
  1. 发展中小企业融资途径的探讨&浅析商业承兑汇票贴现业务

    On Financing Way of Medium - sized and Small - sized Enterprises - On Discount Business of Commercial Acceptance Draft

  2. 窃取银行承兑汇票贴现行为的罪数形态在刑法理论上属牵连犯,即指行为人以实施某一犯罪为目的,其方法行为或结果行为又触犯其他罪名的犯罪形态。

    In its form , the action of filching and discounting bank acceptance belongs to the category of implicated offence in the theory of criminal law , which means the doers hold the target of commit a crime and their behaviors or results violate other laws .

  3. 商业承兑汇票转贴现申请人的抗辩是否成立?

    Can the Applicant for Re-discount of the Trade Acceptance Defense ?

  4. 上门收取承兑汇票办理贴现存在的风险及控制措施

    The Existing Risk in House Call Collecting Acceptance Draft and discounting Control Measure

  5. 本文对上门收取承兑汇票办理贴现存在的风险进行了分析,并提出具体的控制措施。

    The paper analysis the risk of making house call to collect acceptance draft and discounting ; give out the control measure in deatail .