- 名rating agency

Earlier this month , another credit rating agency downgraded United States government debt for the first time .
Standard Poor 's rating agency revised its outlook for GM 's credit from stable to negative , and said the present investment-grade rating was " tenuous " .
The insured losses from a series of explosions at a chemical warehouse in Tianjin on Aug 12 are likely to range from $ 1 billion to $ 1.5 billion , Fitch Ratings said in a report on Tuesday .
GMAC , that only too recently near-bankrupt finance company , carries recently upgraded B ratings from the rating services .
More strangely , the yen strengthened even though the ratings agency Standard Poor 's moved Japan 's long-term sovereign debt outlook to negative .
The securities and Exchange Commission has a strong lever that it can use to regulate the rating agencies .
The main obstacle to retiring the debt lies with the markets and credit rating agencies .
One of the multiple rating agencies reduced our rating from AAA to plus come down one notch .
Many rating agencies also have shown increasing interest in ALM of life insurance companies .
First , the markets and credit rating agencies should recognise that QE debt is not real debt .
Adding even $ 1 trillion shouldn 't affect the U.S.government 's AAA credit rating , according to rating services .
For example , the credit rating agencies , which rated Abacus 2007-AC1 triple A , were not named as defendants .
Already , the rating agencies have announced that our triple A credit rating is at risk – which was historically unthinkable .
Moody 's , a rating agency in which Warren Buffett 's investment company owns a17 % stake , is certainly in fine fettle .
The property is worth around $ 1.8 billion now , according to Fitch , a ratings agency .
In spite of last week 's warning from Standard Poor 's , the rating agency , about rising public debt , Britain has ( so far ) retained its triple A credit rating .
We expect ICBC will be looking to do a lot more acquisitions because they have a lot of money and they definitely want to go global , said May Yan , China banking analyst at Moody 's rating agency .
By 2006 , it could take a whole weekend for computers to perform the calculations needed to assess the risks of complex CDOs , admit officials at Standard Poor 's rating agency .
Add in political sensitivities , and it is no surprise that European regulators are eyeing the credit rating agencies .
Credit rating agencies also will not consider Greece to be in default based on missing the I.M.F. payment , for the technical reason that the I.M.F. is not considered a commercial borrower .
As long as these CDOs are not liquidated , they typically allow for payments to service providers , including ratings agencies .
Meanwhile in China , private sector debt has risen to 178 per cent of GDP , according to rating agency Fitch , a level comparable to troubled eurozone countries .
EU governments , the European Commission and many members of the European Parliament share the view that rating agencies contributed to the financial market turbulence that broke out last year by significantly underestimating the risks attached to structured credit products .
The ratings agencies are entitled to " ratings surveillance " payments under the terms of the contracts even when the CDO has performed poorly .
Credit ratings agencies have put the US on notice that its AAA rating may be cut if the debt ceiling is not raised in time to prevent a default .
The credit rating agency downgraded Japan one step from Aa2 to Aa3 .
Fitch , the rating agency , said nearly all of the November and December inflows have been into funds that invest exclusively in US government-backed securities .
The news came as Mary Schapiro , chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission , announced plans for a group of examiners to focus on supervising credit rating agencies such as SP and Moody 's.
Fitch , the credit rating agency , said the incoming Spanish government " must positively surprise investors with an ambitious and radical fiscal and structural reform programme " .
One former IFC head described that role as one of an " ethical ratings agency " , though it has made the organisation a target for development and environmental campaigners .