
dān bǎo pǐn
  • collateral;collateral security
  1. 担保贷款、担保品的管理及其风险控制是银行管理部门的重要问题。

    The management for hypothecating loans & collateral security and its risk controlling is one of the important problems for bank management department .

  2. 基于Web的银行担保品管理信息系统

    Bank Collateral MIS Based on Web

  3. 这一担保品由旧金山恒金基金会(LongNowFoundation)监管;该基金会管理着很多下注方设立的“长线赌约”。

    This collateral is being overseen by the long now foundation of San Francisco , which administers " long bets " set up by any competitors wanting to memorialize a gamble .

  4. n.抵押品;担保品由于没担保品,汤玛斯先生的贷款办不下来。

    collateral Without collateral , Mr. Thomas wasn 't able to get a loan .

  5. 如果其它评级机构效仿惠誉的做法本周一,标准普尔(StandardPoor's)就把希腊的债务评级列入了可能降级的观察名单那么希腊国债就再也不能用作担保品。

    If other rating agencies followed Fitch 's lead and on Monday , Standard Poor 's put Greek debt on watch for a possible downgrade then Greek government debt could no longer be used as collateral .

  6. 但正如资本经济(capitaleconomics)所指出的,在金融危机前,担保品的评级必须至少为a-,而人们猜想,欧洲央行将在明年年底前恢复这一规定。

    But , as capital economics notes , before the financial crisis , collateral had to be rated A-minus at least , and the ECB is supposedly set to return to those rules by the end of next year .

  7. 上世纪60年代初,一位大宗商品大亨获取了大量贷款,担保品是大量色拉油,置于美国运通(AmericanExpress)位于新泽西州巴约纳的仓库中。

    In the early 1960s , a commodities mogul was taking out big loans secured by what he claimed were giant inventories of salad oil stored in warehouses owned by American Express ( AXP ) in Bayonne , New Jersey .

  8. 有些公共机构,比如英国央行(boe),已开始在其参与的衍生品交易中提供担保品。

    Some public entities , such as the Bank of England , have started posting collateral in their own derivatives deals too .

  9. 所谓住房抵押贷款证券化,指把单个或多个抵押贷款组合在一起,并以此为担保品发行证券(即抵押支持证券,MBS),出售给投资者的过程。

    House mortgage loan securitization is a process in which MBS are issued to investors on basis of collateral , which was composed of one or more mortgage loans .

  10. 文章以天津中行担保品管理信息系统的开发为背景,在确定系统目标的基础上,提出了系统业务流程、功能模块结构以及基于jsp技术的设计与实现方法。

    Based on the success of the collateral MIS for Tianjin Branch of boc , the systems objectives , business flow , function modules , design and realization method with JSP are introduced in this paper .

  11. 但这里有个问题:即便欧洲央行再来一次ltro,也只有在银行能够提供像样担保品来换取资金的情况下才能奏效。

    But there is a catch : even if the ECB does another ltro , this will only work if the banks have decent collateral to swap for funds .

  12. 持有某物作为担保品的人。

    A person with whom something is deposited as a pledge .

  13. 担保品之种类、更换、比率及维持率计算。

    Collateral type , substitution , ratio , and maintenance ratio .

  14. 他用房子作这笔贷款的担保品。

    He used his house as a collateral for the loan .

  15. 与国际支付有关的保证及担保品之初步研究

    Preliminary study on Guarantees and Securities as related to International Payments

  16. 政府把克莱斯勒公司的全部资产当作附属担保品。

    The government took all of Chrysler 's assets as collateral .

  17. 再融资担保品的范围也得以扩大。

    The list of collateral for refinancing has been widened .

  18. 你是在打赌我一定会拿我那块草地作担保品。

    You 're betting I 'll put up my meadow as collateral .

  19. 八、现金担保品利息之计算与给付。

    Calculation and payment of interest on cash collateral .

  20. 借款人可能被要求提供担保品以作借款抵押。

    Borrowers may be asked to collateralize the lians .

  21. 美联储把美国国债作为担保品给银行。

    The Fed gives banks treasury bonds as collateral .

  22. 从长远来看,重视担保品无疑是一件好事。

    In the long run , this focus is undoubtedly a good thing .

  23. 以船舶为担保品的借款

    Loan raised on the security of the vessel

  24. 除非被告同意,担保品应经法院核可。

    The security shall be examined by the court unless the defendant has accepted it .

  25. 伯南克表示:我们的评估显示,他们拥有大量担保品,来偿还我们的贷款。

    It was our assessment that they had plenty of collateral to repay our loan .

  26. 担保品&贷款的担保品可由借款人的多种资产组成。

    Collateral & The collateral for loans may consist of a variety of borrowers ' assets .

  27. 信用支持余额:指风险承受方持有的担保品经折减后的总价值。

    Credit support balance the total value of collateral held by the exposed party , after any haircuts .

  28. 在希腊,欧洲央行可能会修改其要求担保品必须符合一定债务评级的规定。

    In Greece , ECB rules that require collateral to have a certain debt rating may be changed .

  29. 要创建实际资本,美联储必须以高于市场的价格直接购买价值受损的担保品。

    To create real capital it would need to make outright purchases of impaired collateral at above-market prices .

  30. 因此,各方姗姗来迟地开始再度关注担保品问题。

    And so , belatedly , a move is now under way to focus on collateral issues again .