
jīnɡ jì yùn xínɡ jī zhì
  • Economic operation mechanism;economic movement mechanism
  1. 论体育经济运行机制的结构和功能

    On Structure and Function of the Operational Mechanism of Sports Economy

  2. 中国特色社会主义经济运行机制的探索与创建

    Exploration and Creation of Socialist Operational Mechanism with Chinese Characteristics

  3. 基于企业层面的循环经济运行机制研究

    The Research of the Circulation Economy Operational Mechanism Based on the Enterprise Level

  4. 闽中熹园的设计思路及其经济运行机制

    Design of the leisure culture town in Fujian and its mechanism of economic operation

  5. 中部地区区域经济运行机制及路径

    Analysis of mechanism and paths of economic operation in the central region of China

  6. 改善四川天然气工业的经济运行机制

    Improving Economy Running Mechanism of Sichuan Gas Industry

  7. 经济运行机制的哲学思考

    Philosophic Thinking on Economic Operation 's Mechanism

  8. 建立外向型经济运行机制;

    Establish operating mechanisms of export-oriented economy .

  9. 现行地质勘查经济运行机制存在的问题及改革方向

    Current economic operational mechanism of the geological prospecting trade & problems and ways of reform

  10. 滨海新区开发开放经济运行机制架构

    The Establishment of Economy Operation System in the Openness and Development in Binhai New Area

  11. 园区经济运行机制

    Operational Mechanism of Park-district Economy

  12. 部门经济运行机制的理论模型和实证分析&自组织理论的应用

    The Theoretical Model and Pragmatic Analysis of Department Economic Operating Mechanism & An Application of Self-organization Theory

  13. 经济运行机制包括成本、价格、利润、投资和管理机制等。完善经济运行机制就是要使天然气成本正确反映再生产过程中的费用支出;

    The economy running mechanism includes the mechanisms of cost , price , prof-its , investment and management etc.

  14. 随着我国国民财富的增长和经济运行机制的市场化,私募基金的发展势头在我国势不可挡。

    The private-offered funds are to be rapidly developed with the wealth of the people increasing in our country .

  15. 适应市场经济运行机制探索高校车辆管理新路

    Conforming to the Running Mechanism of Market-Oriented Economy and Seeking the New Roads of Vehicle Management in Higher Institutions

  16. 会计人员管理体制创新思路评析大学理财观与经济运行机制创新思路

    Analysis of Innovation Idea of Management System of Accountants University Financial Control Idea and Economical Movement Mechanism Innovation Idea

  17. 三是如何认识国际上通行的矿产地质勘查的经济运行机制。

    And how to recognize the economic operating mechanism of geological mineral exploration commonly Practised in other countries of the world ?

  18. 所有制结构与经济运行机制&兼论社会主义全民所有制改革模式的选择

    The Structural Nature of Ownership and the Way Economic Mechanism Operates & On the Selection of Models for Restructuring Socialist State Ownership

  19. 文章旨在从探讨大学理财观的演变入手,对大学经济运行机制创新提出新的见解;

    This article is from the discussion of university finance view to propose the new opinion for the university economy movement mechanism innovation .

  20. 会计委派制是我国经济运行机制转轨变型特殊时期的产物,在加强会计监督和管理方面起到了一定的积极作用。

    Accountant accreditation system is the product of economic shunt period , which has an active function in reinforcement of account supervision and administration .

  21. 军地医院经济运行机制改革比较研究医学伦理审查工作在我院的规范运行

    Comparable Research of Economic Operation System between Military Hospital and Local Hospital ; Medical ethical review is operating regularly in affiliated the second hospital

  22. 随着经济运行机制的改变,地勘单位的财务管理工作也应随着理财环境的变化作相应的变化。

    With the change of economic operation mechanism , financial management of geological prospecting units should be changed according to environment of financial transaction .

  23. 经济运行机制是由经济系统的内在结构及其制约关系所决定的,同时与外部环境的制约有着密切的关系。

    The economic operation system is determined by the intrinsic structures and their interactional relationships , and also has close relationship with outside factors .

  24. 医疗机构的经济运行机制包括经济运行目标、经济决策权限、经济活动、经济调节和技术信息,他们之间互相联系又互相制约。

    The economic operation system of medical section includes economic running objective , economic decision-making purview , economic activities , economic adjustment and technological information .

  25. 研究社会主义市场经济运行机制,把握分析信用机制系统,总括规范其组成要素和子系统。

    The moving mechanism was studied of socialist market economy to analyse the credit mechanism system , to sum up and norm its elements and subsystems .

  26. 在分析我国经济运行机制的基础上,建立了中国宏观经济的非均衡模型系统。

    Based on the analysis of move mechanism of the economy of China , the disequilibrium model system of chinese macroeconomic is established in this paper .

  27. 这里面最核心最本质的因素就是经济运行机制,包括政府、市场和企业的关系。

    The core of this inside & the most essential is that the economic operation mechanism , including the relationship between government , market and enterprise .

  28. 建立和规范有序的市场经济运行机制,彻底变革、透明行政审批制度,加快生产要素市场化进程。

    We should establsih the standardized market economy operating system , tansform the examine and approve institution completely and accelerate process of marketing the production factor .

  29. 旅游业越发达,旅游经济运行机制越完善,旅游购物在旅游收入中所占的比例越大。

    With the Development of the Travel Industry and the Running System of the Tourism Economy , the Rating of the Tourism Shopping Revenue is very Large .

  30. 在当代经济运行机制下,经济、政治以及消费文化之间的共生关系,决定了这种生产方式下消费文化存在的必然性与逻辑合理性。

    Under the operational systems of modern economy , the co-existing relationship among economy , politics and consumption culture decides the inevitability and logical rationality of such consumption culture .