
  • 网络stimulus package;economic stimulus package;Stimulus Bill
  1. 总统的经济刺激计划正在投入资金进行研究,以比较各种疗法的效果。

    The president 's stimulus package is pumping money into research to compare how well various treatments work .

  2. 而至于后者,没什么能比美国经济刺激计划草案中“购买美国货”(buyamerica)条款更荒唐的了。

    On the latter , nothing can surpass the folly of the " Buy America " provision in the draft US stimulus package .

  3. 德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)估计,中国的经济刺激计划所需的年贷款额实际上低于1500亿美元。

    On Deutsche Bank estimates , China 's stimulus actually needs less than $ 150bn of annual lending .

  4. 值得赞赏的是,奥巴马(Obama)的经济刺激计划是围绕投资基础设施、替代能源技术和人力资本的迫切需要来制定的。

    To its credit , the Obama stimulus package is framed around the imperatives of investing in infrastructure , alternative energy technologies and human capital .

  5. 而且,未来形势将会变得更加糟糕,投资者正在关注美联储(FederalReserve)是否会缩减经济刺激计划的规模,即量化宽松。

    And it 's going to get worse as investors zero in on whether the U.S. Federal Reserve will scale down its stimulus program , called quantitative easing .

  6. 石油卡特尔组织欧佩克(Opec)昨天表示,中国5850亿美元经济刺激计划,对全球大宗商品价格十分关键。

    The Opec oil cartel yesterday said that China 's $ 585bn stimulus plan was critical for global commodities prices .

  7. 日本政府上周同意了9180亿日元的紧急经济刺激计划,该计划目标是创造20万个就业岗位,并拉动实际国内生产总值(gdp)增长0.3%。

    The government last week agreed to an emergency y918bn economic stimulus plan , aimed at creating 2 00000 jobs and boosting real gross domestic product by 0.3 per cent .

  8. 就在最近,美国众议院(HouseofRepresentatives)在气候变化与节能法案中加入了贸易保护主义条款,今年早些时候出台的经济刺激计划也包括类似条款。

    Very recently , the House of Representatives included trade protectionist provisions in the climate change and energy conservation bill , while earlier this year such provisions were added to the economic stimulus package .

  9. 在上次G20峰会上,中国的之前的4万亿经济刺激计划吸引了不少眼球。

    China stole the limelight at the last G20 summit by announcing a4 trillion yuan ( $ 565 billion ) stimulus package just before it .

  10. 汇丰(HSBC)的经济学家们表示:目前经济刺激计划的逐步退出以及能源密集型行业产能的下降,暗示着投资可能有所减缓。

    The ongoing unwinding of the stimulus package and the capacity reduction on energy-intensive sectors implies a likely moderation in investment , said economists at HSBC .

  11. 奥巴马在NBC新闻频道的《会见媒体》节目中说:我们必须确保经济刺激计划的规模足以让经济动起来。

    ' We 've got to make sure that the economic stimulus plan is large enough to get the economy moving . '

  12. 上任6个月的美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)正疲于应对公众对其国内议程包括7870亿美元经济刺激计划之效果日渐高涨的质疑声。

    Six months into his presidency , President Barack Obama is struggling to contend with increased public scepticism about his domestic agenda including over the effects of the $ 787bn economic stimulus .

  13. 布什总统(PresidentGeorgeW.Bush)提出了1500亿美元的一揽子经济刺激计划,所有主要总统候选人也都拿出了类似方案,其中包括削减中产阶级税收、提高基础设施支出等。

    President George W. Bush has proposed a $ 150bn stimulus package and all the main presidential candidates are offering similar measures , including middle-class tax cuts and increased spending on infrastructure .

  14. 日本首相麻生太郎昨天表示,美国政府即将推出的经济刺激计划中购买美国货条款,有违世界贸易组织(WTO)的原则。目前,国际社会对美国这一计划的反对声浪正在升级。

    A proposed Buy American provision in Washington 's forthcoming economic stimulus bill would breach the principles of the World Trade Organisation , Japan 's prime minister asserted yesterday in an escalation of international opposition to the US plans .

  15. 迄今为止,G20成员国所采取的财政、货币和金融应对政策是前所未有的,共同构成了一项有史以来规模最大的全球经济刺激计划。

    To date , the fiscal , monetary and financial policy response across the G20 countries has been unprecedented amounting to the largest global stimulus the world has seen .

  16. 联邦经济刺激计划限制接受了问题资产救助计划(TARP)资金的企业雇佣需要申请H-1B签证的外籍员工。

    The allied economic-stimulus archive restricts H-1B hires among companies namely receive asset from the Troubled Asset Relief Program .

  17. 基于IS-LM-BP分析的中美经济刺激计划之对比研究

    A Comparative Study of the Sino-US Economic Stimulus Plan Based on the IS-LM-BP Analysis

  18. 他表示:我对美国的创新体系很有信心。巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)总统的经济刺激计划中数以十亿计美元的联邦拨款,将调动这一体系的活力。

    I have great faith in the innovation machinery of the US , he said , which would be mobilised by means of billions of dollars of federal spending in President Barack Obama 's economic stimulus package .

  19. 这位华盛顿的市长为自己买了一份Chili热狗做午餐,然后在该市的Chili大教堂通过网上视频推销自己的经济刺激计划的细节。

    Buying a lunch of Chili dogs for himself , the Washington 's mayor , at the city 's cathedral of Chili and selling new details of his economic stimulus plan in an online video .

  20. ETXCapital的市场分析师尼尔·威尔逊说,他认为英国“正再次走向衰退”,而且这些数据几乎一定会促使英格兰银行展开进一步的经济刺激计划。

    Neil Wilson , markets analyst at ETX Capital , said he thought the UK was " heading for a recession again , " and that the data would almost certainly prompt the Bank of England to roll out further stimulus .

  21. 当时他的形象是一位说话强硬、纯美国的金融要人,他开创了自称为“火箭筒”(bazooka)的政策:7000亿美元的经济刺激计划。

    At the time , he seemed like a tough-talking , all-American financial mandarin , the man who created a self-styled policy " bazooka " - a $ 700bn stimulus package .

  22. 这件事还提醒世人,保守派的安倍愿投入其通过安倍经济学(Abenomics)经济刺激计划积累起来的政治资本,推动比较有争议的安全和社会事业。

    It is also a reminder that the conservative Mr Abe is willing to spend the political capital he has accumulated through his Abenomics programme of economic stimulus to advance more contentious security and social causes .

  23. 在财政政策方面,政策制定者们推出了巨额经济刺激计划。

    On the fiscal side , policymakers enacted huge stimulus packages .

  24. 他预计,经济刺激计划将很快产生影响。

    He predicts the stimulus package will have an impact quickly .

  25. 所有这些问题都源自2009年的大规模经济刺激计划。

    All these issues emanate from the vast 2009 stimulus programme .

  26. 对于中国和世界而言,经济刺激计划有所帮助。

    The stimulus programme is helpful , for China and the world .

  27. 经济刺激计划或许只会使事情变得更糟。

    The stimulus plan is probably only making things worse .

  28. 他将不得不捍卫自己的经济刺激计划。

    He will have to defend his economic stimulus .

  29. 经济刺激计划显然对我们发挥了作用。

    The stimulus was certainly working on us .

  30. 奥巴马不打算在华盛顿把经济刺激计划签署成为法律。

    The president is going outside Washington to sign the stimulus bill into law .