
  • 网络sovereign default
  1. 风险咨询公司ControlRisks近期来自保险公司及其它金融机构的委托大增,对方都希望了解政治在主权违约风险中扮演的角色。

    Control Risks a risk consultancy has seen a big increase in mandates from insurance companies and other financial institutions seeking to understand the part politics plays in sovereign default risk .

  2. 当出现主权违约等信用事件时,CDS合约的卖家必须赔偿买家。

    Sellers of the CDS contracts have to compensate buyers of the derivatives when a credit event , such as a sovereign default , occurs .

  3. 然而,正如国际货币基金组织(IMF)一份报告所指出的那样,目前政策圈子中的主导思想是,发达经济体的主权违约是不必要、不受欢迎和不太可能的。

    Yet the predominant thinking in policy circles now is that sovereign default in an advanced economy , as an International Monetary Fund report puts it , is unnecessary , undesirable and unlikely .

  4. IMF发出警告之际,投资者加速退出美国短期国债市场。人们日益担忧,若美国不能提高举债上限,导致本月发生主权违约,市场将陷入动荡。

    The warnings came as investors accelerated their exit from the Treasury bill market , as concern mounted about market turmoil should a failure to raise the debt ceiling result in a default this month .

  5. 欧洲正被一个幽灵缠身:那就是主权违约的幽灵。

    A spectre is haunting Europe the spectre of sovereign default .

  6. 然而,主权违约的长期历史则讲述着截然不同的故事。

    Yet the long history of sovereign defaults tells a different story .

  7. 主权违约不一定导致有关国家退出欧元区。

    Exit from the eurozone would not necessarily follow a sovereign default .

  8. 其次,欧元区会做出防止主权违约所需要的改变吗?

    Second , will the eurozone make the changes needed to prevent these ?

  9. 除去主权违约的末日情景外,还有两种部分出路。

    Apart from the Armageddon of a sovereign default , two partial escapes exist .

  10. 如果只有希腊一国出现无序的主权违约且退出欧元区,情况还是可控的。

    A disorderly sovereign default and eurozone exit by Greece alone would be manageable .

  11. 因此说,主权违约的幽灵已经在富裕国家重现。

    The spectre of sovereign default , therefore , has returned to the rich world .

  12. 政策制定者公开宣称不会出现任何主权违约,掩盖了他们私下里对债务陷阱的疑虑。

    Public declarations that there can be no sovereign defaults conceal private doubts among policymakers about debt traps .

  13. 在不造成金融崩溃和主权违约的情况下控制这样一个危机,是超出爱尔兰的能力范围的。

    Such a crisis is beyond the ability of Ireland to manage without financial collapse and sovereign default .

  14. 然而,若是意大利出现无序的主权违约且退出欧元区,欧洲银行业则将遭受重创。

    However , a disorderly sovereign default and eurozone exit by Italy would bring down much of the European banking sector .

  15. 这是不是全球信贷危机的第二阶段&其特征是一连串规模最大的经济体出现主权违约?

    Is this stage two of the global credit crisis , featuring a chain of sovereign defaults among the largest economies ?

  16. 但希腊主权违约并不是如此牵强的场景即使你认为这不太可能发生。

    But sovereign default in the case of Greece is not such a far-fetched scenario even if you believe it to be unlikely .

  17. 令人担忧的是,看多人士提出,信用违约互换如今提供了一种针对主权违约的低成本对冲方式,从而刺激了更多的投资流。

    It gets alarming when bulls argue that credit default swaps now provide a cheap hedge against sovereign defaults , enabling far more investment flows .

  18. 一些无法预料的冲击,从主权违约到过热的新兴市场的银根快速收紧都可能破坏复苏。

    Any number of unpredictable shocks , from a big sovereign default to rapid monetary tightening in overheating emerging markets , could undermine the recovery .

  19. 而最糟的结果,是欧元土崩瓦解,或者一波混乱无序的主权违约可能致使金融体系失常,并引发双底经济衰退。

    At worst , a disintegration of the single currency or a wave of disorderly defaults could unhinge the financial system and precipitate a double-dip recession .

  20. 但要小心:有一天,在狼来了的喊声之后会真的出现主权违约,这只狼会把欧元狠狠咬掉一大块。

    But watch out : one day the cry of wolf will be followed by a government default , taking a big bite out of the euro .

  21. 联盟成功运作的必要条件包括:为整顿提供财政资助,避免不必要的主权违约,以及改革金融部门。

    Among the necessary conditions for successful operation of the union are fiscal financing of adjustment , to avoid unnecessary sovereign defaults , and financial sector reform .

  22. 但德银的做法并非简单地抛售这些债券;而是通过信用衍生品合约,来买入防范主权违约的“保险”,从而实现了自己的目标。

    But it did not do that by simply selling debt ; instead it achieved this partly by buying protection against sovereign default with credit derivatives contracts .

  23. 第三个问题是最严重的,甚至动摇了整个测试的可信度:测试并未考虑到主权违约的可能性。

    The third problem is the most severe , and knocks the credibility of the entire exercise . There was no provision for the possibility of sovereign default .

  24. 首先,欧元区出口增长提速,将减轻外界对该地区主权违约的疑虑,不管最初状况是存在顺差还是逆差。

    First , faster eurozone export growth will lead to fewer doubts about sovereign solvency in the area , regardless of whether a surplus or deficit exists as an initial condition .

  25. 由于政治家断定主权违约不会出现,这种情形没有被纳入考虑范围。不过,他们倒是考虑到了烦人的市场或许不相信上述说法的可能性。

    Sovereign default is not considered , since politicians have decreed it will not happen , although allowance is made for   the   possibility   that   pesky   markets might not believe that assertion .

  26. 第三,要想如同欧洲央行所坚持的那样避免主权违约的风险,对弱国的融资必须被抽离市场数年,甚至可能多达十年。

    Third , if the perils of sovereign defaults are to be avoided , as the ECB insists , finance of weak countries must be taken out of the market for years , perhaps even a decade .

  27. 他们可能会考虑这一事实:衍生品市场正在将一些惊人的主权违约率考虑在内巴基斯坦为90%,乌克兰为80%等等。

    They might perhaps ponder the fact that derivatives markets are now pricing in some quite startling probabilities of sovereign default : 90 per cent for Pakistan , 80 per cent for the Ukraine and so forth .

  28. 这进而引出了另一个更令人不安的问题:倘若按总值、而非净值来衡量欧洲各大银行的敞口,当面对主权违约冲击时,这些银行会变得多么脆弱?

    And that in turn raises a more unnerving question : if the exposures of the large European banks were measured in gross , not net , terms , just how much more vulnerable might they be to sovereign shocks ?

  29. 但近来,随着投资者上调或下调美国经济陷入衰退、或欧洲主权违约引发金融危机的风险,市场上出现了群起抛售和竞相买进轮流转换的态势。

    But markets of late have been characterised by mass selling alternating with waves of buying , as investors upgrade or downgrade the risk of the US slipping into recession , or a financial crisis sparked by a European sovereign default .

  30. 除了这些监管举措以外,还有出于政治目的而出台的措施,它们影响到欧盟主权信用违约互换(CDS)合约的交易。

    Onto these regulations were tacked more politically driven measures affecting the trading of EU sovereign credit default swaps .