
yīn xún
  • follow;procrastinate;indiscreet;carry on as before;continue in the same old rut
因循 [yīn xún]
  • (1) [follow;continue in the same old rut]∶沿袭按老办法做事

  • 因循守旧

  • (2) [procrastinate]∶迟延拖拉

  • 因循坐误

  • (3) [indiscreet]∶轻率;随便

  • 苟或因循,何由体悟。--《五灯会元》

因循[yīn xún]
  1. 道家自然权利观的核心观念是因循自然,有性任自然的自然中心主义倾向。

    The quintessence of natural rights is to follow the principle of nature , with the inclination of natural centrism .

  2. 创意本身最重要的就是创意,所以因循同一个模式,而妄想可以守株待兔,实在是愚不可及的。

    The most important idea in itself is creative , so follow the same pattern , and delusional can sit back and wait , it is foolish .

  3. 初任教师在课前准备与课堂实施环节的行为倾向于因循型教学;

    Fresh teachers tend to be resigned in preparation and implement ;

  4. 谚)因循延宕是时间的窃贼(拖延就是浪费时间)。

    ( saying ) procrastination is the thief of time ( procrastinating wastes time )

  5. 任何社会都需要在保守和进取、因循和变革之间保持合理张力。

    In every society , there is a tension as between progress and conservation .

  6. 因循是失败的根源。

    Procrastination is the father of failure .

  7. 因循严苛道德准则的宗教和社会运动可能有助于改善生活前景。

    Religions and social movements with strong moral codes may be able to help improve life prospects .

  8. 在叙事结构方面,毕飞宇小说在双调式的表层叙事结构下昭示了匮乏的因循这种深层叙事结构模式,从而增强文本的叙事表现力。

    In narrative structure , it enhance the text 's expressive force by double structure in Bi Feiyu 's novels .

  9. 2014年新年,父母们不再因循传统,转而给孩子取一些非常规的名字。

    This New Year 's , parents stepped away from tradition and gave their children names from off the beaten path .

  10. 反之,一味因循模仿,再多再久的工作,对于艺术的发展是没有生机的。

    Looking at the other side of the coin , simply copying and reproducing over and over again never adds any vitality to artistic development .

  11. 当你,你的行为只是你因循传承下来的模式的产物,你怎么可能是负责任的?

    How can you be responsible , when you , your action is the result of a formula that has been handed down to you ?

  12. 四是中国文化的因循与沉暮,即从元明到清中叶第三文化帝国时期。

    The fourth part is the procrastination of Chinese culture , which is from Yuan dynasty to Qing dynasty , called The Third Empire of Chinese Culture .

  13. 论文从参与叙事的角度对庞杂的数字媒体影像造型进行研究和梳理,得出造型因循叙事这一结论。

    This paper is from the narrative point to research and comb the numerous modeling in digital media video , then draw a conclusion that modeling follows narrating .

  14. 年轻人适合发明甚于判断,适合实行甚于谋划,适合新计划甚于因循旧制。&培根

    You men are fitter to invent than to judge , fitter for execution than for consent , fitter for new projects than for settled business . & Bacon

  15. 本文论述了传统集镇的整体思维、因循自然的渐进生长方式、基于原型的生长特点以及生长过程中所体现的生态人本思想,并借鉴了当代的一些理论和建筑实践。

    This section discusses the entire thought of following the routine of the natural and gradual growth method , grow by the prototype and humanism in the development of market-town .

  16. 即不以个体的嗜欲与私志干扰事物的发展,在因循事物发展规律的基础上发挥个体的主观能动性。

    That is , no interfering with the development of things by individual lust and desire , bringing individual subjective initiative into play based on following the development law of things .

  17. 据该公司表示,因循过去一些旨在限制外资公司直接从事木材交易的法规,作为一种传统,木材交易税由这些合作伙伴负责缴纳。

    A legacy of rules that used to limit foreign companies ' ability to trade directly , the company says , these partners are responsible for paying taxes on timber transactions .

  18. 事实上,计算智能(或智能计算)是一个内蕴相当丰富的概念,长期以来,分布于世界各地的计算机科研人员都在因循不同的方向、通过各异的途径来设法接近这一概念的实质。

    In fact , CI includes abundant implications . Over a long period , the worldwide researchers are going in different directions and using various methods to approach the essence of CI .

  19. 从现代语言学理论出发,钱穆始终坚持的书写方式&文言,就不能仅仅被视为某种因循、保守的表意工具。

    Based on modern linguistic theory , classical Chinese , the writing form which Qian Mu had used throughout his time , should not only be regarded as a conservative writing tool .

  20. 清王朝在因循前代制度的基础上,构建了利于统治的,具有多民族色彩的,多层次、立体交叉、复杂的行政监控机制。

    On the basis of previous system , the Qing Dynasty constructed the complicated administrative supervision mechanisms favorable for dynastic rule , with the characteristics of multi-national color , multi-level and mutual chiasm .

  21. 教师们仍普遍因循了过去的教学内容、教学方法,学生们则感到像听天书,枯燥无味,教与学的矛盾凸现出来。

    The teachers still generally followed the course content and the teaching method , but the students felt like reading ciphered codes and boring , so the contradiction of teaching and study comes out .

  22. 目前,在日本大众娱乐文化业的经营中,明星的造就和推出工程因循着流水作业般的模式为社会创造出可观的经济效益,为人们所津津乐道。

    Now under the management of mass media entertainment industry , the making and remaking stars operates like circulatory running water and has not only made great benefits to society but also a lot of laughter to the folks .

  23. 因循经济人假说及公共选择理论的观点,着重分析个人纳税理性对纳税行为的选择,以及各种因素对纳税理性的影响。

    The paper analyses the rationality of taxpayer how to affect individual choosing his behavior of taxpaying , and investigates various factors how to affect his rationality of taxpayer according to the views of the hypothesis of economic man and the public choice .

  24. 预设功能为用户对产品的操作提供线索,用户的心理经验因循这线索来使用产品,从而建立人与物的交互和体验关系。

    Product 's function location is the approach to the user how to operate , and it leads the user to their operation by their mental experience . Meanwhile , the interactive and experience relationship between the people and the product are founded .

  25. 从重庆经济发展的现实出发,分析了重庆市普通高等教育资源配置现状及其存在的问题,因循普通高等教育资源何优化配置原则提出了优化配置的总体目的及实施办法。

    From the reality of Chongqing 's economic development , the paper analyzes the current state and problems of the optimal disposition of Chongqing 's general higher education resources , and proposes general goals and measures by following the principles of general higher education resources and optimal allocation .