首页 / 词典 / good


dān xīn
  • worry;fear;fearful;worry about;be worried about;be afraid;afraid;anxiety;scared;feel anxious;grief
担心 [dān xīn]
  • [worry;feel anxious] 心中有顾虑;不放心

  • 妈妈天天担心我活不长

担心[dān xīn]
  1. 别担心——他不会出卖我们的。

    Don 't worry ─ he won 't split on us .

  2. 别担心——有我呢。

    Don 't worry ─ I 'll stick up for you .

  3. 你到哪里去了?我都担心死了。

    Where have you been ? I 've been worried sick .

  4. 她把一切希望、梦想和担心都告诉了我。

    She told me all her hopes , dreams and fears .

  5. 他对工作的担心只是暂时的。

    His anxiety about the work was just a passing phase .

  6. 她动不动就哭,而且神经紧张,总为她的小宝贝担心。

    She was weepy and nervy , anxious about her baby .

  7. 大家担心受害者中有妇女儿童。

    Women and children are feared to be among the victims .

  8. 医生担心这疾病可能会蔓延。

    Doctors are worried about the possible spread of the disease .

  9. 我最担心的就是父母会察觉出来。

    My greatest dread is that my parents will find out .

  10. 一时间她十分担心他们已经太晚了。

    For one heart-stopping moment she thought they were too late .

  11. 他们担心因回答这些问题而受到牵连。

    They were afraid of answering the questions and incriminating themselves .

  12. 人们担心私有化会导致失业。

    There were fears that privatization would lead to job losses .

  13. 别担心,交易是完全合法的。

    Don 't worry ; the deal was completely above board .

  14. 警方担心那个人可能携带着武器。

    The police are worried that the man may be armed .

  15. 她很担心可能要出什么差错。

    She was deeply apprehensive that something might go wrong .

  16. 那件事你不必担心。

    You don 't have to worry on that score .

  17. 人们愈来愈担心会重开战火。

    There is growing apprehension that fighting will begin again .

  18. 人们担心保安摄像机会侵犯人身自由。

    People fear that security cameras could infringe personal liberties .

  19. 别担心费用,我来替你付。

    Don 't worry about the cost ─ I 'll treat you .

  20. 办公室的情况和往常一样令人担心。

    Things are as fraught as ever in the office .

  21. 我担心这种疗法是否安全。

    I 'm worried about the safety of the treatment .

  22. 别担心,他们可能只是忘了打电话。

    Don 't worry ─ they could have just forgotten to call .

  23. 对她的安全他似乎一点都不担心。

    He didn 't seem in the least concerned for her safety .

  24. 他们担心即将修改法律。

    They are worried about prospective changes in the law .

  25. 谁都不认真对待这个问题,我非常担心。

    It alarms me that nobody takes this problem seriously .

  26. 我不担心——他们没抓住我什么把柄。

    I 'm not worried ─ they 've got nothing on me .

  27. 别担心考试——尽你的最大努力吧。

    Don 't worry about the exam ─ just do your best .

  28. 我担心自己进不了大学。

    I worry that I won 't get into college .

  29. 她度过了许多不眠之夜,为他担心。

    She had spent many wakeful nights worrying about him .

  30. 别担心,你一点也不必害怕我们。

    Don 't worry , you have nothing to fear from us .