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píng bǐ
  • appraise through comparison;compare and assess;comparison
评比 [píng bǐ]
  • [comparison] 进行比较,评议高低或优劣

评比[píng bǐ]
  1. 企业班组评比中的Fuzzy评判方法

    The Fuzzy Judgement in the Comparison and Assessment Of Business Production Groups

  2. 早前该杂志曾在最佳选择汽车评比中为克莱斯勒的Ram1500车型打了最高分。

    The magazine earlier gave Chrysler 's Ram 1500 the top score for pickups .

  3. 在BCG评比的所有经济体中,中国的环境得分最低。

    It had the lowest score of any economy in the BCG rankings with regard to the environment .

  4. 周三晚,在电影节中,第一个亮相的电影是乔治·克鲁尼和桑德拉·布洛克的最新3D奥德赛电影《地球引力》,这部电影在评比中脱颖而出。

    Kicking off proceedings Wednesday evening was the world premiere of George Clooney and Sandra Bullock 's latest offering , the 3D odyssey ' Gravity ' which is showing out of competition .

  5. 根据校友职业发展、学校创意生成以及学员和师资多样化对MBA课程进行评比。

    MBAs are assessed according to the career progression of alumni , the school 's idea generation and the diversity of students and faculty .

  6. 最近,在PatEyler的blog中,对这些工具的特性进行了评比。

    Some of these tools were recently featured in a poll on Pat Eyler 's blog .

  7. 2006年收集到的数据(由2003年的EMBA毕业生提供)占50%的评比权重。

    The data collected in 2006 ( from the EMBA class that graduated in 2003 ) carries 50 per cent of the total weight .

  8. 在系统中使用改进的Apriori算法对数据库中保存的评比数据进行挖掘,找到各种评比的相关规律。

    In this system , it uses the improved Apriori Algorithm to mine the comparison and appraisal data in the database , and finds out all kinds of relevant rules .

  9. 通过专业评委的认真评比,优胜者还有机会亲临慕尼黑宝马总部,在BMW的周末活动中与BMW产品开发人员面对面地讨论自己的创意。

    The winner , which is selected by a jury of well-known experts , has the chance to come to Munich and discuss his ideas with the developers of BMW during a BMW activity weekend .

  10. 而用NPV和NAV评比互斥方案可以把绝对经济效果评价与相对经济效果比较结合起来,直接进行方案的选择。

    The methods of NPV or NAV combined the evaluation with the comparison of the economic effects of the mutually exclusive alternatives can be used to select the alternatives directly .

  11. 恰恰相反,据《消费者报告》的调查结果显示,麦当劳在评比中垫了底。上周三,这个产品检测组织公布了读者调查的结果,麦当劳(McDonald’s)的汉堡在调查中被评为美国最差汉堡之首。

    In fact , it 's just the opposite , according to a Consumer Reports survey . McDonald 's burgers as the worst in the U.S. , according to results of a reader poll released Wednesday by the product testing organization .

  12. 他对毕业生们说,他曾经因为创办了Facemash(Facebook的前身网站,允许学生们评比学校女生照片)而被哈佛学校董事会约谈。

    He told the graduates that he was scheduled to speak to the school board after building the website Facemash , an early precursor of Facebook that allowed students to compare the attractiveness of their fellow classmates .

  13. 特朗普总统在推特上对詹姆斯与CNN唐-雷蒙的采访表达了不屑,但名人堂成员迈克尔-乔丹对湖人前锋却送上了支持,即便詹姆斯在历史最佳的评比中已经对乔丹产生了实质性的威胁。

    In the wake of President Donald Trump 's disparaging Twitter comments on LeBron James ' interview with CNN 's Don Lemon , basketball Hall of Famer Michael Jordan expressed his backing of the Los Angeles Lakers forward who has become a viable threat to Jordan in the " greatest " debate among basketball pundits .

  14. 竞赛评比法在篮球选修课教学中的运用

    Application of Methods of Contest Appraisal in Teaching Basketball Elective Course

  15. 模糊数学方法在课件评比中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Mathematics to the Judgment and Comparison to Coursewares

  16. 谈谈地震速报评比软件及其研制

    Discussion on Evaluation Software of Earthquake Rapid Report and its Development

  17. 第3届中南星奖包装装潢设计评比展览会金银奖作品选登

    Works from the Third Middle South Star Competition for Package Design

  18. 模糊数学在出口食品质量评比中的应用

    Application on the Fuzzy Mathematics in grade estimation of export food

  19. 基于灰色关联分析的红旗车驾驶员评比研究

    Appraisement of Red Flag Car Drivers Base on Grey Incidence Analysis

  20. 高寒地区一年生牧草饲料作物引种评比试验

    Comparison trial on cultivated annual forage and crop in high-cold area

  21. 地磁资料质量评比的模式识别分析

    Pattern recognition analysis comparing and appraising quality of geomagnetic data

  22. 你的得分将要根据你完成任务的时间和任务的难度来评比。

    The number of points depends on your quickness and game level .

  23. 基于样条函数进行学生竞赛评比的可靠度分析

    Reliability Analysis of Student Competitions Comment Based on Spline Function

  24. 英语板报的评比营造了学习英语的浓浓氛围。

    The competition of English newsletter constructs strong atmosphere of learning English .

  25. 浅谈如何消减企业总结评比中的不公平感

    On how to reduce sense of unfairness in enterprise 's concluding evaluation

  26. 对观测资料质量评比标准的一点建议

    Suggestion of Criterion of Comparison and Assessing on Quality of Observation Data

  27. 第七、八届中国陶瓷艺术创新设计评比展。

    Seventh and Eighth China Ceramic Art Exhibition of Innovative Design competitions .

  28. 评比什么年度最佳父亲

    me in the running for daddy of the year .

  29. 现代网络方案评比的指标体系研究

    Research on Index of Comparing Modern LAN 's Schemes

  30. 各种聚合硫酸铁生产方法的评比

    Comparision of Various processes for Producing Polymerized Ferric Sulphate