
  1. 本规格书数据仅供参考,实际数据以产品承认书为准。

    The data on this specification is for reference only and the actual data is in accordance with the acknowledgment .

  2. 总工程师:负责电子材料类新物料承认书的审批,或代替项目经理审批新物料承认书。

    The project manager : shall responsible for the confirmation of the that is the structure and package new materials .

  3. 王晓东在接受美国《时代杂志》采访的时候承认,书之所以取这样的名字是一个计谋。

    Wang Xiaodong confessed in an interview with the US ''Time magazine that the book ' 's title is a bit of a ruse .

  4. 我本以为她会承认写这些书只是为了钱。

    I had expected her to confess that she only wrote these books for the money

  5. 如果说我要写下我的忏悔的话,我将不得不承认买下那些书纯粹是出于美观的原因。

    Were I to write my confessions , I would have to admit to buying books for purely aesthetic reasons .

  6. 基塔伊承认自己爱书成狂,他在1990年写道:我的画会以质朴的激情,从我的书中吸取养分。

    A self-confessed bibliophile , the artist wrote in 1990 , my books feed into the pictures I make with an untutored passion .

  7. 基塔伊承认自己爱书成狂,他在1990年写道:“我的画会以质朴的激情,从我的书中吸取养分。”

    A self-confessed bibliophile , the artist wrote in 1990 , " my books feed into the pictures I make with an untutored passion . "

  8. 作为一名学习Ruby的程序员,我承认:这本书很适合我,但可能不太适合更有经验的Ruby用户。

    As a programmer learning Ruby , I admit this is probably not as well-suited to me as to a more experienced Ruby users .

  9. 蓝宝石(BLUESAPHIERE)是其中的上品,会提供一份国际承认的品质保证书。

    The sapphire ( BLUE SAPHIERE ) is high-grade goods , will provide an international acknowledgment the quality written guarantee .

  10. 梅莱承认,这本书着眼的重点是广度,而不是深度。

    As Mele acknowledges , the book goes wide rather than deep .

  11. 比如,在高中的时候,我不得不承认我是个书呆子。

    So for example , in high school , I have to confess I was a mega-nerd .

  12. 我还从未见过一个作者承认人们因他的书枯燥无味而不买他的书呢。

    I have never met an author who admitted that people did not buy his book because it was dull .