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xīn kǔ
  • hard;work hard;laborious;difficulty;toilsome;pungent
辛苦 [xīn kǔ]
  • [pungent;hard;toilsome] 原指味道辛辣而苦,比喻艰难困苦

  • 辛苦遭逢。--宋. 文天祥《过零丁洋》

辛苦[xīn kǔ]
  1. 辛苦劳累那么久,你该休息一下了。

    You deserve a rest after all that hard work .

  2. 她工作虽辛苦,但薪水不低。

    Her job is hard work , but the pay is good .

  3. 对于这项工作的辛苦,我从不存错误的幻想。

    I 'm under no illusions about what hard work this will be .

  4. 在这么一个宜人的傍晚步行回家一点也不辛苦。

    It was no hardship to walk home on such a lovely evening .

  5. 别把辛苦挣来的钱浪费在那上头!

    Don 't waste good money on that !

  6. 他的胜利被视为训练期间所有辛苦的回报。

    His victory was seen as payback for all the hard work he 'd put in during training .

  7. 摘水果的工作无聊,报酬低,还非常辛苦。

    Fruit-picking is boring , badly paid and very hard work .

  8. 辛苦了一天后她想喝上一杯。

    She felt like a drink after a hard day .

  9. 他们在不安全的工作环境下长时间辛苦劳作,却只有微薄的工资。

    They suffered long hours , unsafe working conditions and skimpy pay .

  10. 工作一天比一天辛苦。

    Work becomes harder with each passing day .

  11. 那些全是凭辛苦的劳动得来的。

    That 's down to pure hard work .

  12. 他在录音棚里流着眼泪抹掉他辛苦录制的所有磁带。

    He was in the studio tearfully erasing all the tapes he 'd slaved over

  13. 该行业的没落给数以千计辛苦经营的商贩带来了难言的苦楚。

    The demise of the industry has caused untold misery to thousands of hard-working tradesmen

  14. 照顾学龄前的孩子非常辛苦。

    Looking after pre-school children is very tiring

  15. 写这本书是一大乐事,辛苦绝对是心甘情愿。

    Writing this book has been a great pleasure , a true labour of love .

  16. 所有这些都能帮助放松身心,缓解日常生活的辛苦带来的压力。

    All of these help relax and de-stress you from the rigors of daily life .

  17. 我们认为完成这项任务所必须付出的时间与辛苦都是值得的。

    We believe the time and hard work involved in completing such an assignment are worthwhile

  18. 他们以往辛苦学得的技能没什么大用处。

    Their old hard-won skills were irrelevant

  19. 在昏暗潮湿的工厂辛苦劳作的人们累得无力再去享受家庭生活。

    People who toiled in dim , dank factories were too exhausted to enjoy their family life

  20. 辛苦了一天后,多数人想在电视机前放松一下。

    After a hard day 's work most people want to relax in front of the telly .

  21. 工人们长时间辛苦劳动。

    Workers toiled long hours .

  22. 两天的辛苦劳累过后,发僵的是胳膊和双手,腿倒没事。

    After two days ' exertions , it 's the arms and hands that seize up , not the legs

  23. 辛苦一天之后美美地泡个热水澡比什么都强。

    Nothing quite beats the luxury of soaking in a long , hot bath at the end of a tiring day

  24. 辛苦了一整天之后,最不愿意做的事情就是在热烘烘的炉子前再忙活上好几个钟头。

    When you 're busy all day the last thing you want to do is spend hours slaving over a hot stove .

  25. 我原以为只要辛苦点儿,驾车一天就可以到达成都。但是我没有考虑到山体滑坡。

    I thought that it would take only a day of hard driving to reach Chengdu . But I had reckoned without the landslides .

  26. “身居高位很辛苦,”他说。“在底层更辛苦,”这个亿万富翁机敏地回答道。

    ' It 's tough at the top , ' he said . ' It 's tougher at the bottom , ' riposted the billionaire .

  27. 整理这些报告是件很辛苦的事。

    Sorting these reports out is going to be a hard job .

  28. 他以他辛苦的劳动换取食物和栖身之所。

    In return for his labour , he receives food and shelter .

  29. 这份工作很辛苦,但报酬丰厚。

    This job is really hard , but the financial rewards are great .

  30. 他因常年辛苦工作而白发苍苍。

    Years of toil blanched his hair .