
  • 网络economic fundamentals
  1. 经济基本面因素似乎也在恶化。拥有17个成员国的欧元区的采购经理指数(PMI)显示,私营部门经济活动本月意外大幅收缩,粉碎了人们对于经济将很快恢复增长的希望。

    Economic fundamentals also appeared to deteriorate as purchasing managers ' indices for the 17-country eurozone showed private sector economic activity contracted unexpectedly sharply this month , dashing hopes of an early return to growth .

  2. 我们重申,汇率应该反映经济基本面。

    We reaffirm that exchange rates should reflect economic fundamentals .

  3. 上周四,在新加坡召开会议的亚太经合组织(apec)表示,支持“以市场为导向、反映经济基本面因素的汇率”。

    Last Thursday the Asia-Pacific economic co-operation group , meeting in Singapore , said it backed " market orientated exchange rates that reflect underlying economic fundamentals " .

  4. 西班牙财长萨尔加多(ElenaSalgado)在接受采访时说,我们的经济基本面是坚实的。

    The fundamentals of our economy are solid , ' Elena Salgado , Spain 's economy minister , said in an interview .

  5. 日本财务大臣安住淳(JunAzumi)认为,日元的持续升值属于投机性的,并未反映经济基本面。

    Jun Azumi , Japanese finance minister , arguing that the continued rise in the yen had been speculative and did not reflect the fundamentals of the economy .

  6. 他补充道,从经济基本面考虑,评级机构应该首先降低英国的3A评级,因为与法国相比,英国有更高的赤字、债务和通胀,更低的增长,且信贷正在萎缩。

    On that basis , he added , the agencies should begin by downgrading the triple A rating of Britain , which has bigger deficits , more debt , higher inflation , less growth than us and where credit is shrinking .

  7. 明日出炉的美国就业数据,或许可以揭示一些经济基本面。

    Tomorrow 's US payroll data could be a reality check .

  8. 但我们可以通过考察经济基本面,来尝试做出判断。

    But we can attempt a diagnosis by looking at economic fundamentals .

  9. 部分原因在于,它对经济基本面做出了回应。

    In part , it is responding to economic fundamentals .

  10. 经济基本面和政策框架总体而言较过去更强,但国内结构性挑战依然存在。

    Fundamentals and policy frameworks are generally stronger , but domestic structural challenges remain .

  11. 当然,从经济基本面来说这也是合理的。

    Certainly , the economic fundamentals make sense .

  12. 在一定程度上,高风险资产的复苏是由经济基本面改善推动的。

    This recovery in risky assets is in part driven by better economic fundamentals .

  13. 住宅价格波动与经济基本面及其政策比较分析

    A Comparative Analysis between Housing Price Volatility and Economic Fundamentals and Its Related Government Polices

  14. 无论如何都没有理由认为市场会根据经济基本面确定货币价值。

    There 's no reason to think markets set currency values based on economic fundamentals anyway .

  15. 中国经济基本面良好

    China 's economic fundamentals are sound

  16. 住宅价格与经济基本面:1995&2002年中国14城市的实证研究

    Housing Prices and Economic Fundamentals : A Cross City Analysis of China for 1995 & 2002

  17. 没错,美国的经济基本面与美元的地位已经不那么匹配了。

    True , the economic fundamentals don 't really justify the dollar 's position any more .

  18. 资深市场人士坦言他们惊诧于经济基本面不佳背景下信贷活动的活跃。

    Market veterans confide their amazement how deal activity is motoring through all the negative economic fundamentals .

  19. 不过长期来看,房地产价格从不曾长时间与经济基本面脱钩。

    Over the long-term , however , property prices have never decoupled for long from economic fundamentals .

  20. 但至少这个政府所能依靠的一些经济基本面还不错。

    Yet it will at least be able to rely on a range of decent economic fundamentals .

  21. 经济基本面因素的健康,如今是日本和其它各国所面临的问题。

    The problem now for Japan , and everyone else , is the health of those economic fundamentals .

  22. 另外一个因素是,任何一段时期的投资回报率,既反映初始估值,也反映了经济基本面。

    Another factor is that returns over any period will reflect initial valuations as much as economic fundamentals .

  23. 人民币目前的升值压力主要来自人为因素和制度因素,而不是经济基本面因素。

    The pressure of appreciation of Renminbi comes from man-made factors and system factors , not economic essential factors .

  24. 经济基本面状况的恶化,以及投资者的风险厌恶情绪持续升温,可能会加速这一时机的到来。

    Timing could be accelerated by a disruption in underlying economic conditions and a sustained spike in risk aversion .

  25. 希望在于,这最终可能被经济基本面前景的稳步改善抵消掉。

    The hope is that this will be eventually nullified by a steady improvement in the outlook for economic fundamentals .

  26. 我们不应将这些主题视为对立的主题,而是视作是全球经济基本面变革的一部分。

    We should view these themes not as competing but as part of a fundamental change in the global economy .

  27. 穆迪依据三方面因素:经济基本面和公共机构力量,政府的财政实力和对风险事件的敏感度。

    The agency uses three concepts : economic and institutional strength , government financial strength and susceptibility to event risk .

  28. 在银行业危机迫使爱尔兰于去年寻求救助之前,凯尔特之虎的经济基本面相对强劲。

    The Celtic tiger had relatively strong economic fundamentals before a banking crisis forced it seek a bailout last year .

  29. 短期跨境资本的大量流出则会对中国国际储备形成冲击,甚至会危及经济基本面。

    Large outflow of short-term cross-border capital form the impact of China ' sinternational reserves , endangering the economic fundamentals .

  30. 不过,随着股市与经济基本面逐渐分离,我们预计这些涨幅在2016年会出现部分回落。

    However , with markets increasingly divorced from economic fundamentals , we expect a partial reversal of these gains in 2016 .