
yīn cǐ
  • therefore;so that;so;thus;accordingly;as a result;hence;as a consequence;consequently;thereby;for this reason;thereupon;ergo;then
因此 [yīn cǐ]
  • [therefore;for this reason;consequently] 因为这个

  • 减了税,因此怨声也少些了

因此[yīn cǐ]
  1. 他只有17岁,因此没有投票选举的资格。

    He 's only 17 and therefore not eligible to vote .

  2. 因此我们得制作一块很大的遮光窗帘。

    We therefore had to contrive a very large black-out curtain .

  3. 双方实力非常接近,因此结果无法预料。

    The result is going to be too close to call .

  4. 雪松油可用于制香水,因此十分珍贵。

    Oil of cedarwood is highly prized for its use in perfumery .

  5. 条约没有得到批准,因此被宣布无效。

    The treaty was declared invalid because it had not been ratified .

  6. 那地方还疼,因此我去看了医生。

    It was still painful so I went to see a doctor .

  7. 他的地位已难以维持,因此他被迫辞职。

    His position had become untenable and he was forced to resign .

  8. 他身体不适,因此我们只好把他留下。

    He wasn 't well , so we had to leave him behind .

  9. 我得工作这么长的时间,因此生活中的麻烦事就更多了。

    My life is further complicated by having to work such long hours .

  10. 我们对此次延误以及因此有可能造成的所有不便表示道歉。

    We apologize for the delay and regret any inconvenience it may have caused .

  11. 那台激光唱片机有毛病,因此我们把它送回了厂家。

    The CD player was faulty so we sent it back to the manufacturers .

  12. 离选举只有一个星期了,因此大家开始感觉到有压力了。

    The heat is on now that the election is only a week away .

  13. 我承认我做错了——但别因此而看不起我。

    I admit I made a mistake ─ but don 't hold it against me .

  14. 我睡过了头,因此误了班车。

    I overslept and missed the bus .

  15. 这家公司早些时候有一个大订单被撤销,因此陷入了困境。

    The company ran into trouble early on , when a major order was cancelled .

  16. 有些医生认为无知是福,因此不向病人透露全部病情。

    Some doctors believe ignorance is bliss and don 't give their patients all the facts .

  17. 我们怀疑他们在企图隐瞒什么事,因此有必要进行独立调查。

    We suspect they are trying to hide something , hence the need for an independent inquiry .

  18. 回答b的选手表明对这个过程有所了解,因此可以得到一半的分数。

    Candidates who answered ' b ' could be awarded half marks for demonstrating some understanding of the process

  19. 吉米是被收养的,因此和贝丝没有血缘关系。

    Jimmy is adopted and thus unrelated to Beth by blood .

  20. 她正感到有些疲倦,因此很高兴可以靠在他身上。

    She was feeling tired and was glad to lean against him

  21. 那天是星期一,因此她在家里。

    It was a Monday , so she was at home

  22. 他又瘦又高,动作笨拙难看,因此有了“蜘蛛人”的外号。

    His gangling , awkward gait has earned him the name Spiderman .

  23. 他导致了他们的婚姻破裂,因此想作出补偿。

    He wanted to make amends for causing their marriage to fail .

  24. 我们为因此可能带来的尴尬表示歉意。

    We apologise for any embarrassment this may have caused .

  25. 伯恩斯坦输掉了官司,但从未因此而怨恨格伦迪。

    Bernstein lost the case , but never held it against Grundy .

  26. 他们曾见过他用拖网捕鱼,因此知道那里有鱼。

    They had seen him trawling and therefore knew that there were fish

  27. 由于他们也必须进行短跑,因此速度至关重要。

    As they must also sprint over short distances , speed is essential

  28. 这所房子需要彻底重建,因此我们决定不买了。

    The house needed totally rebuilding , so we decided against buying it

  29. 他的才干得不到充分施展,因此他不满意自己的工作。

    He was underemployed and not satisfied with his work .

  30. 它们值得拥有,但是不能因此放弃更好的服务。

    They are worth having but not at the expense of better services