
  • 网络warranty costs
  1. 原则上,存款担保成本应由金融服务业买单。

    In principle the costs of deposit protection fall on the financial services industry .

  2. 英国定期贷款的担保成本高于其它国家,如何降低这一成本,值得积极思考。

    It is worth actively considering reducing the cost of the guarantees on term lending that seem costly compared to other countries .

  3. 委内瑞拉拥有世界最高通胀水平,其政府债务的违约担保成本是最昂贵的。

    Venezuela has the fastest inflation in the world , while its government debt is the most expensive to insure against default .

  4. 与此同时,亚洲债务违约担保成本大幅下降,表明对企业破产的担忧正在消退。

    Meanwhile , the cost of protecting Asian debt against default dropped sharply , suggesting that the fear of corporate collapse is receding .

  5. 曾有大量市场指标显示,雷曼可能违约主要是信贷衍生品市场的违约担保成本激增。

    There were plenty of market indicators suggesting Lehman could default - mainly the soaring cost of insuring in the credit derivatives market against that eventuality .

  6. 继上周下跌11%后,花旗股价在(昨日)午盘交易中又下跌5%,至35.96美元,而针对其债券违约风险的担保成本升至创纪录水平。

    Citi shares were off 5 per cent to $ 35.96 in midday trade after falling 11 per cent last week , while the cost of insuring its bonds against default rose to record levels .

  7. 欧元兑美元、英镑和日元均跌至4个月低位;一项反映欧元区银行情绪、衡量债务担保成本的重要指数升至2009年3月以来的最高水平。

    The euro fell to four-month lows against the dollar , sterling and the yen and a key gauge of sentiment among eurozone banks that measures the cost to insure debt rose to the highest levels since March 2009 .

  8. 过去一年,与美国、英国和日本相关的主权信贷违约互换(衡量对象是债券违约担保成本)的成交量增长了一倍,原因在于市场担忧这些国家的公共财政状况。

    The volume of activity in sovereign credit default swaps which measure the cost to insure against bond defaults linked to the US , UK and Japan have doubled in the past year due to concerns about their public finances .

  9. 然而,虽然美国和欧洲许多银行的债务违约担保成本已从近期异乎寻常的高位回落逾一半(甚至三分之二),银行间贷款利率的反应却较为迟缓。

    However , even though the cost of protecting us and European bank debt against default has fallen by more than half or even two-thirds for many names from their recent extraordinary highs , interbank lending rates have been slower to respond .

  10. 然而,如果投资者希望找到马上令人高兴的原因,他们应该看一看利用信贷违约互换(cds)为银行债务提供违约担保的成本发生了什么变化。

    However , if investors want to find reasons to feel cheerful right now they should take a look at what has just happened to the cost of insuring bank debt against default , with credit default swaps .

  11. 运用定性分析方法比较存款保险与隐含担保的成本收益,得出应在国家信用从国有商业银行淡出的过程中,建立存款保险制度的结论;

    Based on comparing the costs and benefits with the explicit and the implicit DIS , a conclusion is reached that explicit DIS should be established with the fading out of the government 's reputation from the stated-owned banks .

  12. 目前,银行根据未担保借贷的成本提交参考利率。

    Currently , banks base submissions on the cost of unsecured borrowing .

  13. 其中重点介绍了贷款担保工具和成本分摊协议制度。

    And it focus on the loan guarantee measures and cost sharing cooperative agreements .

  14. 房利美和房地美原本不会成长到今天的规模–可惜它们想赚取政府担保的贷款成本和商业贷款收入之间的差额;

    Except that they wanted to exploit the margin between the government-guaranteed borrowing costs and the commercial lending income .

  15. 相对于一般债券,FDIC担保债券的发行成本较低,因为在有了政府担保的情况下,投资者愿意接受相对较低的利率。

    FDIC-backed debt is cheaper to issue than normal debt because investors are prepared to accept a lower interest rate because of the government guarantee .

  16. 无论是显性的还是或隐性的,担保大多没有任何成本。

    Guarantees , implicit or explicit , mostly do not cost anything .

  17. 在成熟市场机制下,独立审计声誉机制能够有效发挥信息传递、质量担保、节约社会成本和规范与发展资本市场的功能。

    The research result shows that the existence of information asymmetry of share holders promotes the development of independent audit system and audit profession .

  18. 有时人们不禁会认为,没有用到的担保不会带来任何成本。不过犯这个错误的并不是银行。

    It is sometimes tempting to think that guarantees that are not called upon do not cost anything , although this mistake is not one that banks themselves make .

  19. 在欧洲,监管者设置的上限有所不同;一些国家没有设限,但它们都清楚,它们所监管的银行依赖担保债券的原因,是无担保借款成本过高。

    In Europe , regulators have differing limits ; some have none , and all are aware that the banks they supervise are relying on covered bonds because unsecured borrowing is too expensive .