
  • 网络INGA;Muyinga
  1. 在非洲赤道地区的森林里,有一个木桩上一个手写的小牌子写着:“因加(Inga)6号电站入水口。”

    On a wooden stake planted in Africa 's equatorial forest , a small hand-painted sign reads : " Here will be erected the water intake of the Inga 6 power plant . "

  2. 因加的问题在于,他说,这个项目花了这么长时间。

    The problem for Inga , he says , is that the project took so long .

  3. 用24h回顾法进行全天膳食和活动调查,采用WHO报告的要因加算法估算总能量消耗量。

    The energy requirements were estimated by the factorial calculation according to WHO report .

  4. 分析实验中因加聚焦透镜产生成像畸变的原因。提出了改善同轴光路结构时APD饱和延时问题的方法。

    This article analyses the imaging distortion reason and put forward to improve the APD saturation delay problem when using coaxial optical design .

  5. 第二条因加-金沙萨线路的建设将由欧洲投资银行资助(EIB)。

    However , the construction of the second Inga-Kinshasa line will be financed by the European Investment Bank ( EIB ) .

  6. 世行官员扬•瓦利泽尔(JanWalliser)表示,因加3号水电站工程看上去可行。

    Jan Walliser , an official at the World Bank , says the third phase of Inga looks feasible .

  7. 因加在他主人身上的诅咒已经解除,哈利满心欢喜。

    Harry was full of joy because the spell on his master had been broken .

  8. 南非、津巴布韦和赞比亚已经开始受益于因加生产的电力。

    South Africa , Zambia , and Zimbabwe are already benefiting from the power generated at Inga .

  9. 因此,它从因加坝刚开始投入运行后就获得了电力供应。

    It has therefore been supplied by the Inga dam since it was first put into operation .

  10. 因加1号和2号两座水坝已建成,但状况不佳。

    Two dams – Inga 1 and Inga 2 – already exist but are in a sorry state .

  11. 又避免了因加碱皂化带来的不利影响。

    It both shortens technological path , lowers cost and avoids harmful influence due to adding alkali for saponification .

  12. 结果表明,焦炭表面反应程度随反应温度提高而增强,还因加碱而增加。

    The results show that the surface reaction of coke is strengthened with temperature rise and increased by adding alkalis .

  13. 南非去年同意从因加3号水电站购买2500兆瓦的电,并同意从后续几个阶段建设的水电站购买相当大一部分电力。

    South Africa last year agreed to purchase 2500MW from Inga 3 as well as a chunk of subsequent stages .

  14. 在多年的拖延之后,采矿企业正在对现有的基础设施修修补补,而不是等待因加3号水电站建成。

    After years of delay , mining companies are applying plasters to the existing infrastructure rather than waiting for Inga 3 .

  15. 因加属的任何一种灌木或乔木,羽状复叶,花白色;因其观赏性而种植。

    Any tree or shrub of the genus Inga having pinnate leaves and showy usually white flowers ; cultivated as ornamentals .

  16. 金沙萨和加丹加目前一共缺少1400兆瓦的电力,而因加的全部人口目前才只享有1750兆瓦!

    Together Kinshasa and Katanga currently have a shortfall of1,400 MW , while the entire production at Inga is currently at1,750 MW !

  17. 没错:把所有的气候变化致因加在一起,你会发现,食肉造成的气候变化比其它致因加在一起都要多。

    That 's right : Add up all the causes of climate change , and you find that eating meat causes more than everything else combined .

  18. 运动负荷试验并彩色多普勒超声检查,因加了运动负荷的诱发作用,可使结论更准确客观,更有早期的价值。

    Due to the induction of exercise tolerance , the combination of exercise tolerance test and CDFI provides more accurate , objective and valuable conclusions at early stage .

  19. 除了南部非洲国家之外,西部非洲的若干国家,其中包括尼日利亚,也表明有意从因加购买电力。

    In addition to the countries of Southern Africa , a number of countries in West Africa , including Nigeria , have also indicated their intent to purchase power from Inga .

  20. 人们曾多次试图开发因加河段的水力资源——15公里的湍急河段、宽阔的褐色河面,在这里陡然缩窄下落,落差达100多米。

    Many previous efforts to develop the site , where the river 's broad brown waters narrow to little more than 100 metres after gushing down over 15km of rapids , have all stalled .

  21. 在原建筑物上采用轻型钢结构加层时,不只进行轻型钢结构本身的设计,还应考虑因加层所引起的原建筑物构件内力变化以及使用功能变化。

    It is necessary not only to do the design of the light steel structure itself , but also to consider the changes in inner forces and functions of the existing building when the story-adding of a light steel structure will be used for an existing building .

  22. DNA是生物体的基本遗传物质,一些化学物质易与其形成加合物。因DNA加合物能够反映化学污染物与DNA的作用情况,因此可以用作生物标志物来评价和预测污染物的潜在致癌性。

    DNA is the basic genetic material of organism , the interaction of some chemicals and DNA make the formation of DNA adducts , which can evaluate and predict potential carcinogenicity of pollutants because of reflecting the interaction condition between chemical pollutants and DNA .

  23. 如果早上不开会,他就暂时不上路以避开车流,并在星巴克(Starbucks)要一大杯低因咖啡加奶油,开始一天的工作。

    If he doesn 't have an early meeting at work , he avoids traffic by waiting to hit the road and starts his workday at Starbucks over a grande half-caf with cream .

  24. 周四传来的消息意味着,力拓因收购加铝而陷入举债经营的时代已宣告结束。

    The message on Thursday was that the debt-financed era into which Rio plunged with Alcan was over .

  25. 某工程因擅自加层,决定采用碳纤维布进行抗震补强,须进行试验验证。

    Due to the extra storey arbitrarily added in a project , it is decided to adopt carbon fiber cloth for anti - seismic reinforcement .

  26. 你美貌的名声传在列邦中,你十分美貌,是因我加在你身上的威荣。这是主耶和华说的。

    And thy renown went forth among the heathen for thy beauty : for it was perfect through my comeliness , which I had put upon thee , saith the Lord GOD .

  27. 在软土地基加筋路堤稳定性分析方法中,传统分析方法(如瑞典法和荷兰法)因对加筋材料的加筋作用估计不足,导致计算结果过于保守,与实际不符。

    In stability analysis of embankment reinforced by geosynthetics , the traditional method , such as Sweden method and Holland 's method , is obviously conservative owing to underestimation of reinforcement effect of geosynthetics .

  28. 她找出烫发铁钳,点燃煤气,着手修补因爱情加慷慨所造成的破坏,这永远是件极其艰巨的任务,亲爱的朋友们简直是件了不起的任务呵。

    She got out her curling irons and lighted the gas and went to work repairing the ravages made by generosity added to love . Which is always a tremendous task , dear friends & a mammoth task .

  29. 她找出烫发铁钳,点燃煤气,着手修补因爱情加慷慨所造成的破坏,这永远是件极其艰巨的任务,亲爱的朋友们——简直是件了不起的任务呵。

    She got out her curling irons and lighted the gas and went to work repairing the ravages made by generosity added to love . Which is always a tremendous task , dear friends -- a mammoth task .

  30. 因行政处罚加处罚款对于促进行政相对人自觉履行行政处罚决定,提高行政管理效率,具有十分重要的作用,有必要对相关的理论和实践问题进行分析,进一步完善。

    Since administrative penalty surcharge plays a significant role in encouraging parties to consciously perform their obligations and enhancing the efficiency of administrative management , it will be necessary to analyze the theoretical and practical issue and improve it further .