
  • 网络economic depreciation;economic devaluation
  1. 第1类经济性贬值通常采用经济性贬值率进行计算,但其计算基数一直存在争议,不同的学者见仁见智,观点不一致。

    The first type of economic depreciation usually adopts the rate of economic depreciation to calculate , but there is a dispute to their calculation base between theory and practice , different scholars have different views , and views are inconsistent .

  2. 重置成本法中第Ⅰ类经济性贬值的扣除问题&兼议规模经济效益指数的应用

    Deduction Question of the First Type Economic Depreciation in Depreciation Replacement Cost Method & Thoughts on the application of index on the scale economic benefits