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lüè guò
  • sweep past;skim over;sideswipe;fly past;glance;dash;flash;sweep across;flash across;fleet;move across;glide;lick;rush to;brush;rake
掠过 [lüè guò]
  • (1) [glance]∶倾斜地打击表面,呈一角度向前,常伴以一个或一个以上的倾斜冲击和向前的跳动

  • 扔扁平小石块使之轻轻地掠过池面

  • (2) [dash;flash;sweep past;skim over;sweep across;flash across;fleet]∶扫过,擦过;闪过

  • 云彩掠过天空

  • 他的手指在吉它的弦上掠过

  • 掠过他的头脑

  • (3) [move across]∶从上面飞过

  • 飞机在空中掠过

掠过[lüè guò]
  1. 请看看这些昆虫掠过水面的方式。

    Look at the way those insects skim over the water .

  2. 气垫船能掠过水面飞速行驶。

    The hovercraft is able to skim over the water .

  3. 她的脸上掠过一丝得意的冷笑。

    A faint sneer of satisfaction crossed her face .

  4. 他脸上掠过惊恐的神色。

    A look of terror flashed across his face .

  5. 一批又一批飞机从上空掠过。

    Wave after wave of aircraft passed overhead .

  6. 恼怒的神色从她脸上掠过。

    A look of annoyance crossed her face .

  7. 飞机掠过天空。

    A plane shot across the sky .

  8. 一片阴影掠过她的脸庞。

    A shadow fell across her face .

  9. 我脑海中掠过一个念头。

    A thought flitted through my mind .

  10. 探照灯从场地上掠过。

    Searchlights raked the grounds .

  11. 尚克利粗犷的脸上掠过一丝完全不信任的表情。

    A look of pure disbelief crossed Shankly 's rugged face .

  12. 他英俊的脸上掠过一丝大惑不解的神情。

    A look of utter confusion swept across his handsome face .

  13. 伯格侧着头,脸上掠过一丝调皮的神情。

    Berg tilts his head and a mischievous look crosses his face

  14. 她不语,从她脸上掠过的一丝表情可知她是认得的。

    An expression of dumb recognition wiggled across her features .

  15. 一叶小舟正轻轻掠过阳光下的海湾。

    The little boat was skimming across the sunlit surface of the bay .

  16. 我的视线掠过整幢大楼。

    I looked along the length of the building .

  17. 文森特苍白的面孔上掠过一丝微笑。

    A smile flickered across Vincent 's grey features .

  18. 他脸上忍不住掠过一丝感兴趣的神色。

    He was unable to prevent a look of interest from flitting across his features

  19. 4艘船都极其自如地掠过索伦特海峡。

    All four of the boats planed across the Solent with the greatest of ease .

  20. 美国战斗机低飞掠过城市。

    American fighter planes buzzed the city .

  21. 他嘴唇上掠过一丝微笑。

    A faint smile crossed his lips .

  22. 有什么东西掠过我的胳膊。

    Something brushed my arm .

  23. 得知男朋友平安夜前无法赶回来,她的脸上掠过一丝恼怒的神情。

    A look of annoyance crossed her face when she knew that her boyfriend couldn 't come back before Christmas Eve .

  24. 一道阴影掠过老太太慈祥的面孔。

    A shadow passed over the kindly face of the old woman .

  25. 一朵乌云从天上掠过。

    A dark cloud passed over the sky .

  26. 鸟儿掠过溪流。

    A bird skimmed over the stream .

  27. 闪电掠过夜空。

    Lightning swept across the right sky .

  28. 飞机从上空掠过。

    Planes were sweeping past .

  29. 当飞机在村庄上空掠过时,孩子们欢呼起来。

    The children cheered as the plane swept low over the village .

  30. 自行车从我一旁掠过。

    The bicycle just brushed me as it passed .