  16. 在短暂的一生中,他创作了约五十部作品,涵盖了各种文学体裁,如长短篇小说、剧本、诗歌、散文、旅行游记和大量书信。

    In his short life , he produced about fifty volumes of works ranging over different literary types such as novels and short stories , plays , poems , essays , travels and personal correspondence .

  17. 结果青壮年日常生活中的诸多不良习惯以及其他不利因素是诱发前列腺炎的高危因素,如长时间久坐、长距离骑车、憋尿及酗酒。

    Result Many bad habits in young people 's daily life and some other conditions are the dangerous factors causing prostatitis , such as long-time sitting 、 long distance bicycling 、 holding back urine and bibulosity .

  18. 而令人惊奇的地方在于,人类有如此多莫名其妙的特质:既有像艺术、梦想或无私助人这些高尚的东西,也有如长耻毛、脸红、挖鼻孔等难登大雅之堂的行为。

    What is surprising is that there are so many traits that remain enigmatic . These range from the sublime , such as art , dreaming and altruism , to the ridiculous , think pubic hair , blushing and nose-picking .

  19. 蜕术:改变自身到新形体之法,如长出爪牙和创造人彘等。身为中国人的意义正在蜕变,这是一些学者正在探讨的课题。

    Metamorphosis : The transformation of the body into new shapes , from sprouting claws or fangs to creating a homunculus . It is transforming the meaning of being Chinese , in a way that scholars are just beginning to examine .

  20. 10周龄体尺指标之间体现骨胳生长的指标如颈长、体长、胸骨长之间有显著的相关性(P<0.05)。

    The correlation between the neck length , stem length and sternum length were significant ( p < 0.05 ) .

  21. 由于如催长剂之类的基础化工部生产门槛较低,需求量不大,为另辟市场,BASF公司开始从事农业化学品及转基因农作物研究。

    BASF has pursued agricultural chemicals and genetically modified crops as a means to diversify away from lower-margin basic chemicals such as ammonia , where demand is growing at a slower pace .

  22. 并讨论了在目前的天体测量新技术如甚长基线干涉仪(VLBI)、激光测卫(SLR)、激光测月(LLR)已成功地用于天文地球动力学的情况下,GPS发展的可能前景。

    Under the recent situation that new astronomical technigues , for example , Very Long Baseline Interferometry ( VLBI ), Satellite Laser Ranging ( SLR ) and Lunar Laser Ranging ( LLR ), are successfully applied to astro-geodynamics , the possible trends of GPS are discussed .

  23. 现已明确,米的一些形态性状,如粒长、粒宽、粒重等,主要受母株基因型控制;

    It has been found that some morphological characters of rice , such as grain length , grain width , grain weight etc.

  24. 其中,由于国内形态方面的研究已经比较深入,形态指标的确定主要参考了这些研究成果,并在此基础上提出了一些新的指标如跟腱长。

    The new appearance refers these results , but some new index signs such as the length of Achilles ' tendon are brought forth .

  25. 在基金会召开理事会会议时,如理事长未能出席,则副理事长将代其主持会议。

    The Chairman of the Executive Committee and in his absence the Vice-Chairman shall preside as Chairman at every General Meeting of the Foundation .

  26. 研究了电弧参数如弧长、脉冲电流幅值,脉冲电流持续时间等对产生熔池振荡的影响。

    The effect of the are paraaers ( e. g. pulse current amplitude , pulse time , arc length and so on ) on pool oscillation is studied .

  27. 结论精神分裂症的记忆功能是受多种因素的影响,如包括长时记忆、短时记忆和瞬时记忆的障碍,且不因病程长短而变化;

    Conclusion The memory function of schizophrenia are affected by multifactorial and include long , short and instantaneous memory disorders and no relation with the duration of illness .

  28. 但现行高血压随机化临床试验存在一些不足。如耗时长、耗资大、混杂因素多、伦理道德问题及质量控制难度大。

    But , in current randomized clinical trials of hypertension , there are some flaws including ethical issues , long time , huge expenses , excessive confounding factors , difficult quality control .

  29. 就现行排水反复直接剪切试验中所存在的问题,如时间长,试验结果不理想而提出了一些改进办法。

    Some better ideas to solve the problems that existed in the repeated drained direct shear test , such as the test time is so long and the results of the test are not logical .

  30. 刑事法庭组成方式是指具体案件的合议庭或独任庭组成人员的产生方式,如审判长是通过什么方式产生的,其他合议庭成员是通过什么方式产生的。

    The way of form of criminal court refers to the staff selection of the specific cases in the collegiate bench or independent judge , such as the selection of the presiding judge or other members of collegiate bench .